Angeline said:
Shall I compare thee to a shaven head?
Thou are not beautiful and so stubbly.
The shine illuminates our evening bed,
So I can see you make me all rubbly.

But O wherefore is
And how did I get sucked into this verse?
This time of night is when I call my mom,
A burden that's become my nightly curse.

And who is Juicy Jesus anyway?
And are those things he's writing poems?
Thank God just four more lines to write, ok?
And then I'm off to produce other tomes.

Methinks this is perhaps our former troll--
Go on big guy, write poems or take a stroll.
Don't be a show off. You're now on the hit list.
Don't be a show off. You're now on the hit list.

I thought I already was. :p'm not any way..

..i like to be myself..and i believe evryone has their own way of writtinf poetry..women..i have a woman..and she is far from feeble minded..ignore me if you would really doesn't bother me actually..and probably never go on with your mind...and i will go on with mind....
WickedEve said:
Don't be a show off. You're now on the hit list.

Hey, you asked. And now, you're complaining? What do I have to do, come over there and slap yo' ass? Besides, all we did is show how quickly we can crank out crap poetry. lol.

..unheard voice...

..define the realm of light and darkness...a soul bound in flesh as a keep us from seeing whats die alone is happiness...and to fight your emptiness...destroy all that is better then you..create the walls of some one like you....:devil: ...
JUDO, your sonnet is actually decent--mine is just silly.

And Juicy, we're the sweet ones on this board. You haven't met...well never mind who you haven't met yet, lol.
Re: I Can't Wait

juicyjesus said:
I can't wait to meet whoever it is..........Scott

Don't do it... don't jinx yourself... Uh oh.. I think I hear the footsteps already. It's too late! I believe you've summoned S.. no, I can't say it! Oh no!!!! If I say it's name it will be upon us! Oh save us all!!!!!!!! Save us all!!!!!!!!
Laughing My Freakin' Ass Off

Oh God, what awaits me beyond the curtain.............:confused:
Re: Laughing My Freakin' Ass Off

juicyjesus said:
Oh God, what awaits me beyond the curtain.............:confused:

I can't say it's name or I might invoke it! :eek: All you need to know is that when it notices you and makes comments you'll know who it is!!:eek: I've seen it shred apart other poets like flimsy pieces of toilet paper!!!! Run away! Run away!!!!!!

Re: Re: ...and i was wrong...ha...never...

Xtaabay said:
I know all about you. You're one of those idiotic guys who likes to think he's so mysterious and deep and poetic and shrouded in mystery (etc) like the 007 of the gothic world or some shit...

OH GOD! How I wish someone would describe ME like this someday! I know you meant it as an insult, but "the 007 of the gothic world" ?!?!?


OMG! That would be the coolest thing to be!

"The Man With The VeryVeryBLACK Gun!"


"Bond. GOTH Bond."