shameful vices

Anime and all things Japanese. Sometimes when I'm taking with people, I'll include Japan and it makes me feel like such a nerd. Why do I kniw so much about this country?!
And there's also:
the computer
muffin mix [ uncooked ]
video games
my small record collection
and this doesn't really count but it makes me feel weird anyways. Sometimes, when I laugh, my friend says it sounds like I make video game noises.

Now I feel just plain silly.
under where said:
and this doesn't really count but it makes me feel weird anyways. Sometimes, when I laugh, my friend says it sounds like I make video game noises.

My kids would love to hear that. ;)

I have a new vice. Lingerie.

I gotta get it under control, I would hate to become seriously addicted.
shameful only when caught ;)

as far as sexual preferences, no shameful vices. as far as personal habits are concerned, i'm full of them. i have a definite weakness for hot food and i will overeat in a heartbeat. and overspending .... damn i have to watch that one. when i'm in the leather goods store and my little chainlink cherry pie wants something, i often end up spending profusely and kicking myself for it. oh well, can;t live in the past so we might as well ejnoyably fuck up the future !!
personally i have way too many vices ......smoking is probably the worst although the computer comes in close second

i am gonna try to quit again though *smiles*......smoking that is because i am not going to give up my computer.....unless of course told to ;)

Happy New Year E/everyone!!!!!!


Vices?. . .

I am far too caught up in masterbating to unfullfilled fantasies. . .oh well.
lovetoread said:
My kids would love to hear that. ;)

I have a new vice. Lingerie.

I gotta get it under control, I would hate to become seriously addicted.

I love lingere too. The best thing is to find someone to buy it for you.;)
lovetoread said:
My kids would love to hear that. ;)
I might have to record and send it now. Maybe I could get a job in the video game industry, after all my original dream was to be a voice actress.