Siren songs and helicockters

Nuclear Bomb, anyone? Must include sound effects 💥
Because I love you… I did my best attempt when I ducked into an empty office to change for the gym…
Edit: trying link again?
Sorry for the delay. I’m coming to you live from the school pickup line and I had to download a new app to view this.. worth it!!

Ladies, we have a newcomer to the scene! Excellent execution of our first trick from the dick trick book, the Nuclear Bomb! 💥

🚨DTA🚨 @OrdinaryPerson @Kitty_so_frisky @Indie @PassionatePanther @AuntieDisco @Amanda330 @lavendersilk @LadyLascivious1
And part two, the wrist watch, well, as good as my body can do anyway…

I'm sorry... how do I get this to work? I need a step by step tutorial.
Copy the two parts of the URL separately to something like a document or notepad, then simply put them together, then copy and paste it to your browser
Copy the two parts of the URL separately to something like a document or notepad, then simply put them together, then copy and paste it to your browser
the way you are doing it now, you can copy and past to the browser directly