Same Title Challenge #6


Yesterday I submitted a poem entitled Bent.

Unfortunately, as some are aware, I am visually impaired, and I accidentally submitted it as a poem with audio, and it was refused.
This morning at 4,30am New York time, 9.30 here, I re-submitted in the correct format
Again I apologise
Thank you
Blue is Bent too!

Hi Blue sweetie

if you'd like to post it here, we can read it today and
critique it with the others :rose:

offset acute
seductive synthetic

stop start

tasting tongue
approach apprehensive
dryness in moist

shivered delight
sensual supreme

Getting Bent

Call me OT (but not Ishmael, for some reason that novel bored me silly). I'm bending for OT today in his busness-trip absence. He won't get to see the poems until late tomorrow, and it's too bad because they are teriffic. Admittedly he chose a great title--simple and versatile, but we, collectively, keep getting better at it.

We went everywhere with "Bent," from OT's kinky spanking poem to GP's sly wordplay about compromise to 03sp who apparently dropped his valentine because his heart is in his lap. And Rybka is as crazy as his grandfather.

So here they are. The Bent poems by the bent poets of Literotica.

Blue Dolphin's poem--just look up you readers. See? There it is.



guilty pleasure






JUDO--bending soon.

Lauren--bending madly anytime now.
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I'm bending for OT today
um... does this belong over in the sex-for-votes discussion? (sorry :D )

But really, thank you Ishmael-Ang, for posting the Bents.

Though no doubt better fresh, they seem to be holding up well.
Here's a bent blurb on each (No disrespect intended)
-- maybe go read'm again, just fer fun.

A rather regular rhyme Bent

Go fly a kite Bent

Respect your elders Bent

A new attitude Bent

used books Bent

naked Bent

first date Bent

retirement sucks bent

smudged millions bent

more like a buldge bent

crazy bent

busy bent


So on to new business... Volunteer for the next title?

I see GP shuffling her feet, and Silken acting all busy,
03sp in the back seems to be inspecting his nails,
Fool and stargirl are staring intently out the window.
Countless lurkers kicking the dust and trying not to look up...

I'm sure someone will crack under the pressure and swoop in with a title.

Thanks everyone for playing, and don't forget to vote and send feedback.
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Looking at the people who have done it before and their part in the new poems thread, I'd have to say the logical choice is Cordie. :D

Okay. If I hear no objections, I'll start a thread this evening with the new title.

I have some ideas.

I'll second choice of Cordelia (if you need persuasion... wait, we did that one already) :)

sorry, OT, I got conflicted and was bent on a poem but it was rather risque for me, from me, if that makes any sense other than nonscense (spelling?):confused:

Ever learning,

I love your name of poem idea.

"I have some ideas, this evening"
is a wonderful title!
Count me in.
no no no no, no
no no no no, no

no no no
no no no
no no, no no,
03sp said:
no no no no, no
no no no no, no

no no no
no no no
no no, no no,

No Feedback:
nice meter and formatting
end of line rhymes seemed ok,
no obvious spelling errors
punctuation sparse, but acceptable.
the content was a little too ambiguous
Re: moi?

Cordelia said:
Okay. If I hear no objections, I'll start a thread this evening with the new title.

I have some ideas.

4x4x8elia. Give it to us. We can take it, even if "FOAF" will always be the all-time champ! :D

Regards,                       Rybka
OT, twig boy, why are you calling my bent naked? I don't mention any bare asses or naked anything. Do you guys just expect naked poetry from me?

Okay, WickedEve=Naked Poetry.

Cord, I'm already working on "I have some ideas this evening." Freaky title.

That sure is a lot of no, no, no, sp. I'm used to yes, yes, yes, and oh yes!

Hi Judo. :kiss:

Rybka, you're so breaded and fried. lol
WickedEve said:
OT, twig boy, why are you calling my bent naked? I don't mention any bare asses or naked anything.

blame it on
left-over lust
built up bent by Elda
who teased us, then
neglected to please us
with her prose
I think I am going to get bent....all four of my votes have disappeared....:mad:

Cordelia said:
Hey, wait a minute!

Is 03sp choosing this title or am I?

Equally confused,

if my 03sp-ese is up to speed, I'll try to interpret.
me thinks he was having a bit
of fun with your words, and when a few started to take it
seriously, he waved them off with no-no-no-poem.

me thinks you are it.

Open da thread, and make it offcial.
OT said:

A rather regular rhyme [
So on to new business... Volunteer for the next title?

I see GP shuffling her feet, and Silken acting all busy,
03sp in the back seems to be inspecting his nails,
Fool and stargirl are staring intently out the window.
Countless lurkers kicking the dust and trying not to look up...

I'm sure someone will crack under the pressure and swoop in with a title.

Thanks everyone for playing, and don't forget to vote and send feedback.

ied love to come up with a title challange ,, but life will not permit me the time needed to baby it along and comment on it after ,,
but just for future referance , how about

my intricate image
natural parallel
stylus of lightning
deadly virtues
sings towards anguish

all DYLAN THOMAS inspired ,,,