Scarlett Johannson nude

1] I simply didn't answer your question b/c I didn't see a reason for it. Still wonder if there was 1 as nobody else seems to have had the problem.

2] Why investigate something that should've been equally easy to figure out.

3] Perhaps it wasn't, other than to attempt answering your question about my remarks re:the pic.

1.) And now you've changed your stance, thus shooting out what little respect I had left for you. This is where you first stood:

We started with you asking a question, & me answering it.

and now you're standing here:

I simply didn't answer your question b/c I didn't see a reason for it. Still wonder if there was 1 as nobody else seems to have had the problem.

2.) Because not everything is as it seems, especially when your computer is in the shop and you're using a computer that has fucked up colors, the quality of the shopping becomes a difficult thing to place, hence why I asked several questions initially:

Are you referring to the marks on the neck, or the fact that one row of tiles in the back suddenly contains larger tiles, or what?

Also, it may just be the light, but her eyes appear to be different shades of green. And is that a hair from nowhere or a shadow cast by nothing on the left side of her neck (that's her left by the way)?

3.) I've got my answer to my theory. Thank you for the input, now perhaps it's time you learn new methods that actually allow you to eliminate the problem as opposed to just offering yourself the quick fix.

I look at this, and yet you think I'm the fool. Newsflash, if this conversation makes me a fool, then this makes you the pathetic clown that cries his make up right off his face. What's the difference? I don't dress funny and I can actually make people laugh.
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Guys, this has turned into a hugely boring thread. why don't you just step outside and beat the shit out of each other like real men.
I'd love to, but I'd have to find a man to beat.

I didn't change my stance until you seemed to deny the existence of a stance. Then, I decided you weren't goin g to be happy until you got a response you could deal with. Therefore, I tried a new one.

Attack me, then blame your computer, then attack me & name-call (huge immaturity there)... When you have all the problems, explore the possibility of you being the problem. (Also explore the dfference between people laughing "with you" or "at you"... I'm aware most learn that at a young age, but again, we have to take your immaturity into account.)

I don't try to offer myself a fix, quick or otherwise. Instead, I tried to offer an answer to your question, but you preferred a partner to play along in your little gme.

YAY!!! He figured out I'm toying with him!

Also, let's look at some posts, in order:

we started with me asking you a question and you've yet to give me any new evidence in the form of an answer

1] We started with you asking a question, & me answering it.

Tell me, how did you answer it?

I simply didn't answer your question b/c I didn't see a reason for it. Still wonder if there was 1 as nobody else seems to have had the problem.

Perhaps it wasn't, other than to attempt answering your question about my remarks re:the pic.

I didn't change my stance until you seemed to deny the existence of a stance. Then, I decided you weren't goin g to be happy until you got a response you could deal with. Therefore, I tried a new one.

I don't try to offer myself a fix, quick or otherwise. Instead, I tried to offer an answer to your question, but you preferred a partner to play along in your little gme.

All that comes to mind when I read your posts are five letters: LMFAO.

Also, didn't the mud flinging start here:

If you don't want to discuss it, then go have yourself made a fool of elsewhere. (I'm not taking any credit for something you seem perfectly capable of doing solo.)

So tell me, isn't you commenting on my mud flinging extremely hypocritical? Furthermore, returning mud isn't something to be proud of, but sometimes when the one who flung first won't stop, it's an excellent method to deal with it. Flinging first, however, is the ultimate sign of immaturity and a lack of self confidence, and when the one who returns hits the red button (which I seem to have done), the first flinger become more or less what you've sunk to, contradictory, buck passer, and claiming to be the better person.

Also, allow me to help you understand what I meant when I called you a pathetic clown:

fool - Also called clown or court jester, those who work to make others laugh, sometimes with jokes, but famously with degrading physical comedy. Modernly, the fool is famous for always wearing a smile through even the most degrading of his act.

For those reasons, many people believe the clown to be the hardest and most important role of the circus. So I suppose thank you for calling me a fool.

pathetic clown - A fool who attempts to make people laugh at him/her or with him/her, but can't no matter what he/she does. In the days of the court jester, the pathetic clown was usually killed, but the modern pathetic clown is simply unloved and usually without work.

The pathetic clown usually cries him/herself to sleep until he/she gives up the trade.

So by calling you a pathetic clown, I was calling you a failure.

Guys, this has turned into a hugely boring thread. why don't you just step outside and beat the shit out of each other like real men.

I'd also love to, a few blows to his head couldn't hurt him so much. However, we both know church will bring friends and weapons while I'll go alone and empty handed. And I think it'll be funny as hell when I walk away and they limp or get carried away.
Simple response... Unlike you, I don't need to quote you & myself 1000x, or use dictionary definitions to make my posts longer.

1] I can't possibly be a failure, because that would require that I actually try, & being better than you at whatever you've been attempting to accomplish requires no effort. (Nor does giving us reason to laugh at you, so call the job you're doing what you will.)

2] I wouldn't need to bring any friends or weapons, but regardless, you'd never see me arrive. The only reasons I respond at all is in the hopes of helping you, & because I can do so from any of several places. As far as physically approaching, you're not worth my time.

Wow, my source is wrong, way wrong, your post has now put you at below the level of moron, it's at scum of the earth. Please enjoy having reached a level at which no one pays you any respect. I said what you just said, you don't try, one who never tries has failed at living life. If you would unshell the peanut you call a brain, you might have known that.

The post is long with all those quotes to save you the trouble of looking and make sure you can't twist things any more than you already have (however the latter seems to have been wasted effort).

And for the dozenth time, you're not better than me, you just think you are in the twisted world you live in. This entire topic is proof positive I'm better than you and you have an inferiority complex.

And tell me, when were you trying to help me, when you didn't answer my question, or when you started insulting me?

And since you STILL won't answer a simple question (perhaps because you were just trying to sound like a big shot by sighting a fictional shop that no one would find and then be able to say, "I can't believe you don't see it"), I think I should help you instead. And I'll help by giving you an opponent with about as much intellect as you, it's called an ameoba, and perhaps it can teach you something.

Until you return to the level of moron, I'm done dealing with you and you're narrow sighted, simple minded egotism that you got from doing nothing (and sorry if you can't read all the big words).