(some of the) BEST WRITING ADVICE I ever got...

I agree with you... all the way down.

I just want to clarify, I was not scolding you for "misquoting" the bible at all.

There is a big difference between as you say "misquoting" (or as I see it, individual interpretation, which is a wonderful thing to do with any text) and basically missing the main point of the phrase.

* For example, the "golden rule"
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

* "Misquote" or as I would call it, possible interpretation:
"Treat other people as you want to be treated"

* Missing the fundamental point of the original statement:
"If some jerkoff does something to you that you do not like, you should turn around and do the same darn thing to them, the ass hole deserves it for treating you badly in the first place"


interesting sidenote: Buddhist text has a similiar "golden rule"

"Do not do unto others as you would not have them do unto you"

It is a fun logistical exercize breaking these two statements to see how they are similiar, yet not identical....finding examples of everyday life where one might apply, etc.

Sorry, wasn't jumping you, just getting something off my chest that I don't often get the chance to do. Now, about the "Golden Rule". The fact of the matter is Ripley investigated the re-occurance in each country of some form or another. It seems that every country, religion and culture has the same rule. Maybe said in different ways, but they all have the same "Golden Rule" statement. All in itself, rather amazing.

Heinlein's 5 Rules of Writing

1. You must write. You must write every day.
2. You must finish what you write.
3. You must submit what you write to a publisher.
4. If rejected, you must resubmit your writing to another publisher and keep it on the market until it sells.
5. Never change a work after it is finished except to editorial direction.
(and then, you start learning to write)
TheRainMan said:
3. avoid slam poetry at all costs. it's fun, but it will kill your craft. –- a good friend

Really, really curious why your good friend would say this. Did s/he explain how exactly it wil kill your craft?