Sites for: Mind Games (mental bondage, etc.)?

there isn't a site, book, or list in the world that's going to give you ideas about something like this. You should just write some fiction, or something, I've found that's always put me in touch with the extremes of what I actually want or I'm thinking about.
Sleeping alone or being alone for a while works wonders, too.

I can't get G out of my head lately, the desire to fuck him only after making him cry which I think I could still do if I gave it my all, this seems to be my overriding jill off fodder lately.
rosco rathbone said:
Submissive, stoney. Submissive, submissive, submissive, sub motherfuckin missive. That's what you are and all you are and bless you.

Er, not just the teeniest little bit switch?

rosco rathbone said:

Any questions??

Guessing this one might be rhetorical? :D

(You Know I'll never stop asking questions without a gag. Hey, do they have a gagged smiley? )

Your response Did get me hot, though, (mm hmm) which I'm sure means something... (scratches head....)
Netzach said:
there isn't a site, book, or list in the world that's going to give you ideas about something like this.

Why not? (whines) Just because it all goes in in one's head? Makes it hard to show in a movie, I'll admit. No mild, non-bondagey, no- or little-pain, possibly non-consensual, very D/s stuff out there?

Netzach said:

You should just write some fiction, or something, I've found that's always put me in touch with the extremes of what I actually want or I'm thinking about.

Seems like the second time someone has mentioned this, so probably a good idea. Tried to do something over in the sexual roleplay area but the other darn people and their darn opinions keep getting in the way! :D (That and not jumping on the good ones in time, and my dh not wanting me to pm with anyone to work on storyline beforehand.... sigh)

Netzach said:

Sleeping alone or being alone for a while works wonders, too.
Well, That ain't gonna happen!
Not sure if it matters, though, as I already have clear jilling fantasies, it's just that I'm not sure how closely I want my reality to match or even how I'd manage a substitute. Posted some in the Cafe. Pretty hardcore non-consent, just no blood or tieing up. (Problem is, I'm not the one In the fantasies, they just play out. So may I just oughta get some rape porn. Uck. Left-brain doesn't like that idea. Ignore/strangle left-brain?) Still wouldn't solve the problem of how to start incorporating self in own sex/fantasy life, which is what I really want. So, guess if I start with fiction about what got my motor going again after all this time, which in some ways was way more powerful than those jilling fantasies.... Thanks Netzach. Will do. :rose:

Netzach said:

I can't get G out of my head lately, the desire to fuck him only after making him cry which I think I could still do if I gave it my all, this seems to be my overriding jill off fodder lately.
Ooh lala! Is G someone from the past?
Netzach, the idea of writing my own filth appeals nicely. Ill be giving that a go.

I guess there is no site that will describe what i want, other than my own brain, so ill go there.

**********.com was the site that i think you'd mentioned PS, i tried this and the funniest thing happened. The preliminary exercises of relaxation were occuring, but he started to slip in the word 'obey', i became a little more interested then, but 2/3 of the way through this, my so came in and warped his voice on the recording studio thing so that he sounded silly, talked over the top and other such petty jealous behaviours. So ill have to have another go whilst alone. I was actually very very relaxed by 2/3 of the way through the 'lesson' dont know if id of been hypnotised though. But i could always pretend i was lol.