Sneak-A-Peak Senary

Shank, I appreciate your work here. That you search out and post images of real people is a public service. True beauty isn't restricted to the young. When I gaze at the one above, I see a young girl inside an aging body — the young girl is still there, only hidden from view. This image fuels my mind to imaging her life, her lovers, her highs and her lows in life. In fact, all of these images only show the most basic outward facing aspect of each person. So thank you again for prodding my thoughts into a more gentle path ~ :rose:

Shank, I appreciate your work here. That you search out and post images of real people is a public service. True beauty isn't restricted to the young. When I gaze at the one above, I see a young girl inside an aging body — the young girl is still there, only hidden from view. This image fuels my mind to imaging her life, her lovers, her highs and her lows in life. In fact, all of these images only show the most basic outward facing aspect of each person. So thank you again for prodding my thoughts into a more gentle path ~ :rose:

:heart::heart::heart: - Thank you so much for those kind words. You capture what I try to do, that and be a little playful ;) at times.

Have a wonderful holiday and a great new you. :kiss: