Salvation of a New World

Emily had never seen a deer in person, nor a couple other animals she spied on the way to town. She watched them with wide-eyed wonder, feeling incredibly lucky that she had been given the opportunity to see them in this life. It felt like some kind of fairy tail movie, the animals seemingly aware and curious about them.

She too thought the tree in the middle of the road was odd, but she hadn’t felt any fear until Adam told her to hide. The young woman quickly got off his back and made to limp for a nearby bush when she heard an unfamiliar voice. Emily whipped around and tensed, her eyes going to the ax in the man’s hand.

It didn’t take a genius to deduce that this man had ambushed them in order to squeeze money from their purse, and that it wasn’t above board. However, she didn’t have the experience to know that there were men in the trees as well until the man said “we” and “us.” This revelation made her heart start to quicken, the danger of the situation sinking in more.

Her eyes widened as the man suggested that she repay them. Was he suggesting what she thought he was suggesting? She recoiled a step and cast her eyes around, trying to find the other men but finding that they were too camouflaged for her eyes. She appreciated that Adam was willing to fight for her, but she didn’t want him to get hurt, nor did she want to be separated from him if they won.

It didn’t matter what she wanted though, the tension escalating as Adam pulled out his sword. It was then that she was able to make eye-contact with an archer. He had a shit-eating grin on his face as though he knew he could stick her friend with his arrow without issue, his bow drawn and poised to shoot in just a moment. Adam only had a sword, he wasn’t going to able to deflect a sword and multiple arrows if they fired at once.

The sound of multiple arrows firing could be heard, and in that moment she panicked. Fear rose in her heart for her friend, the urge to protect him surging through her. It exploded out of her as a blinding wave of force and light, knocking everyone but Adam over. One them screamed about his eyes, the men apparently blinded by the powerful light she had emitted.
IC: Aram Stonemoor

"Not happening." That was it. Aram drew his sword and moved to put himself between Emily and the arrows coming from the trees.

The fight started.

It wasn't going to be a long one. No sooner than he drew his sword the hidden archers let loose and three arrows flew out from the cover of the trees all aimed straight at him.

Then suddenly above and behind him there was a blinding flash of light and resounding boom. A great rush of air blew past him and gaining force. Force strong enough that it bent the branches of the treeline back like they were now in the midst of a sudden windstorm, When it was over the wind died down and the bright flash of light was gone. The others with the bones were prone on the ground crying out how they'd been blinded by the flash of light. The arrows that'd been flying straight for him were now laying on the ground at his feet. That sudden buffeting burst of wind having knocked them wildly off their course.

"Damn it, lads," Raored the fat man rubbing his one good eye, "The girl's a mage. Shoot her before she casts again, and I'll take the punk kid."

He came at him making broad swings with his axe. They were strong, but whether through his vision being impaired by that flash of light or the imprecision of his swings Aram easily sidestepped away. His blade lowered as he did and split open the man's massive gut. He collapse in front of Emily clutching at the wound, trying to keep his intestines from spilling out. It would take a minute or two but he was a dead man already. However, in that time he may still hurt Emily while Aram was dealing with the archers. So he turned and drove the sword into his back and through his chest.

The last act of life the fat man made was coughing up a spit of blood that splattered Emily's pristine robe. He didn't have time to say how sorry he was to Emily. The archers were recovering from their sudden bout of blindness and knocking new arrows to their bows. Those bows aimed at Emily now.

He had to move. Spinning around he made for the trees roaring a battlecry at the top of his lungs to draw their attention away from her as their target. This wasn't vanity or even a lust for murder...he didn't want to kill any of these people, but if he did not they would try to kill Emily and Aram would not allow that to happen under any circumstances.
She flinched as the flecks of blood sprayed upon her, her wide, terrified eyes watching as the man who had been threatening them moments ago died with his intestines in his hands. In the hospital, she had seen bodies before, mostly of those who hadn't woken up. The patients that were actively awake while it happened had been rushed away in an attempt to save them, so she hadn't been witness to anyone actually dying in front of her. Even if she had, this was much different. This was brutal and horrifying in a way she hadn't experienced before.

Her body shook and she suddenly felt dizzy and sick, nausea rising up in her stomach until she bent over and vomited what little contents her stomach still held. She then fell to her hands and knees and retched, as though her body was trying to purge the image of the sliced-open man from her very being. Emily's head felt dizzy and pressured at the same time, the woman unable to concentrate on anything but the feelings that were overwhelming her.
IC: Aram Stonemoor

He had to move. Spinning around he made for the trees roaring a battlecry at the top of his lungs to draw their attention away from her as their target. This wasn't vanity or even a lust for murder...he didn't want to kill any of these people, but if he did not, they would try to kill Emily and Aram would not allow that to happen under any circumstances.

So, he charged straight at them. Fortunately, the two men and one woman with bows and arrows were still blinking trying to regain their ability to see after catching the full brunt of that blinding flash of light Emily had brilliantly produced. He was able to close the distance without getting littered with arrows. The first archer was furiously blinking his eyes and trying to aim a shot on him solely by ear. The arrow went wide and thunked into the side of a tree before he cut him down.

The second was finally able to shake off the blindness and aim on him. Unfortunately, Aram was right on top of him and he joined his fellow spreading his lifeblood on the forest floor. The third threw her bow down onto the ground and turned from him deeper into the forest crying for her life.

Noting how Emily didn't have a weapon in this encounter Aram scooped up the bow and collected one of the quivers of arrows from one of the dead archers. That done he returned to the road and saw Emily bent over drawing deep breaths and her body quivering.

His heart went ice cold.

Oh no, was she hit?

"Emily," He cried rushing back over to her, "Are you hurt?"

He lowered to one knee and laid a hand on her back to console her. "Don't worry, they're dead. They won't hurt you now."
She flinched when she felt the hand upon her back, her face turning to him. The woman had tears in her opaline eyes, her face pale from the shock of the whole incident.

“Th-they’re dead…” she whispered in a soft tone as if to confirm it out loud, though it was clear that her feelings were more of shock and horror than they were of relief. There was no doubt that she was grateful to him for keeping her safe, but as she turned back to the man before her, she couldn’t help but cry.

In his final moments he had looked afraid, apologetic, almost as though his eyes were pleading for her help or mercy. Even though he was a scoundrel who had very questionable morals, she wasn’t sure whether he truly deserved to die. In the bushes, she knew there were other bodies, other humans who had been alive mere moments ago. It stirred up equal measures of fear and pity in her heart, and it had nowhere to go but down her cheeks.
IC: Aram Stonemoor

"Emily," He cried rushing back over to her, "Are you hurt?"

He lowered to one knee and laid a hand on her back to console her. "Don't worry, they're dead. They won't hurt you now."

He noted how she jumped when his hand made contact upon her body. He watched as she lifted her beautiful face to look up at him in response, but what he saw was a face marred with tears and a terrible horror and shock. "Emily?"

"Th-they're dead..." She repeated in a whispered tone of words.

He blinked a little puzzled by her expression. He defended her, shouldn't she be happier that she suvived. He followed her eyes as she looked down back to the fat one-eyed brigand bleeding into the mud of the road.

Something terrible was slowly dawning on his awareness. "Emily? That world you come from...was this the first time you've ever seen someone killed in front of you?"
He said “first time” as though this sort of thing happened a lot. It only made any words she would have said catch in her throat. Unable to speak for the moment, she simply nodded in affirmation that this was indeed her first time. She felt so small, so alone in this strange and dangerous place. Now it was really sinking in how dangerous the road before her would be. Emily was all alone, in a world where killing was commonplace.

No, she wasn’t alone actually. Aram was there beside her, someone who had literally carried her for miles. She turned to him and collapsed against his chest, sobbing unabashedly into his shirt. A splotch of blood smeared onto her face but she didn’t care for the moment, the stopper on her voice having been uncorked.

“Not like this.. they would die of sicknesses, or-or accidents, b-but not like this…” Emily tried to stop, but her tears simply continued flowing, her body wracking with fear, grief, and shock.
IC: Aram Stonemoor

Something terrible was slowly dawning on his awareness. "Emily? That world you come from...was this the first time you've ever seen someone killed in front of you?"

She turned her eyes away from the dead man and back to Aram. There he saw just how much anguish and shock she was struggling with. He was rocked back when she fell into him wrapping her arms around his body holding him tight and burying her head into his chest. Her body shook with the rigors of her crying tears of an innocence brutally and dismissively defiled before her very eyes.

Aram's sword landed in the mud of the road and his arms wrapped around her.

"Not like this..." She sobbed into his tunic, "...They would die of sickness, or-or accidents, but not like this..."

His arms tightened around her, just holding her, "It's okay...just let it out, Emily."
She continued to weep for several minutes, feeling vulnerable but safe in his arms. Though his hands had killed men right before her eyes, she knew in her bones that he would never direct a blade toward her. He had a kind heart, one that could be trusted. Eventually she sniffled and drew back a bit, still in his arms, but back enough to lift her tear-stained face. There was a streak of blood there, the blood having run down a bit from her crying.

Her lip wobbled a bit before she spoke, her voice a bit shaky. “Aram? How can I go on with the Goddess’s mission if all this death is common? How can I survive in a place where swords and arrows could be waiting behind each curve in the road?”
IC: Aram Stonemoor

His arms tightened around her, just holding her, "It's okay...just let it out, Emily."

They remained like that for a while. Aram holding her nad Emily just letting the torrent of emotions she was struggling with out.

Finally she snuffled and pulled away to look at him and with a shaking voice she asked, "Aram? How can I go on with the Goddess’s mission if all this death is common? How can I survive in a place where swords and arrows could be waiting behind each curve in the road?”

"I-" Aram paused wishing he could assuage her, but the undeniable truth was...he couldn't. "...I don't know, Emily. I just think it's something you're going to have to deal with if you want to do what she wants you to though."

But then he nodded to her, "But whatever you do know that you will atleast have my support...or the best support I can provide to you."
The answer of “deal with it” wasn’t doing much for her spirits, the woman starting to droop a bit before he continued speaking. She realized that while he may have stumbled over the right words to use, what he meant was that she was going to have to overcome it and become stronger to persist on her path.

Emily sniffled slightly, a small smile on her lips. He was just as vulnerable to death as she was and he could go at any time. And yet… his words comforted her greatly. She didn’t have to scrabble around in the darkness, lightless and hopeless, waiting for something in the shadows to take her. Aran was the flickering candle in her hand, the heat and light that struggled to chase away the shadows, yet was far brighter than he realized.

“Thank you, Aram,” she said softly, leaning forward and kissing him gently on the forehead. Her lips left a mark, a small star upon his skin.
IC: Aram Stonemoor

"I-" Aram paused wishing he could assuage her, but the undeniable truth was...he couldn't. "...I don't know, Emily. I just think it's something you're going to have to deal with if you want to do what she wants you to though."

But then he nodded to her, "But whatever you do know that you will atleast have my support...or the best support I can provide to you."

As soon as he heard him say all that Aram was already kicking himself. Could he have said anything more contrite than that? She must be thinking how absolutely useless he was in her time of need. He wanted to help her, but he couldn't come up with anything better to say to her than that ridiculous dribble. He'd always been terrible with girls especially fancy, high class ones, like Emily. Too often opening his mouth to insert his boot there when trying to talk to one.

Aram wanted to shrink away and go drown himself in the river there.

But then Emily leaned in giving him a brief soft but dazzling kiss whose warmth seemed to linger on his forehead saying, "Thank you, Aram."

He blinked at that, "You mean, I said the right thing? I helped you feel better? I didn't ruin it?"

He lifted fingers to the place she had kissed him and smiled. "Uh, I guess-you're welcome, Emily."
That got a bit of a chuckle out of her, a bit of warmth coming back to her cheeks. His earnestness was still very cute, even if he didn’t have much self-confidence. Though truthfully, him lacking in that department made her feel better about herself. She too had to build up her own self-confidence, the lady feeling a sense of comradery with him.

She was feeling a little stronger now; though she wasn’t completely comfortable in this world still, she felt that she would now be steadier on her feet. The woman got up off the ground and stood over him, her hand extending down toward him. Emily stood straighter, the blood on her cheek looking more like war paint on a leader rather than a stain upon a maiden.
IC: Aram Stonemoor

He lifted fingers to the place she had kissed him and smiled. "Uh, I guess-you're welcome, Emily."

The sound of her amusement at his words made him worry she was mocking him, but then came the warm radiant grin hit him like bright sunlight through the gloom of a cloudy sky. In the face of such light the shadows of worry and doubts could not last within him. Aram found himself chuckling with her.

He bent down and retrieved the brigand's purse. He might not be able to return these back to the people he took them from, but at least he'll be able to give this to the orphanage.

"Well, I guess, we should get going," He said turning for her to climb onto his back like before. "We still have a long road ahead of us to go."
She felt a bit awkward, standing there with her hand out to him as he turned away and got up on his own, the lady trying to pass it off by coughing and brushing off her robe a bit. It was just one of those situations where she couldn’t blame him for not seeing it, and didn’t want to draw attention to it lest it make things more awkward. Thus, she got back into his back once more, her arms again moving loosely around his neck as her thighs hugged her.

Her gaze was averted from the corpses, knowing that to look was to give into fear once more. It was time to move on, to look forward, so she set her jaw and focused on the path they would walk down rather than the gruesome scene.
IC: Aram Stonemoor

"Well, I guess, we should get going," He said turning for her to climb onto his back like before. "We still have a long road ahead of us to go."

They began on their trek down the road. Emily being carried as Aram trudged onward. The forest thinned out as they went verging on open fields and pastures and then to cultivated farms tall with wheat or vegetables or flocks of sheep or geese approaching and following Emily as she was carried down the road. Eventually they came across a farmer on a wagon full of vegetables to be brought to market in Lorenstown. He had a mean looking hound sitting beside him on the cart that jumped down to hop on two legs howling for joy and licking their hands.

"Oy there," The farmer called out to them, "Ole Bo, don't like nobody, but you two young'ens...he takes a whopping shine to? Must be alright by me. Where you off to?"

"We're adventurers in the guild," Aram answered him, "We just finished a mission in the forest, and are heading back to town."

"If you're pretty friend is hurt you two can ride in back," He offered to them, "Ole Bo looks to vouch for you, and that's good enough for me."

They climbed onto the back of the wagon with Ole Bo stretched out over both of their laps on his back. Tail-wagging happily as it begged Emily for a good belly rubbing.

The farmer laughed at that, "Ole Bo aint act like that since he was a pup. He must really like you miss."
Emily ended up dozing off a bit here and there, the gentle movement of his back rocking and relaxing her enough for a brief snooze. She woke up to the honks of geese though, the lady intrigued by them. In her previous life, she hadn't ever seen them up close, but had watched several videos of them and had adored the way their feathery butts wiggled as they walked. They were just as cute and funny in real life, getting a little giggle from her when several of them took to following them.

To her, the hound had looked more bored rather than mean. Regardless, she was absolutely delighted when it ran over to them and started excitedly bouncing around them. Letting one of her hands hang down, another giggle came from her when the dog licked her, finding it to be ticklish and incredibly adorable. She could hardly believe it when the farmer told them that the dog was usually a grumpy old mutt, having seen how much joy and life the dog had in him at the sight of them.

"Thank you, sir," she said gratefully as he allowed them to get into the cart. It seemed as though Aram had the strength to walk her straight to the village, but she didn't want to tax him any more than necessary and already felt more than a little guilty about it. It was nice to sit down, and she sighed as she did so, soon after getting a surprise dog in her lap. She laughed, the dog's silliness seemingly infectious. If Ol Bo wanted a belly rub, then who was she to deny him? Her hands went to his tummy and she enthusiastically rubbed him, the delight of the situation evident on her beaming face. Dogs were occasionally allowed in her ward of the hospital, so they were a very special treat to be around and she felt very fondly toward them.

"Well I really like Bo too," she answered happily, scratching the hound behind the ear.
IC: Aram Stonemoor

They climbed onto the back of the wagon with Ole Bo stretched out over both of their laps on his back. Tail-wagging happily as it begged Emily for a good belly rubbing.

The farmer laughed at that, "Ole Bo aint act like that since he was a pup. He must really like you miss."

It was not a large wagon and Aram had to sit next to Emily on the back of it right up against her. So the hound dog, Ole Bo, lay sprawled across both their laps his wagging tail hitting him in the side and thigh. Aram smiled as Emily smiled down at the ecstatic mutt scratching it right in the sweet spot behind its ears.

"Thank you, sir," To the farmer's comment she replied, "Well, I really like Bo too."

He reached down and joined her in giving it a good rub on the exposed belly. Bo rewarded him with a twitching leg that hit him in the ribs. Not hard enough to hurt...just enough to make him flinch. He chuckled, "It seems pretty much since you got here, Emily, everyone you meet falls in love with you: the pixies, the deer, and sheep and geese, even Bo and me-"

He stopped himself as he realized what he had just said to her. He looked the other way color rising in his cheeks. Now he'd done it again. Opened mouth and inserted boot yet again, Aram. "...errr...I mean as just comrades of course..." He trailed off with some nervous laughter.

Fortunately the farmer bailed him out and called back from the front of the cart as the mule pulling the wagon got them headed down the road once more. "Jordy aint no fool, me, but he takes Ole Bo with me today in case of trouble. I hear of people tell of brigands on the road causing a ruckus to any poor saps trying to travel it alone lately. Lucky for you he came on you before them. You two are just the type to get beset by those neer-do-wells. Yessir."

"We already ran into them, sir, back at the edge of the forest." Aram responded thankful for the distraction from his slip up, "If they still prey on travelers on the road you and some of the other farmers could post a mission on the board at the guild. We'd clean those bandits out for you."
“Oh! Um, yes. Haha…” She replied, turning her full attention to rubbing Bo’s belly after her own bout of nervous laughter. Truth be told, his comment made her feel both giddy and awkward, and she wasn’t sure how the best way to respond would have been. All she could do was turn her face to the dog and pretend that her own cheeks weren’t flushed. Of course he meant as “comrades”- they had only known each other for a brief time. Still, the thought of him saying something sweet like that to her made her heart skip a beat, and she wished she new how to be calm and cool in her response.

Had she been one of the ladies from a movie she might have had the good grace to say something sweet back, but she feared that more words would just mean more opportunity for her to say something that would end in him looking at her like she was some kind of weirdo. Something like, “your hands look very manly,” or “I guess I just have that animal magnetism.”

The part about the bandits mad her cringe slightly, but she mostly ignored it, being that it was behind them now. It was more beneficial for her to be looking at things in the present or near future. As her mind wandered, she wondered how his back was doing, considering he had literally carried her for miles.

Leaning forward toward him, her large breasts squished together slightly, the woman completely oblivious to this. “Would you like a back massage?” she asked, it’s the least I can do for you having carried me so far.”
IC: Aram Stonemoor

He stopped himself as he realized what he had just said to her. He looked the other way color rising in his cheeks. Now he'd done it again. Opened mouth and inserted boot yet again, Aram. "...errr...I mean as just comrades of course..." He trailed off with some nervous laughter.

"Oh! Um yes. Haha..." She said looking down to Bo as she concentrated on rubbing the old hound's belly. Aram noted how her own face was coloring as well.

At least she was feeling as awkward apparently as he was feeling. Why was that such a comfort to him?

They traveled down the road for a little while in silence talking with the farmer about the Highwaymen, and petting Bo as a distraction.

It was nice sitting next to Emily quietly like this, petting an affectionate dog between them like this. More crop fields rolled past them, pastures filled with dairy cows, and a windmill grinding grain to flour for sale at the market in Lorenstown.

With Bo lying content on their laps Emily leaned in her robes dipping and giving him an entirely un-comradely glimpse of the way her breasts Smushed together as she did so. "Would you like a back massage?"

No, no, they were just comrades. No, inappropriate thoughts going on in his brain, no ma'am.

What made it all the worse was that Emily as always seemed completely oblivious to how alluring and beautiful she was just being herself and doing what she would do naturally.

He desperately tried to keep his eyes on the level of hers rather than shifting down to the show of her breasts below. Nope, he was being a complete and utter gentleman, yes ma'am. To her question he asked, "You know how to give those...Uh...sure...I'll happily take a massage."
He got a bright smile for his acceptance of her offer, the woman happy that she might get to actually give back to him in a small way. Aram seemed surprised by her offer, which was all the more reason she needed to wow him with her skills! In the hospital, she had been close friends with another patient who got frequent muscle pain, so she had become pretty good at using her hands to ease the weariness of others. "Great! Usually I'd have you lay down, but since there's not much room, I'll just sit behind you."

Emily scooted behind him in the wagon, careful not to bump any of the crates of vegetables. At one point in this transition, the wagon went over a bump and she had to hold onto him for a moment before continuing, unaware that her breasts had pressed into his arm at the moment. She had simply offered a quick word of apology before moving into place. It was a bit cramped, but she made it work, kneeling close behind him.

Her hands lighted upon his shoulders and she started to gently work them, the pressure gentle but firm. Occasionally, he would feel the heat of her breath on his neck as she leaned in to give a bit more muscle to her movements; it seemed that even though her body was upgraded from her old one in that she seemed to have more stamina and strength in her. It could be that it was simply the strength of a healthy body, but to her it felt leagues better than the weak, atrophied muscles she used to have. She might never have muscles like his, she thought as her hands slid lower on his back, but at least she was strong enough to do the things she liked doing.

He felt so tense, his muscles feeling very resistant to her expert massage. Perhaps carrying her had taken a toll on him that even he wasn't aware of. It was no matter though- she was going to make sure that by the time they got to town, he was going to feel like he had gone to a Swedish masseuse!

"Does it feel good?" she asked innocently from somewhere behind him, wondering if it was having the desired effect.
IC: Aram Stonemoor

He desperately tried to keep his eyes on the level of hers rather than shifting down to the show of her breasts below. Nope, he was being a complete and utter gentleman, yes ma'am. To her question he asked, "You know how to give those...Uh...sure...I'll happily take a massage."

The smile she gave him in response was like the first rays of dawn on the darkest of nights. "Great! Usually I'd have you lay down, but since there's not much room, I'll just sit behind you."

She shifted leaving the contented and now softly dozing dog solely sprawled across his lap. She shifted to sit behind him. It was a fairly tight fit between him and the crates of turnips and carrots and potatoes piled onto the bed of the wagon for the market in Lorenstown. Because of that she had to kneel right behind him with little space between her and him.

He stiffened as he felt her bosom brush the back of his arm, but she gave a soft apology before continuing her efforts.

Oh no, she was so close to him. He could feel the warmth of her hands kneading the muscles of his shoulders. He could feel her breast pressing into his back, the nipples brushing through fabric of their clothes. He could feel her breath on the back of his neck, against his ear raising goosebumps among other body parts. Thankfully Bo was laying across his lap so there was no way she could tell just what other body part was raised up.

The hands lowered from his shoulders down to his lower back, kneading and finding knots he hadn't known were there and easing them loose again. Despite himself Aram found himself starting to relax under her magic touch.

"Does it feel good?"

His eyes opened looking down at the snoozing Bo leg twitching as the old hound dog dreamed of chasing rabbits as it did when it was no older than a rambunctious puppy.

He smiled at the question. " does, Emily. You have magic hands."
She too could feel her nipples rubbing against his shirt, and though she hadn't meant for it to happen, she couldn't do much about it do to the cramped space. That being said, her nipples felt a bit odd, a bit... tingly. It sent little tingles down her stomach and between her legs to rub up against him like this. The feeling was unfamiliar and new, these new sensations catching her a bit off-guard. Sexual things had been the last thing on her mind when she was sick, or even when she was briefly better. Emily simply hadn't had much of a sex drive when her body had been wasting away. Now though, she felt her loins starting to get warm, the unsettling urge to push her body up against him with more insistence being a startling one.

"Thanks," she replied softly, her hands becoming more sensual in their movements. Why did she feel like sliding her hands around to his chest? Why did she want to put her lips to his neck? It was all very overwhelming and flustering, her face going bright red before she stopped and awkwardly patted his shoulders before moving to sit back in her old spot. God, this was embarrassing! Why was she feeling like this all of a sudden?! The best she could do was to try to look anywhere but him as she attempted to move around him once more.
IC: Aram Stonemoor

He smiled at the question. " does, Emily. You have magic hands."

Was it just him or were her hands starting to feel she hadn't been trying to be before but was certainly affecting him...and not helping that raised body part that Old Bo was shielding for him settle back down.

After a moment it was over and he felt her awkward pat on his shoulders replying, "Thanks."

She shifted over to sit beside him again.

Aram noticed how different she was acting then. She seemed flustered and distracted all of a sudden.

He reached over and put his hand on hers giving it a reassuring squeeze. He tried to figure out what could be worrying her so much, and then he wanted to smack himself on the forehead. Of course, she'd be worried in a world completely alien to her.

He affected his most confident smile, though it was mainly just paper-thin bravado, but he still meant every word. "Hey, don't worry, Emily, you'll do fine in this new world, I'll help you anyway I can."
Her eyes flicked down to where his hand rested on her own, noticing how large and strong it looked. She could imagine it slipping its way up her skirt and- She caught herself mid-thought, realizing that she was probably staring at his hand a bit oddly.

"What? Oh, yeah. Um, thanks Aram." Emily nodded at him and tucked her hair behind her ear, looking away at the road behind them. "You're very sweet." That last sentence was said less awkwardly, the young woman knowing that he meant well even if he wasn't privy to what was on her mind. In fact, it was probably much better that he didn't. She didn't want him to think that she was some kind of depraved priestess, seducing young adventurers to her bed on a whim.