SCOTUS Supports Rights Of Fired Coach To Pray On Field

The opinion of the Court and the dissent seem to disagree about the facts, which is interesting.

But let's be real. We're talking about a high school football coach engaged in a very public display. Is it that unbelievable to think that the players felt they had no choice but to conform?
The opinion of the Court and the dissent seem to disagree about the facts, which is interesting.

But let's be real. We're talking about a high school football coach engaged in a very public display. Is it that unbelievable to think that the players felt they had no choice but to conform?
It's believable that some students might have felt so inclined, but the court is clear, it didn't happen. No coerced or collective prayer took place on the field.
It's believable that some students might have felt so inclined, but the court is clear, it didn't happen. No coerced or collective prayer took place on the field.
It’s also clear that Gorsuch is a lying sack of shit, and there are photographs to prove it.
It's believable that some students might have felt so inclined, but the court is clear, it didn't happen. No coerced or collective prayer took place on the field.
Sorry, Vette, the court isn’t clear on this issue. This is another indisputable fact of the case.
It's believable that some students might have felt so inclined, but the court is clear, it didn't happen. No coerced or collective prayer took place on the field.
The dissent has pictures to prove the dishonesty of the majority opinion
So re-hire him. When he engages in a non-private prayer again, fire him.

Problem solved.
It’s also clear that Gorsuch is a lying sack of shit, and there are photographs to prove it.
It's also clear you have 29 posts, a left wing form of hydrophobia, and a probable streak of flashing yellow out of fear of posting under your real username, but by all means do rave on.
The opinion of the Court and the dissent seem to disagree about the facts, which is interesting.

But let's be real. We're talking about a high school football coach engaged in a very public display. Is it that unbelievable to think that the players felt they had no choice but to conform?
It really doesn't matter as a matter of law what the Dissent thought.
They should throw a prayer rug on the goal line while facing Mecca and spike a crucifix when done.
Absolutely..every coach and teacher should now spend their time in isolative prayer like this guy. Muslim, atheist, Buddhist.....go for it.
I'm not quite sure how you came to believe that taking time to do some self reflection is a bad thing. I am sure that whatever course that belief took to get from conception to realization, it fell off a cliff on the journey.
I'm not quite sure how you came to believe that taking time to do some self reflection is a bad thing. I am sure that whatever course that belief took to get from conception to realization, it fell off a cliff on the journey.
He didn't say or even imply any of that, dipshit.