Same Title Challenge

Geez. I feel like I've been lugging iron bars up Sisyphus's slope.

A Lightbox of Moonlight

It is a finely crafted apparatus, quite compact.
The lenses are of my own design, ground
by German opticians, not the clumsy Dutch.

See here: How we refract
this long suffering and tired and soft light
into that thick lead box

where supercooled magnets
can focus it
(oh, how they sweat in these Saharan nights!),

into our so carefully designed magnetic trap.
Yes, we hold here moonlight
bounced, a scruffy gray off of that distant lunar dust.

I know. It's odd.
The gravitational assist we employ and use, like God,
floats lead and light, imagination

high and free and clear.
Our box is light with contained light.
Diana, not Apollo, rules here.
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The_Fool said:
A Lightbox of Moonlight

Stepping out onto the porch
meant for summer,
windows all around
glazed with frost
as winter seeks
to own the space.
December darkness deep
encroached by moonbeams,
myriad and scintillating
off of snow outlining
limbs on slumbering trees;
and piled in mounds
molded by winds,
stark and cold.
Wind strangely absent,
but not the cold.
I see my breath
as clouds
and hear my sighs
as I sense surreal
in the landscape barren
of all but winter.
This porch becomes a box
to capture light.
But only winter moonlight.

this is wonderful! thank you for this wonderful poem!
A Lightbox of Moonlight

Years fall
rain, snow then the return
of flowers, blooms in spite
of clouds, prayers in stead
of thorns, the murky merge.

Days to weeks, months to seasons,
landmarks of birthdays and funerals,
helium balloons and the girl
in a black dress who ages and

doesn’t recall a name or wishes
to forget yours. A light box
to scan the lines and choose
so carefully which words will you
remember me by? Which small words
to set like jewels in silver, never
to tarnish, to light some small respite.

Words fail
he says but look up at the sky, the moon
is never restless, expects nothing, what
does the moon care to suffer gladly
or otherwise?
It's the end of writing period for this A Lightbox Of Moonlight Same Title Challenge. Nine poems shine here from eight poets and I'm so glad they are offered for our enjoyment. Don't let the plug get pulled on your lightbox though, if you have a moonlight poem to write, give it to us. It's been a pleasure writing and reading with you all.

The first poem comes in the form of a quick little quatrain by Lorencino. There's a couple of clichéd images in it, but since a quatrain is as condensed, in its way, as a haiku (Senna will protest this I'm sure) then a quick conception flicked off in gut response will result in uncovering that kind of weakness.

PandoraGlitters finds a metaphor of her name in her poem. She evokes images of a box in a box summoning visions of matryoshka dolls with the best at the centre, a jewel to be admired in a perfect setting against the sky and shine.

Lorencino then returns with a developed poem that narrates the creation and the beauty of the box. It's a good exploration of how we can be trapped or made secure in our boxes and hands us the hope that it's how we shape the box of our lives that will determine how beautifully we stand in it.

I won't say too much about mine except to give you a clue about what I found in the title. I saw the xray of the broken arm that was lost this summer. I fear I may have an awful lot of sharp edges and fragile humanity in my images for the next while until I work through it. I'm glad I have this place to do just that.

A lot of people see the moon as a cold companion to the night, not so Tristesse2. Her A Lighbox of Moonlight is warm and giving, a celebration of how I suspect this lady views the season. She shows us a glimpse of her universe backlit by that benign glow of Earth's mate.

The_Fool sees the winter light shining from the moon. His A Lightbox of Moonlight poem could serve double duty in Ange's December contest, except now I know the author. It's a beautiful view from his porch, all that's needed is mulled wine and a patchwork quilt to perfect it.

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to take a perfect instant and store it somewhere safe and precious? Hide it and peek at its perfection when you need to have its glory in your life just like UnderYourSpell does with her lightbox poem.

Tzara turns alchemist in his beautiful poem of capturing moonlight with gravity and lodestones. His exploration through the lenses of Galileo's design until he encases the moonglow in a box of lead and transmutes it all to gold. He's right, the sun doesn't rule the night but instead Diana sits on the throne, yet even she shines brighter in Apollo's light.

I am always carried with the rhythm of Angeline's poetry. She finds words that can be whispered like a mantra or a chant. A memory aid you can draw on to find the moon patiently waiting to shine light on your past and be a beacon of the future.

Thanks to these seven other poets who have joined me in writing such lovely poetry. The moon is winter's lamp and in my far north life, I see that far more, sometimes, than the sun. Tzara is right, Diana is queen.
A Lightbox Of Moonlight

It's the end of writing period for this A Lightbox Of Moonlight Same Title Challenge. Nine poems shine here from eight poets and I'm so glad they are offered for our enjoyment. Don't let the plug get pulled on your lightbox though, if you have a moonlight poem to write, give it to us. It's been a pleasure writing and reading with you all.

I just found this thread so I wanted to toss out my theme for the title, I hope it was ok to add one more on.

A Lightbox Of Moonlight

A window seat,
Invites with pillowed comfort.
Flannel nightgown clad,
Slippered feet tucked under
Peter Pan slips from her hand.
Forgotten as she dreams,
Looking out her window.
Bathed in moonlight,
Her face shines like a lamp,
A beacon for a lost boy
To find his Wendy girl.
I just found this thread so I wanted to toss out my theme for the title, I hope it was ok to add one more on.

A Lightbox Of Moonlight

A window seat,
Invites with pillowed comfort.
Flannel nightgown clad,
Slippered feet tucked under
Peter Pan slips from her hand.
Forgotten as she dreams,
Looking out her window.
Bathed in moonlight,
Her face shines like a lamp,
A beacon for a lost boy
To find his Wendy girl.
That's a sweet visit to a world of fantasy, second star to the right and straight on 'til morning... Happy thoughts.