Self Promotion

I've moved my post to what I hope is the right board.

However, there is something that's been bothering me. I don't think it refers to me, but still.........

There have always people posting "Great Story!" reviews under aliases

It seems to infer that people write their own reviews to beef up their stories or whatever. Truthfully, I don't think my writing is very good yet, and one of the reasons I've joined is to become better. The person who's helped me the most with this is KillerMuffin, who not only tells me ways to improve, but also explains to me what she just said when I say "HUH?"

So, just to be clear, I didn't write any of my feedbacks.

*whew* I feel better now for having that off my chest, tho I'm sure it didn't worry/bother anyone but me. :p
I hate shameless self-promotion. I wish all the authors here would cease and desist this despicable practice.

I say the same thing in my stories, which if I must say so myself, are the best damn porno stories ever written.

So please please please . . . READ THEM over and over again!

And don't forget to vote! Unless you are going to give me anything below a five. In that case, keep your fucking opinions to yourself. :D
Svenskaflicka said:
Considering how hard and rare it is to get compliments or recognition, I say it's great if someone will be a good example and throw praise at him/herself. Maybe then other people will follow and say "yeah, you're right, you really ARE very good".

As long as it's done with a tongue in the cheek, I'm all for it.

The Greatest Erotica-writer in Sweden

Agreed. I think writers self promote on this board precificly becausee they think other writers are more likely to empathize--and respond than those who may be on other boards who just read stories. And also the hope that other writers will be more sensative. A little gentler than the people who go specifically to Story Discussion- maybe just to look for things to pick apart or to be negative (not sating all are, but theres that fear) plus, its part of the whole 'networking' thing - even if we are mostly annonymous. Its just what we do.
Couture said:
I hate shameless self-promotion. I wish all the authors here would cease and desist this despicable practice.

I say the same thing in my stories, which if I must say so myself, are the best damn porno stories ever written.

So please please please . . . READ THEM over and over again!

And don't forget to vote! Unless you are going to give me anything below a five. In that case, keep your fucking opinions to yourself. :D

Agreed! 100%
There have always people posting "Great Story!" reviews under aliases


I posted a thread "Great Story" When I did it I worried for a minute that people would think that I was the one who wrote it (the story), or that the writer had started the thread. Now I know those fears really weren't unfounded! I certainly hope it didn't do any damage to the actual author. I think I posted it on the write board, but if not (I was new to the board at the time) it got moved there anyway.

As for sig-lines, I don't automatically go to every link I see, but I really apreciate them being there. When I'm interested in what someone has been saying (maybe they have the same pet peeves as me, so I can reasonably assume there work doesn't contain those irritating elements) I like to be able to check out there profile and work. And I especially try to get around to reading the work of people who offer help and advice. I think everyone should have at least a small tastefull link on there sig-line. Mine contains a blurb of my first story, because I figure it might peek someones interest in the way that just "My stuff" won't. But I try to remember to turn it off if i feel that it might be inapropriate, or if I think its just showing up too much or whatever.
I posted a thread "Great Story" When I did it I worried for a minute that people would think that I was the one who wrote it (the story), or that the writer had started the thread. Now I know those fears really weren't unfounded! I certainly hope it didn't do any damage to the actual author.

Oh for Christ's sake, now that I think of it, I promoted a legitimate author in here too. I liked his/her work so much that I just figured everyone else might like to know about this particular author as he, yes, now I remember it was Dunkin, and he had a book of Love Poems as well as a novel that I purchased online. And I thought the book of love poems would make a great alternate Valentine's Day gift. It did, my wife loves it. But perhaps by promoting his work here I did the opposite as you say, and that would be a shame.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
I have mentioned a few other authors in some of my replies to threads when I felt it related to the thread. I don't see any problem with that here in the Author's Hangout. I have referred to things I have done in my stories as well. Again, if it directly relates to a topic being discussed, no one is likely to have a problem with it.

Self-promoting here is not very productive anyways. Look at the typical views to a thread. Not many people wander through the Authors Hangout on any given day. Most that do probably already check out the new listings most days.

I feel the best way to "promote" myself here in the Hangout is by trying to be helpful when I can to other authors. I'm by no means the best author here. But I think we all have things we can offer each other.

I have made a few good friends here. I doubt they would have put up with me as much if I was always trying to get them to read my stories. If they want to read them, they know how to find them. :)

(I'm with Couture ... if you are going to give me less than a 5 ... stay the fuck away from my stories :D)

Pookie ;)
Oh, my ego is rather balloon-like, I'll admit. But it does, on occasion, deflate dramatically.

Like when I get a rejection letter.

And I don't think we're talking about promoting OTHER people's work. Only our own.
Go to my stories if you like, vote as you like, and give me the feedback that you like. I don't mind. I'm not a very good writer yet, esp in Erotica, but I am trying, and I do hope to improve in not just this, but all my work.

If you don't like, guess what? That's OK too, I don't mind.

I don't write to be read, exactly, I write becaue I have to. So, why not try to do it well?
I have a sinking feeling that I know why DrM started this thread. Although my motives may not seem crystal clear, I'd like to point out that I didn't actually start the "Why don't I deserve feedback" thread to guilt people into sending me reviews. It was just a well-intentioned moan.

Only just realised how bad it must look to people.

The Earl