Show Me Your Teeth

Talk about primal... this does for me in all kinds of ways...


Yes, this is unequivocally primal -- not only for the intensity and location of the bite, but also the visual of her holding his cock at the same time -- thereby psychologically and physically linking pain with primal sexual pleasure. Very arousing. ;)
I was on a tv show a few months ago with three others. We left makeup and were taken down to the studio, prior to the interviewer arriving, to be taken through the procedure when suddenly, and without warning, a female production assistant said to me, “I like your teeth.”

I looked bemused, and so did the others, and then she continued, “I think you have a lovely smile.” I appreciated the compliment, which has been said before, but it’s never been prefaced before by, “I like your teeth.”

If I’d been quicker I would have said, “how much do you want to offer for them?”
Bite in a sensitive spot ... mmmm
