so we can't say that this is a free and open forum with having our posts removed?

Fflow said:
Eve, I know I've complemented you endlessly, probably to the point of being borish, but you've consistantly got the sexiest AVs. I am always excited about seeing what new image you've created.

I had a new one recently, but it got vetoed (pun intended) by the few threads I was posting on. Here's why:


BTW, this is what happens when you drop a VERY HEAVY piece of wood onto your toe while wearing open-toed sandals.

Well, I'm thoroughly grossed out now! ugh... If you'd drilled that when it first happened it might not have ended up so bad.

Hi everyone! Hows spring in your neck of the woods? Its damn chilly here...

Yes I use a lot of ellipses... its the way I talk... I say dotdotdot at the end of every sentence
Fflow said:
Eve, I know I've complemented you endlessly, probably to the point of being borish, but you've consistantly got the sexiest AVs. I am always excited about seeing what new image you've created.

I had a new one recently, but it got vetoed (pun intended) by the few threads I was posting on. Here's why:


BTW, this is what happens when you drop a VERY HEAVY piece of wood onto your toe while wearing open-toed sandals.
Is that your toe?
BooMerengue said:
Well, I'm thoroughly grossed out now! ugh... If you'd drilled that when it first happened it might not have ended up so bad.

Hi everyone! Hows spring in your neck of the woods? Its damn chilly here...
I'd stay away from chilie, Wendy, at least for awhile