Show us your face... over again!

Up for a while...

How is the land?

i:'ll sneak in for a minute.

One last quickie...

a very nice picture lonelywife :)

here there is mine for this little time.... hope people will like what they see :)

Out to grab some groceries for the fam, it’s a beautiful albeit windy day today..if it gets much windier my already wild hair is going to resemble Eep from Meet the Croods :rolleyes:

So this is where all the hotties hang out!

You are ALL freaking gorgeous and I love you for sharing 😍😍
You’ll have to splash out on a trans-Atlantic flight before I need to worry about catching you peeking in my lounge window whilst I’m slobbing in front of the tv in my boxer shorts!

Something tells me it would be worth the money
Out to grab some groceries for the fam, it’s a beautiful albeit windy day today..if it gets much windier my already wild hair is going to resemble Eep from Meet the Croods :rolleyes:

Ah!!! And there you are with that fun-loving smirk that you do so well. Very pretty. :rose:
I love seeing so many familiar and new faces. I missed a couple though...

Adding mine for a minute
Nice to finally put a face to your rockin bod. 😊

Times up

You’ll have to splash out on a trans-Atlantic flight before I need to worry about catching you peeking in my lounge window whilst I’m slobbing in front of the tv in my boxer shorts!

*checks her sky miles account*
It's a dreary day in Aussie's world, but that's ok, that is how I like it!
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Thank you for the nice comments to my picture...
and compliments for all the nice ones who posted theirs as well :)

That sure will be a good incentive to get back here soon ;)

Have a great day all of you!
Out to grab some groceries for the fam, it’s a beautiful albeit windy day today..if it gets much windier my already wild hair is going to resemble Eep from Meet the Croods :rolleyes:

Oh yay! I'm glad I still caught you! This made my day a whole lot better!