So, how do I suicide?

Disconnect from social media, quit coming to Literotica and go out and volunteer to help others. Make real connections with real people.

Your LIFE HAS VALUE to others even it if feels like it doesn't.

I'm not much for prayer, but I'll pray for you....

From the website Suicide Help Line

If you need to talk, the 988 Lifeline is here.​

At the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, we understand that life's challenges can sometimes be difficult. Whether you're facing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug use concerns, or just need someone to talk to, our caring counselors are here for you. You are not alone.
Disconnect from social media, quit coming to Literotica and go out and volunteer to help others. Make real connections with real people.
Do you think it would be better to abandon forums forever since I'm destined to always get banned anyway? And also stop talking to people at all since no one will ever like me anyway? That way I'll stop getting disappointed over and over and come to terms with the fact that I'm born unlikeable.
Do you think it would be better to abandon forums forever since I'm destined to always get banned anyway? And also stop talking to people at all since no one will ever like me anyway? That way I'll stop getting disappointed over and over and come to terms with the fact that I'm born unlikeable.
You are clearly a troll, no one with true suicidal thoughts will seriously post these points on a sex forum - so bye.
Don't suggest any place where assisted suicide is legal, because I have no money to travel. Just tell me how to do it myself.

In case you don't remember why I want to suicide, read this thread again:
Suicide is a pretty awful thing. I speak as someone in healthcare how has stabalized trauma pts after failed attempts and help people all the time with overwhelming suicide thoughts.
I think you really need therapy or someone to talk to. I hope you reach out for help.

37 isnt to late to change the course of your life. There are a lot of optiins out there. If you need resources or someone to help point you in the right directiin feel free to massage. I am not on often but when I am I will respond.