Same Title Challenge - Signs of Spring

Sleet Storm

Redbird in the tree
eating frozen berries
dreaming yet of spring

Last edited:
The Equinox Experiment

I tramped the fields of spring today
to catch the sun's first scarlet ray
and while awaiting day to grow
heard psalm in voice of dove and crow.

I drove my stakes in frozen clay
to fix the sun with solar stay
and watched as morning brightness grew
till spring's first rays a shadow threw.

Out in my field of last year's hay
where summer boys and calves will play
I measured lines and angles straight
and now for spring's first sunset wait.

Signs of Spring


RhymeFairy said:
OK, count me in ... Love free form, and your concept.
Who can go wrong with Spring eh ~ Nice one Sweets ~


Seems spring is ... what you make it ~
To me, spring is the earth awakening to a new year.
Ones soul also has a spring time ~



Signs of Spring

icky green shrubs, shoulder around
taking over, pathway to curb. single digit
lines with their detestable dinginess,
an eyesore every sixteen feet and on.

being brought up on a farm,
I long for

plush meadows, a carpet of luxury
for tired woe-begotten toes. to dig
barefoot in silken dirt. a sodding
of nourishment. a band-aid
to this depleted desert soul.

replenishing my love
for outdoors I see,
long reaching trees, tulips in bloom
and birds circling, nesting
in the rafters. where playing
jump the bale is not
just a long distance memory.

waking up each morn to ride out
catch the sunrise coming up
over clear baby blue skies.
skies, that just beg one
to take flight and ride, let go
of everything, except
that feeling
of oneness with the earth
and sky. to be free and feel
the witching wind, grab your hat
and pull your hair. while you let loose
and laugh with pure enjoyment.
an adrenaline rush for the moment.
a prayer, a ceremony
of oneness and freedom.

Times - they are a-changing

In my past are cupboards
cleared of dishes full of wishes
carpets draped to be beaten
half to death choking
on their own dust
the smell of soap and cedar
the manic act of spring
cleaning fever
a ritual banishment
of the winter's woes
somewhat pagan yet
purely Christian in ambition
the ailment that comes
like allergies each year
has taken on a torpor
lethargy replacing lather
drawers remain disordered
mattresses lie unturned
walls unwashed and yet
life goes on.
Signs of Spring

I can't write about spring
and the beautiful opening of earth
that encourages blossoms to sprout,
to share their virgin beauty with us.

I can't write about spring
when grass looks like amateur knitting,
when I hear the trees scream
in their pain of dying, or perhaps that
is just the wind protesting in advance
of the ice that will soon dangle from its tail.

I can't write about spring
when I look in a mirror
and see nothing except a mind eaten with disappointment,
a dull eye lacking in spirit and excitement,
a heart that is sodden with sadness.

I can't write about spring
until I can open my eyes and find spring for my self.
Signs of Spring

When birds this spring start coming back,
Then we will eat again some meat.
You took our young one, Lord. We lack
The means to make our raw dreams sweet.
The Thaw

It's almost time for you to leave
and I can't say as I'll be sad
to see you go. You've out-warmed
your welcome and left me chill.

You're going will expose the dirt
you've been covering up
all these months. I wish
you could take it all with you

instead of leaving this for me
to clean up. It's not fair,
that I should remember you
slipping away in the rain. I like

rain and you just make
me cold and muddy in its fall.
Leave now, before I wish
you'd stayed. Regrets

are for summer months
when I have time to reflect
on how much I need
your touch to comfort me.

This is formless, like my thoughts when I wrote it on the passion thread.
Signs of Spring

The squirrels are all thin again,
and girls show their skin again.
We call can begin again,
as spring fills the air.
The snow melts away again,
as children all play again,
and all I can say, again,
is spring fills the air.
wildsweetone said:
Signs of Spring

I can't write about spring
and the beautiful opening of earth
that encourages blossoms to sprout,
to share their virgin beauty with us.

I can't write about spring
when grass looks like amateur knitting,
when I hear the trees scream
in their pain of dying, or perhaps that
is just the wind protesting in advance
of the ice that will soon dangle from its tail.

I can't write about spring
when I look in a mirror
and see nothing except a mind eaten with disappointment,
a dull eye lacking in spirit and excitement,
a heart that is sodden with sadness.

I can't write about spring
until I can open my eyes and find spring for my self.

Even though it's supposed to be spring in New England right now, I've got 6 inches of new snow with sleet falling on top of it, so I'm with you on this. I especially like the last two lines, but I'm wondering why you wrote my self instead of myself.
unapologetic said:
Even though it's supposed to be spring in New England right now, I've got 6 inches of new snow with sleet falling on top of it, so I'm with you on this. I especially like the last two lines, but I'm wondering why you wrote my self instead of myself.

because to me, my self, is far more important than myself.

Free Verse...I've never really learned the different forms, so....
this is just a 'lil fun...

Signs of Spring

The phone rings
a tale of crawling through windows
text messages
that just say "hey"
a past perfect fantasy
my former muse
seeing if I still want

Cadbury eggs
tempt me in the aisles
peanut butter cups
and butterfingers
gone oblong
and repriced
for temporary advantage

names I don't know
umbrella'd over seventy-nine
or eighty-three
a stolen moments glory
before heading back
to Red Roof Inn
and nine hour bus trips
filled with stories
of striking out Sosa

snows don't melt
where they never fall
flowers don't bloom
in converted desert
but there are still
signs of spring.
the grass needs to be mowed
curtains cleaned
opening up the windows to
let the must and dust of winter
escape its over-stayed welcome

time has changed
days are longer
children refuse to go to bed
without alot of coaxing

pine tree pollen covers
everything in sight
slipping under doors and windows
when no one is looking

birds are twitter-pated
as are all of mother nature's creatures
warmth brings out the best
in all of us