Serpentdance (poem)

I may still mispronounce many of those names though... :) So let me paint the story of Ganga to you, sometime soon... Gotta go now. Send me some more poems, if you have some...

Have a good day... :)
I have lots of poems, I'll just pick and choose which ones to post. :p

Cograts, Grad, by the way.

Oh, I know! Tell me the story of Set. That one never gets old.
Set as in the Egyptian god...chaos? Storms? ....No?

Oh that, I always thought it was spelt Seth. Thats what confused me. Its like Ra and Rah. Both are right I guess... Yes, even though you know it, maybe I'll tell you the story of Seth and relate this God to some other mythologies as well.. Oh, that'll be fun. :)

But do send me a poem, if not on this thread, then PM me... :)
Set, Seth, Sheth,'s all the same. Anyway, I always enjoy hearing stories about gods that everyone thinks are just evil when they were simply demonized in the past. Good stuff.

Fine, I'll look for another of my poems. Yeesh.
Set, Seth, Sheth,'s all the same. Anyway, I always enjoy hearing stories about gods that everyone thinks are just evil when they were simply demonized in the past. Good stuff.

Fine, I'll look for another of my poems. Yeesh.

Thank You. Oh, then you must know about kali, a Goddess who went on such an obsessive kiling spree that she started wearing necklace of skulls and drink blood... Its fascinating. She's worshipped both by teh Pagans and the straights....

But first I gotta finish work,,, tonnes of it... :)
Congrats on the graduation from Virgin to The Experienced. Now teach us a thing or two, O The Experienced One. :)
Yes, I'll send you a serpent story soon.... Gotta finish some work first. My woes ne'er end... :)
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Congrats on the graduation from Virgin to The Experienced. Now teach us a thing or two, O The Experienced One. :)
Yes, I'll send you a serpent story soon.... Gotta finish some work first. My woes ne'er end... :)

Huh??? I dont follow. You have just copied one of my responses... Whats your point, hurry?
First I have to say I loved your poem...and this thread!! Serpent energy is amazing. I am pagan =) I do what is called "The Nag Dance" where were invite Snake into our bodies for the purposes of healing, turning the body and spirit over to Snake....the movements are very snake like and the experience is truly amazing. And as for Kali.......J'ai Ma.

I look forward to more of your work...

Like the snake whose eyes always remain open, there is a part of all of us that is in need of constant stimulation. When we are not participating in some form of spiritual expression like song, dance, art, music or mysticism, the overly awakened inclination within us is forced to seek stimulation through other avenues. The snake entering the body in the Nag dance that Rayven describes above, is almost tangible, almost real...

Imagine a column of light descending from the cosmos. This light is of the highest vibration. Pure, powerful, beautiful. See it in front of you. Now allow this shaft of light to soften, its edge becomes less distinct, the column of light becomes a luminous wave-like being. It is alive with Divine light. The being moves as a wave of light, undulating, vibrating, energy flowing down its body connecting heaven to earth. As it comes into more clarity you notice this being is a snake, a serpent of incredible beauty, vibrant with cosmic life-force, a ch’i overflowing with intelligence & wisdom.

Feel its presence and the positive effect it has on you.

Now, when you are ready, approach the snake of light. Come closer, feel that it is safe, the closer you come the more blessed you feel by its healing energy. The cosmic serpent is the knower of the secret of life. She knows the secret of all living things, that essence of connectivity of the universal web of life. She wants to help you realize her secret and how to feel the unity with all living beings. But before she initiates you into realization, some healing is necessary within your physical body.

The cosmic serpent invites you into her light. Step into the brilliant vibrancy of her being. Feel it. How does it feel? Do you feel the flow of current within your body? Any tingling, or energy movement? Just be with it. There is intelligence within the light. It knows what you need, allow it to seek out those areas within your body that require transformation and the quickening of vibration.

Now, connect back to the cosmic serpent of light. While it can be used as a healing serpent to enter into this area that needs healing and transformation, I have tried this "cosmic serpent" to enter me while making love to my loved one. Trust me, its a sublime experience. It is as if your entire being has manifested into this cosmic serpent and when you make love, its a divine experience. Cliched as it might sound, it truly is an earth-moving experience. The pleasure that you receive and give to your partner during foreplay and/or penetration is indeed mind-n-soul blowing...

Open the communication to the serpent. Ask her if she will share with you a message or knowing. Listen.

I think this is what Rayven is talking aboiut here, ain't you dear... :)
This is exactly what I am talking about. You worded it beautifully! Serpent energy unblocks everything, you feel it moving, spiraling and opening you up in ways you never dreamed. Asking for Snake to heal, transform whatever is for your highest and best good. Each time the experience is different.

I really like the way you are drawing the energy from the Cosmos, being more of an Earthy person I tend to draw up my energy from the earth, and forgot sometimes how powerful it is to come from above. I have never used the serpent energy while making love, though for me making love is a very spiritual expereince. Well everything is for me, everything can be done in a sacred way.

thank you Serpentwrap for sharing this, I am going to dance with the Cosmic Serpent tomorrow night, for it is a full moon.

Blessings to you!
This is exactly what I am talking about. You worded it beautifully! Serpent energy unblocks everything, you feel it moving, spiraling and opening you up in ways you never dreamed. Asking for Snake to heal, transform whatever is for your highest and best good. Each time the experience is different.

I really like the way you are drawing the energy from the Cosmos, being more of an Earthy person I tend to draw up my energy from the earth, and forgot sometimes how powerful it is to come from above. I have never used the serpent energy while making love, though for me making love is a very spiritual expereince. Well everything is for me, everything can be done in a sacred way.

thank you Serpentwrap for sharing this, I am going to dance with the Cosmic Serpent tomorrow night, for it is a full moon.

Blessings to you!

How was the full moon dance, Rayyven? :) Yes, I agree, making love and sex is a spiritual experience. They say that at some orgasmic point of time, you become one with yourself, your creator and with the universe. Good sex indeed is a spiritual experience... Well said...
How was the full moon dance, Rayyven? :) Yes, I agree, making love and sex is a spiritual experience. They say that at some orgasmic point of time, you become one with yourself, your creator and with the universe. Good sex indeed is a spiritual experience... Well said...

This full moon was very intense! My dance was very powerful which lead to some very interesting spirit work. There was a lot around release this full moon. Which is good timing since we have Lammas coming up. I have a Drum Circle that I lead this weekend, and I think i am going to have them all do the Nag Dance before we start into drumming :)

Thank you! Wishing you a week filled with beauty!
