Short Shorts




Makes my tongue hard and my dick water.
Denim Booty shorts=😛. I am a sucker for a extremely short cut off skirt as well. No panties.
It appears that you walked in and caught
Me wearing the shortest of short(s);
I may be quite wrong,
But I'll not wear them for long,
If I misbehave as I ought

Méli :rose:

Brings back happy memories of the teens I had to 'manage' a few afternoons a week during holidays- they'd always be playing unsubtle show' n' tell games and Summer days even better...
Is this what stringing
gentlemen along entails?
Smiles innocently

Méli :rose:

Well, string theory is always double ended yet one and the same and often composed of a suggested sexual connotation. Any meaningful research of string theory would require a practical application of physical manipulation and in this instance a delicate disencumbrance would seem the ideal solution to the perceived conundrum. Mmmm....disencumbrance. ;)