Short Shorts


I love seeing women in short shorts. Their legs look longer and more toned (especially when worn with flip flops), their ass looks great, and even without cameltoes, the sight of shorts fitting snuggly at the crotch is sexy in its own way.

The obvious examples that come to mind will probably be denim shorts but cotton shorts are not without its charms as well.

You're welcome to post pictures, stories and experiences and any other expressions of admiration at shorts shorts
I like females in very tIght thin leather shorts or trousers with no underwear. With a nice emphasised camel toe, they show every detailed contour of their vagina. I'm sure many exhibitionists wear these on purpose in the hope of seeing a reaction in men's trousers.
Did you lose your soul and gain a pole perchance Sir?

Do short dresses go with short shorts?

Méli 💞

Yes, the pole I now sport,
Comes from the dress, so short!
And the smile, so wide,
And the cleavage slide
And the smirky little smile
Make me dwell a while
On thoughts of pleasures,
Exploring your treasures,
A kiss here, a nibble there;
There! Does that seem fair?