Short Shorts

Some other Way

I know I had it
somewhere, mister. Can I pay
my fare some other way?

Méli :rose:

Perhaps it's deeper
Than small hands reach; here I will
Let you borrow mine

But if your pocket's
Bare, then maybe you can ride
Up here, on my lap.

Just help me to steer
So my hands are free to roam
And search your pockets.
I know I had it
somewhere, mister. Can I pay
my fare some other way?

Méli :rose:

I love seeing women in short shorts. Their legs look longer and more toned (especially when worn with flip flops), their ass looks great, and even without cameltoes, the sight of shorts fitting snuggly at the crotch is sexy in its own way.

The obvious examples that come to mind will probably be denim shorts but cotton shorts are not without its charms as well.

You're welcome to post pictures, stories and experiences and any other expressions of admiration at shorts shorts


Way back women wore short shorts with pantyhose. They called them hot pants. They always made me hot as well.
Heather. From those of us that enjoy the female and male bodies that you for posting and sharing your pics!!!!