Skin Art and BDSM

Snooze, I've contemplated this idea of body art a few times over the years. But, ultimately I never followed through and made a slave get a tattoo or a brand of any kind. I've been through all that macho Dom stuff in my head and in the end I just didn't see the point to it. Now, that's not to say I wouldn't mind designing a nice tattoo for Arden's pretty ass. But, it's not a priority.

She wears a simple silver chain that belongs to me, on her right wrist. At this time, I think we're both satisfied with that.

Having three tattoos myself I don't begrudge anyone getting one, or a submissive doing it for their Dominant. Everyone's different and I have seen some beautiful D/s body art in my time. And, some hideous ones as well.
Pollyjean and I are talking about getting ankh tatto's. I want it around my lips but she thinks it would be to sensitive for her, but she did agree to the inner thigh.
ExistentialLuv said:
Pollyjean and I are talking about getting ankh tatto's. I want it around my lips but she thinks it would be to sensitive for her, but she did agree to the inner thigh.
Have you got any other tats?
Etoile said:
Have you got any other tats?

I have 5 of them, I will have pollyjean get web shots of them and post them. I have ideas for 7 or 8 more I want to get.
ExistentialLuv said:
Pollyjean, brand me with My Bitch!!!! Especially after last night.;) :D

YOU ARE MY BITCH!!!! lol sometimes I'm slow but now that I understand We will have to make a trip to the tattoo place...
pollyjean said:
YOU ARE MY BITCH!!!! lol sometimes I'm slow but now that I understand We will have to make a trip to the tattoo place...
But she said brand - or does your tattooist do branding too? ;)
Soron said:
Snooze, I've contemplated this idea of body art a few times over the years. But, ultimately I never followed through and made a slave get a tattoo or a brand of any kind. I've been through all that macho Dom stuff in my head and in the end I just didn't see the point to it. Now, that's not to say I wouldn't mind designing a nice tattoo for Arden's pretty ass. But, it's not a priority.

She wears a simple silver chain that belongs to me, on her right wrist. At this time, I think we're both satisfied with that.

Having three tattoos myself I don't begrudge anyone getting one, or a submissive doing it for their Dominant. Everyone's different and I have seen some beautiful D/s body art in my time. And, some hideous ones as well.

Yesssss I must agree with a lot of your points especially about some art decorating some cute asses. Wonder if they can tattoo an exact handprint lol. :)
Etoile said:
But she said brand - or does your tattooist do branding too? ;)

LOL, well I got to looking at my arms the other day and realized she has branded me already. A month or so ago she left a bruise on my arm, from biting, that stuck around for 2 weeks. I have a permant outline of teeth marks there now. She scared me really fucking good. It is so COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ExistentialLuv said:
LOL, well I got to looking at my arms the other day and realized she has branded me already. A month or so ago she left a bruise on my arm, from biting, that stuck around for 2 weeks. I have a permant outline of teeth marks there now. She scared me really fucking good. It is so COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heh. Branding is burning, I'd approximate what you've got to scarification. She drew blood, I assume?
Etoile said:
Heh. Branding is burning, I'd approximate what you've got to scarification. She drew blood, I assume?

Not that time actually, but a couple of other times. Have scars from that too. The most erotic foreplay we have had is when I let her draw blood. I melt into puddles:D .

Pollyjean my :heart: I think I would like a ladybug tatoo also. What a signifigant sign!!!!!
Etoile said:
Heh. Branding is burning, I'd approximate what you've got to scarification. She drew blood, I assume?

LOL I could also do some real branding... Were is that Blow torch ;)
ExistentialLuv said:
Not that time actually, but a couple of other times. Have scars from that too. The most erotic foreplay we have had is when I let her draw blood. I melt into puddles:D .

Pollyjean my :heart: I think I would like a ladybug tatoo also. What a signifigant sign!!!!!

A ladybug tattoo also boy you are going to be covered ;) But it would be nice on your ass so I could spank your ladybug when you miss behave.
The more I saw of branding the less it appealed to me. It isn't as attractive on those with fair skin. And the thought that something could go wrong, it's just not worth the risk. A hell of a nice fantasy though.