Screw This!!!!Somebody Deserves a Beating !!! (Inspired by the beloved St. Mayberry)

Geez, use your noggin' ;)

Mini-bar as in small place to mix yourself and your friends an alcoholic beverage.
Hmmm I almost promised myself I wouldn't stir this particular pot - But Damn, I'm bored.

Hmm If I remember correctly - Mayberry can be a St. And the Inquisitor at the same time. All he has to do is perform three miracles- witnessed miracles. BANG, then you are an official card carrying St.

As for who deserves a beating... hmmmmmm

The people who are in charge of my friends institute of higher learning - now they deserve a beating.

Seems he owes them a fairly minor amout of money.
Well, he was in the process of re-entering when he discovered it was no problem only....

He can't register unless he pays then back right now-

He can't pay them back, till he is registered.....

Mixed in with this is the whole student loan fandango.

It is all a prime piece of circular logic, a prime example of the state sponsored college in America, and a really bad Benny Hill episode. Except that the seminude women on rollerskates would make it much easier to tolerate.
a really bad Benny Hill episode. Except that the seminude women on rollerskates would make it much easier to tolerate.

Oh I do miss Benny Hill and his evil cheeky grin....don't think we will see another like him for a long while.

Re: hmmm....

spankableBelle said:
cliques...unwelcoming people on public bulletin boards that only 'say' that they're warm and welcoming and invite and encourage new faces, new and fresh opinions, when actually that's not true...what they welcome are people with views that are identical and in praise of their own...and if you're just the slightest bit 'off', the slightest bit different in your thinking, well you'd better damn well forget ever being ushered into the're more likely to find yourself fileting a shit-dipped sea bass for all your trouble...

Now, this isn't a new thing on bulletin boards, including the illustrious Literotica boards. Long ago on this board we had discussions on this very thing...there were cliques and ass-kissing back then, there are cliques and ass-kissing now...some of the faces have changed, but the result is still the same...instead of one large group of people that are open to the new and untried, there's a small snobbish 'my opinion is golden and my shit doesn't stink' group of people that rule, that determine what is acceptable thought and opinion, and cast others aside at will...of course, that doesn't sound like any of the people here on the BDSM board, now does it?

There's my rant of the day...


Ya'll have a good one!~smiles~
Stands and applauds Belle's post... :rose:
Hmmm I almost promised myself I wouldn't stir this particular pot - But Damn, I'm bored.

Hmm If I remember correctly - Mayberry can be a St. And the Inquisitor at the same time. All he has to do is perform three miracles- witnessed miracles. BANG, then you are an official card carrying St.

I haven't choked the living shit out of any of you this week...does that count as a miracle?

why the hell do people send anonymous feedback saying nasty and rude things to people they don't know? I don't mean feedback like *Your story could use..*blah, blah, blah* or even "I read your story and your punctuation was atrocious!!" I mean bullshit like..*You cunt (nigger, stupid, black bitch) what makes you think anyone wants to read your slop..."

ack it not only pisses me off but makes me want to stop writing my little fantasies... (and i have only received 3 of them since i have been on lit..negative feedback that is) but it is still hurtful and mean...

that is all

They do it because you made them feel something they didnt wanna feel...and you are better then they are. Kepp writing and fuck em all!
Re: mini-rant

apet4you said:
why the hell do people send anonymous feedback saying nasty and rude things to people they don't know? I don't mean feedback like *Your story could use..*blah, blah, blah* or even "I read your story and your punctuation was atrocious!!" I mean bullshit like..*You cunt (nigger, stupid, black bitch) what makes you think anyone wants to read your slop..."

ack it not only pisses me off but makes me want to stop writing my little fantasies... (and i have only received 3 of them since i have been on lit..negative feedback that is) but it is still hurtful and mean...

that is all


Don't let degenerates ruin your creative outlets. Is an old saying jealousy is a curse, and as for the racial shit, well a teacher from my childhood used to say empty vessels make to most sound. They are ignorant, narrow minded, twits who don't deserve your time or thoughts. Keep writing, not just because you want to, but to piss them right off as they deserve!!

Catalina :rose:
Johnny Mayberry said:
You like really like me!!

sometimes when the moon is full, i find myself thinkin "you know johnny is an ok sorta guy" but then the full moon goes away, the insanity stops...and i realize that

You are a VERRY bad man:p
okay...i will but only cuz it happens to still be a full moon and i like you at this point!!!

I still am having trouble getting this blurry image of living shit being choked out of a person!! I mean does the living shit crawl away in shame, run like the devil is at it's back, try and go back to where it came from, or step in the make the assailant slip thus freeing thr grip on said throat? I have to know!!!! I am presuming you have hands on experience JM as it was you who mentioned it, so you being the expert can clear my comic vision here.

Catalina :confused:

I will ask those of rational bent to bear with me...

I am struggling to retain what is left of my good temper and sunny disposition. After spending most of yesterday on the ground, trying to do what should have been a minor repair to the brake system on a Volvo.

A few minor points:

Yes, my memory is VERY good...especially concerning certain types of things.

One should not use brass fittings on a brake system as they are high pressure hydraulics. As any retard should fucking know.

One does not worship a Saint - reverence yes - worship no - ask any Catholic.

>>>>> QUOTE<<why the hell do people send anonymous feedback saying nasty and rude things to people they don't know? I don't mean feedback like *Your story could use..*blah, blah, blah* or even "I read your story and your punctuation was atrocious!!" I mean bullshit like..*You cunt (nigger, stupid, black bitch) what makes you think anyone wants to read your slop..."

ack it not only pisses me off but makes me want to stop writing my little fantasies... (and i have only received 3 of them since i have been on lit..negative feedback that is) but it is still hurtful and mean...

that is all


I personally have read her work and it's pretty damn good. Particularly the poetry. But that is opinion - It's my opinion, anyone that doesn't agree, well thats your opinion.


Swedish automotive "engineers" ( and I use that term very loosely) should be beaten with a piece of hydraulic hose.

Anyone that is so fucking incompetent as to have to resort to race in order to insult anyone. Should be beaten. Starting with a good Bastinado I think. Then dipped in shit.

That will do for a start -

And now for an editorial comment - since we seem to pissing people off with all the asides - if we could return to the scheduled rants it would be appreciated. Mainly cause Im tired of the pissing and moaning and sniping about the frigging asides.

Thank you for letting me waste your time -( but then if you had something better to do, you wouldn't be reading this. Now would you?)
..and here I thought this was just a good thread to come into to get spanked... ;)
I'm sick of working. And I'm 21. It will be so great when I no longer have to do dumb ass construction documents with no purpose because there is no building being built.

I'm tired of being the world's worst procrastinator. Hehe. But I don't want to do anything about it so I shouldn't complain. In the mean time, I have a paper I'll pay someone ten bucks to write for me.

I am angry that I have to watch family members I don't care for hurt the ones I love.

I hate being a poor college student. It's retarded that in order to educate myself, I have to indebt myself to the government until the point it will take me 12 years to pay off my loans unless I also manage to pass all nine tests to become an actual registered architect. Why does the US punish young people for becoming educated? Why do I have to go to college with dumb asses majoring in education that I would sooner see flipping burgers than ever leading a classroom with my own child in it.

And last but not least.... I'm bored tonight.