Scrawney’s dark corner of erotic filth.

here's one for you that I love


That's a gorgeous one, thank you CuddleCakes :)
That's one of MY favourites, I was looking for that yesterday with no luck. It's immensely mesmerising, in my opinion of course.
I knew you had impeccable taste of filth :D

LOL......thanks for the compliment...
I consider it an honor, coming from you 😁
LOL......thanks for the compliment...
I consider it an honor, coming from you 😁

An honor? Wow......that's a big compliment right there, I wouldn't know why though, I'm just a nobody posting filthy images, but thank you so very much. :rose:
An honor? Wow......that's a big compliment right there, I wouldn't know why though, I'm just a nobody posting filthy images, but thank you so very much. :rose:

well, you've obviously been on here longer than me...
AND I have viewed the images on your thread ....
so yes....admiring your taste from afar (NOT stalking) 😁😁


If you don't want your husband to hear you then you need to be made to be quiet