Royal Intrigue: Closed Thread

When Vallin withdrew from her depths she almost whimpered at the loss, her eyes opening to silently watch him as he licked his fingers, her cheeks flushing with desire. The fact that it was such an erotic movement, yet he seemed completely unaware of the effect it had only pulled her deeper.

As he knelt between her legs she thought she knew what to expect, looking forward to him burying himself between her hips but, as his fingers trailed up her legs teasing her, Elisa sighed in a mix of satisfaction and need, he felt so good with every touch but all it did was make her want more.

Feeling his lips replace his fingers, holding her as he kissed up her legs slowly she gently moaned, almost under her breath, lost in the feeling each time he triggered her nerves as he hit every sensitive point of her skin over and over. Every time he neared her hips she stiffened, waiting for more, only to be tortured in the sweetest way possible as he moved away again.

"Ohhh, you feel so good, wow" she breathed, unconsciously echoing what she'd heard from him.

So much for her being the one teaching him, given barely any instruction he was already so sensual, she couldn't remember ever feeling this indulged before. Even though he was hesitant, he was also attentive and arousing and seemed determined to learn, almost too quickly, driving her need forward.

Her next moan ground out louder, laced with relief amongst the lustful longing as she felt him lavish attention over her sex where she most craved, his lips, tongue and long fingers all joining to inflame her need. Elisa bunched the sheets beneath her within her fists as shocks ran through her.

Eventually he reached her most sensitive nub that she'd shown him and her mind floated as her breath hitched. She lifted her hands to dig her fingers into the sides of the pillow underneath her head, her eyes widening for a moment before fluttering closed again as her head tilted back, letting out moans of desire. Her mouth opened in a circle of lust, her body stretching and arching to feel more of him as his tongue drifted relentlessly now over her clit.

This was absolute perfection, she could feel the heat growing in her core and tried to remain still as he lapped against her repeatedly but that only hastened the sensations, her hips bucking against his tongue when she couldn't stand it any more.

"Please, gods, ohh, please, don't stop" she begged, the words stretching out longingly as she felt herself approaching what she needed.

Elisa moaned yet again as she tensed and crested her peak, pressing against him as her climax pulsed through her in wave after wave, shaking against him, the sound turning to a long needy cry. She put her fingers over her mouth to muffle enough sound that only Vallin would be able to hear her clearly, biting her knuckle hard enough to leave teeth marks. If she let herself cry out as much as she needed to, as much as his tongue was making her, she could get every guard in the palace running immediately.

She let out a long shuddering sigh as her body finally relaxed back into the sheets, feeling unable to move, only just able to catch her breath in halting gasps. She could not speak for a long moment, even to thank him, taking time to regain enough strength to pull him to her as she trembled, needing something solid to hold to and right now that was him.

Her eyes opened slowly, unfocused and hooded as she gazed at him, feeling so vulnerable she could barely breathe. He was so tender and gentle yet so deft at bringing her pleasure, at a moment when she’d expected so little that it almost broke her.

"Vallin...." she breathed as if it was a complete sentence, helpless to find any other words.
Vallin listened to her body and her words. He did not stop until her body relaxed and she pulled him close. He licked her juices from his fingers as he pulled her close, instinctively slipping her head beneath his chin. He could feel and smell her pretty curls.

He held her close softly rubbing her back. He found himself smiling. He thought based on her reactions that he had done alright. He was glad. His body had enjoyed all his attentions to her, hard again pressing to her leg. His fingertips slid down her spine. “I can see why you enjoyed my pleasure, that was enjoyable. Why do the other lords think it’s so bad?” He asked finally.
Pulled against Vallin’s chest Elisa relaxed completely, feeling weightless as she lay against him, her body seemed to mould perfectly to his as she nestled into his shoulder, laying her hand against his torso, her fulfilled sigh almost a purr. The contrast between them felt somehow perfect for the moment, his strong arms holding her safely when she felt spent, the sensation of his tunic underneath her only highlighting her nakedness. This should feel wrong, she was supposed to be seducing him, not enjoying being with him but only the way this felt right now seemed to matter.

Gentle sparks of pleasure ran through her as his fingers drifted across her back, soothing her, her eyes drifting closed in contentment as she considered his words.

“Apparently because only whores and the common women wish to enjoy sex” Elisa lazily remarked, no bitterness in her words as she answered him, knowing it was the mere truth, at least among most lords in the palace.

“Noble women should be gifting pleasure, not wasting a lord’s time purely to receive it, or so they say. Many of the lords gain no pleasure from the joy of others, I’m sure you have seen that for yourself, to them others only exist as pawns for their own enjoyment.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed that however, it felt like heaven to me. If you only wished me to teach you to give me more pleasure than any lord has before, then I’m afraid you no longer need a teacher, you have mastered that already. If you would like more enjoyment there is more I can show you, if you trust me to undress with me...”

Her hand drifted from where it lay over his heart down across his stomach, skimming longingly over his hardness.
Vallin smiled softly as she lay against him. “Why would I not trust you enough to undress?” He asked curiously. He wondered if he had missed something, should he have already stripped, did his not mean he did not trust her. He sat up quickly and tugged his tunic off and then tentatively reached for his hose. He had been naked and in her mouth but that was in the dark, this was in the light, and he hesitated, his cheeks filling with pink.

Finally he pulled off his pants. “You are kind to believe that I am already so good at pleasing you. Surely that cannot be, I cannot be that good yet?”

Undressed he sat on the bed once more before laying back down beside her. He was not sure what came next, so this time waited for her to make the next move. She had hinted there was more to come, but he wanted her to lead him there.
Elisa was surprised but pleased at Vallin’s words, as far as she knew he was so inexperienced with the things she was showing him but seemed to trust her so easily, which she hadn’t expected from their earlier conversations. He failed to show any understanding throughout the evening of why he might not want to trust her with his body, of how others would use seduction as such a harsh manipulative tool, and that she might be the same, but she was happy he felt this way with her.

“If you could not tell by seeing my pleasure you will have to take my word on it” she smiled, answering his query.

Watching him undress she appreciated his figure, a shiver running through her at his broad yet agile frame, already picturing what she envisioned occurring next. As he turned his back to her to remove his hose she was distracted for a moment by the sight of a mark, a tattooed drawing on his back placed over his shoulder blade. It depicted a falcon, almost as if ready to take flight, surrounded by a red circle. The circle piqued her memory, reminding her of something she couldn’t grasp but she was far too relaxed to press further into her mind.

She’d thought the bird theme for the ball was only to match with his family but perhaps it was more personal to him, based on this. She wondered what it meant but now wasn’t a time to ask and move on to personal stories.

Elisa raised herself up on one arm beside him as he lay back next to her, her body still feeling heavy but not willing to give into the temptation to rest for too long just at that moment, when the night still held so much promise.

Leaning over him, her breasts pressing softly against his chest, Elisa slowly brought her lips to meet Vallin’s, initiating slow soft kisses which gradually became longer and deeper as he did not seem to want to resist her.

She slowly traced the fingers of her free hand down his chest, working at a leisurely pace across his stomach and down his thighs, trailing up and down his inner thighs until she stroked along his hardness, excited by how much it felt he wanted her again.

Breaking their kiss, Elisa raised herself a little again to gaze into his eyes as she continued to tease lightly along his length, her thumb drifting over his tip as she watched him.

“I can show you the pleasure the lords much prefer now if you wish, not to deny that it would feel very pleasurable for me as well.”
Vallin let himself get lost in the sweet bliss of her touch. He was highly aware of her every touch, from the brush of her breast to his chest, to the curve of her fingers around his hardened shaft. As her thumb stroked over the tip of him he gasped biting his lower lip.

“What.” He started clearing his throat, “I would like to know what comes next. Is this the part,” he shrugged a little, “If you’ll forgive the crude quote of a sailor. ‘Then she climbs atop you and rides you into the sunset boy?’” He flushed at such a graphic quote, but he was well past being able to find fancy words. He was well beyond whatever scripts for these things he might have known. “Though the sailors are crude, they are actually quite informative,” he added, getting sidetracked by explaining a little bit of where he got his knowledge. “I want to enjoy whatever comes next, I trust you will make it as enjoyable as the rest has been,” as he spoke, he let his fingers trail through her hair. He felt the curls tease against his fingertips before he was free of them and sliding his fingertips down her spine to splay his hand against her lower back unconsciously holding her closer.
Elisa laughed as Vallin revealed what he'd heard, his words unexpected but she was amused as he revealed who his tutors in what to expect in bed had been. She hadn't known what he did with his time but it sounded as though what he'd missed in personal experience he spent enough time with people, and not the stuffy nobility at that, to gain the knowledge. She'd expected he was possibly quite reclusive but from these scraps he revealed about himself it seemed not.

"I'm afraid we have missed the sunset already, but yes, the rest could be accurate" she joked. "I can't guarantee how much sailors have in common with lords in that way of course, but I suspect more than they'd wish to admit."

As if to demonstrate the truth of what he'd heard, and following along the gentle grasp of his hand against her back, she slid her leg over his to straddle his lap. Reaching between them she slowly trailed his manhood across her damp core, leaving his tip nestled at her entrance. She leant her hands either side of his head, gently pressing against him, working first the very tip of him in and out of her, she drew him deeper, achingly slowly inch by inch.

It had been far too long since she'd been able to take her time like this, let alone tease someone, and it felt wonderful, every part of his length teasing against her core until eventually he filled her completely. She stopped moving, feeling him twitch inside her, causing herself sweet torture not to move against him for a long moment.

It felt odd but strangely arousing to know this was the first time he had felt this, that he trusted her so easily not to hurt or misuse him in that moment and she was determined to repay that trust, however much the feel of him distracted her and made her want to ride him to indeed many sunsets.

Stretching her body against his, her breasts teasing against his chest as her hips ground him deeper into her, she gasped softly as her movements pressed him harder against her inner nerves, shifting to bring their faces close again.

"You can tell me how enjoyable I make it, I don't intend to be the only one feeling as much pleasure as possible." she murmured as her hand cupped his cheek, gazing into his face with no discomfort, only the longing that overtook her completely as she allowed her hips to move around him again, sliding slowly up and around his length.

Her eyes darkened with desire, there were so many things already crowding into her mind she wanted to do to him, he seemed to electrify her desire that had felt dormant for far far too long. Jefferson had made her climax, she couldn't lie and deny that, but that had been a side effect almost of his need, as if she was only worth whatever scraps were left over once he was satisfied. He hadn't for a long time made her feel this wanton, in fact had he ever made her feel quite like this?
Vallin felt her straddle him. He could only smile. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting for his first time. He was sure though that with his brother’s widow during the summer festival would not have been in his dreams let alone his prediction for himself.

However, it was real and he couldn’t help the moan of pleasure as she slid him into her, rocking slowly as she took him deeper. “It feels good,” he told her smiling. He didn’t lean into her touch, he was still self-conscious of his face, and yet he didn’t pull away which was progress. His blue eyes met the brown of hers as he slid his hands both of them up and down her back, just enjoying and exploring the feel of her.

No sailor’s description could have prepared him for this. He flexed his hips a bit to meet her strokes, but she did most of the work, set the pace. He had a slight smile as she moved, it was clear that he was so used to schooling his emotions that they did not come out as truly demonstrative yet his pleasure was still undeniable.

His hand slid up into her curls and lifted his head to kiss her, hand on the back of her head. “Thank you for sharing this with me,” he breathed against her lips.
After Vallin craned up to her, Elisa leant on her elbows, keeping her weight off him as she came closer to him when he lay back, enjoying the feel of his lips on hers again. Her fingers stroked through his hair, freeing it from where it was tied back, wanting to keep touching him. His hands across her back and trailing through her hair encouraged her further, sending sparks through her but nowhere near as much as feeling him between her legs.

“Thank you for allowing me to show this to you” she responded, saying less than she could but wanting to stay genuine with him.

Other men in the same position would have found plenty to say, uttered reams of compliments, and she’d have been expected to flatter them back equally, virtually quoting poetry to each other, but it would mean so much less and sound so hollow, compared to Vallin’s honest and immediate reaction to feeling her against him. Just seeing his soft smile felt like confirmation enough of his enjoyment, she didn’t need some borrowed words that were made to sound convincing.

Leaning down to meet his lips, she started lightly, only then drawing him into a more passionate kiss as she rode him. She could still clearly remember the sensation of watching him come undone out in the garden maze and the thought of that alone sent a shiver through her as she moved against him and hoped to repeat the reaction for both of them.

Building a steady rhythm she slowly rolled her hips against him, gently sliding him in and out of her depths, feeling the heat rise within her, his length igniting her nerves.