Scrawney’s dark corner of erotic filth.


There is a place for us
that no one else can enter.
It is a place that holds no secrets,
only beauty, peace, understanding.

A place that we come to,
thinking we are one,
only to have our souls
fused together for a moment.

And in that moment, I know YOU
every pore, every pulse,
every thought, every fear.
And I love YOU more.

I feel myself laid bare before YOU,
and I feel content . . . .
joyous that YOU are with me,
loving me in my nakedness.
I want it all day long. My bf fnds it quite annoying lol 😆
4 times per day would be my ideal. LOL I don't know any one man who could keep up though 😅


Is this a fact??
Should we put this to the test?
Are you volunteering? I suppose I could help, in the name of science! 👩🏼‍🔬

Mmmm I call those aftershocks! They're visceral physical memories of orgasms that can sometimes be just as powerful as the real thing! Really inconvenient when it happens at work or around family though 🤭