Scrawney’s dark corner of erotic filth.


Oh lordy! 😍
This has quickly become my most favorite thread here. Thank you for all the wonderful visuals Scrawney :kiss:

Wow.....thank you for the kind words AlexSlade, I really appreciate them.
I hope you continue to enjoy the thread. :rose:

Own Her
Give her what she wants....
give her what she needs....
bring her pain....
bring her tears....
bring her pleasures beyond her expectations.....
bring her to her knees....

bring her tenderness....
Own her.

I am not only on your mind … I am on your fingertips too … you look at your hands … and all you see is me... and then ... when you close your eyes … you feel those fingers of mine … touching your body and devouring your soul....yes.... that's it...feel ME