Sexy Songs....

Wow, I loved that Fi, they're really unique but draw from music of different genres and decades. I think they might do too, and I'm going to listen to more too.

A Classic :heart:
Yeah total classic. Classy and sexy....

We came as strangers are unique. I think they will grow on me. They are a great bunch too. You could check out Justin sandercoe (guitarist) at He is,pretty amazing!
Yeah total classic. Classy and sexy....

We came as strangers are unique. I think they will grow on me. They are a great bunch too. You could check out Justin sandercoe (guitarist) at He is,pretty amazing!

Thanks Fi, I will do :kiss:

Awww, sweet, thank you Ace !

This one is HOT, and the singer is even HOTTER! :devil: :heart:
Muse is interesting... But I respond more to something like this. And I think I could get you to respond to this... Ace

I think we'll have to agree to disagree. Don't get me wrong, I LIKE that song, but it's kind of elevator music, background noise, I like something with a bit more oooomph to fire my loins! :D;):kiss:

But I like good music too, so please post up!

No, it's too catchy, I like!

No .. I love anything Valley Of The Dolls, that song reminds me of reading the book which was sexy in ways too.

my fav tune from the soundtrack to mr. wonderful!

I just love that movie! :D

I don't know the movie, I think you'd have to know it to get the clip, but I do love the Aretha Franklin song very much. Thanks for those! :kiss:

OK Luv... it's not sexy or romantic... but it does get my mojo working...

Mine too, love that one Ace, classic! :kiss:

a song at a different pace for this band.

Not the others sorry, MM, but this one ^^^ my favourite of all I listened to just now ... when you post a good song you REALLY post a good one (I think).
It gets a :heart: Thank you!
