Someone Says....Challenge

dh says

dh says

ya don’t have to walk too far
to step in human excrement

holds up his adidas as proof

You don’t see it?
so damn used to the smell
don't notice you are waist deep in the shit
half your life.

dh smells it all and
rubs our noses deep.
Ah, what the hell...

Karen says it's me

That song on the radio

You always try to be everything to everyone

Sitting and smoking
laughing and drinking
I say the song is my brother

Karen says it's me

You do what they tell you to, you play all the right games

A throw away line
meaningless comment
made years ago

Karen says it's me
1201 says

twelve oh one says

this is the time it started
and you were there

and then he goes on to say things I cannot repeat
(not for the sake of respect
or discretion

I just cannot repeat
what 1201 says.)

my fingers cannot reach those keys
Re: Ah, what the hell...

minsue said:
Karen says it's me

That song on the radio

You always try to be everything to everyone

Sitting and smoking
laughing and drinking
I say the song is my brother

Karen says it's me

You do what they tell you to, you play all the right games

A throw away line
meaningless comment
made years ago

Karen says it's me

oh I love that one (song)
and this one too (poem)
it works.

A friend mentioned

A friend mentioned once
that he does not like edges,
marked with fence and
hedges trimmed to eye level.

He blows kisses to cars that pass and
go, over another blurred border crossing.
Ticket in pocket, everything safe.
He oils rusted clippers and lowers it all down.
Tung says

Tung says

I know the moment when you become the willing prisioner
to another
without whom you cannot be

and appears to identify the body
without which I have been

aloneness is everywhere

even when the Venn diagram circles
completely contain each other

the you
Re: Tung says

annaswirls said:
Tung says

I know the moment when you become the willing prisioner
to another
without whom you cannot be

and appears to identify the body
without which I have been

aloneness is everywhere

even when the Venn diagram circles
completely contain each other

the you

oh gawd. i love tt2u, but Venn diagrams!!!! The bane of my corporate existence--I was always being instructed to "negotiate within the overlap"

Re: Big T says

annaswirls said:
T says

You have just not met the right cartographer yet.

And hands you compass
but no matter which way you turn
It keeps pointing right back to you.

T says
I am sure this all means something
even this certainty means something.

He says
Just ask the crow
and he will say
"I am not
a crow."

ya know what's that makes total sense to me

anna says
" watch"
and scatters a hand full of photograps
across a persian rug
she writes about them as they land
in no order
but somehow
you see them all
on the rug
and they tell everyone
a different thing
like a magic 8 ball
she hides her answers
Mister Carrington says
"Sit down laddie"
and pats a red worn stool

I smell bar poilsh and tobacco
and condensation travel down cold beer bottles
blood from the crown of thorns
tears of the wounded
and lost

Mister Carrington talks of old things
of love and honor
about finding perfection
and letting it go
about the wonder in
a perfumed letter
the timelessness
of a slow waltz
holding silk
and lipstick

Mister Carrinton tells me things
in a voice with roots
in the ground that holds my forefathers
and we share a beer
and a silence
and an understanding
eleanora says things
in spanish
looking out over
a dying sunset
from her hilltop home

in a canopied bed she reclines
seeing only love
and it's shadow

her words smooth and thick
bubble up like caramel
and soft sticky sweet lie
in my ear
my mouth
and make my heart drown
in the tears of dreams
Maria says
" look backyard is a kingdom"
and with her maternal eyes I see
growth and death
and the order of things

I see talking frogs and singing trees
I see harmony
i see a web of all life
with mother maria
at the center

Maria says
"paitience is the key"
and she smiles and takes my hand
as if leading a child
and shows me things
that are right in front of me
Wicked eve wraps her thoughts
in barbed wire ribbon
and we look but are afraid
to open
lest we feel her pain

she wonders who
would shred their hands
to find her?

my hands bleed and pour forth
empathetic tears
as I cradle the
the broken flower
encased in metal

Re: Eve says

annaswirls said:
Eve says

Don’t deny it.

She knows it is you. She has
always known it was you.

Eve says
quick look at this

and startles you with your own
insides painted around to this side of familiar

she smiles and says
not quite what you were expecting?

well, what did you expect?

Did I say that? :)
The poets say
on any given day
a myriad of mixed sounds,
sights and sensations
are to be found
in people, places and expectations

And then extrapolate
serve up a plate
of rhythms, rhyme and alliteration
some obvious, easy to touch
others obique
with messages
requiring seeking

Each poem a part
a start an end an in between
of what they've felt and heard
and seen
expressed uniquely
a fingerprint
of black on white

And what they write
we read
and changes our sight
alters our impression
adds texture and depth
and scope and breadth
to our own imprint

And so it flows in eyes
ears and mind
stays a spell
and when it's time
reappears, a brand new life
thru penstrokes onto paper
tungtied2u said:
The poets say
on any given day
a myriad of mixed sounds,
sights and sensations
are to be found
in people, places and expectations

And then extrapolate
serve up a plate
of rhythms, rhyme and alliteration
some obvious, easy to touch
others obique
with messages
requiring seeking

Each poem a part
a start an end an in between
of what they've felt and heard
and seen
expressed uniquely
a fingerprint
of black on white

And what they write
we read
and changes our sight
alters our impression
adds texture and depth
and scope and breadth
to our own imprint

And so it flows in eyes
ears and mind
stays a spell
and when it's time
reappears, a brand new life
thru penstrokes onto paper

well hell
now theres nothing else to say
thread killer
:D :rose:
excellent work
negotiating within the overlap

Angeline said:
oh gawd. i love tt2u, but Venn diagrams!!!! The bane of my corporate existence--I was always being instructed to "negotiate within the overlap"


oh Ange!
Venn diagrams are very sexy to me

eh hem so was you saying "negotiate within the overlap"

I mean damn! Hot hot hot. What are you trying to say? I am blushing!

I used to make them with different combinations of people, in sexy positions

or to help me visualize the bits of myself that sometimes do not seem to communicate or overlap properly, or um sometimes improperly.

you just gotta be creative, eos!

make those meetings more interesting.

negotiate yourself over my lap, baby
Re: negotiating within the overlap

annaswirls said:
oh Ange!
Venn diagrams are very sexy to me

eh hem so was you saying "negotiate within the overlap"

I mean damn! Hot hot hot. What are you trying to say? I am blushing!

I used to make them with different combinations of people, in sexy positions

or to help me visualize the bits of myself that sometimes do not seem to communicate or overlap properly, or um sometimes improperly.

you just gotta be creative, eos!

make those meetings more interesting.

negotiate yourself over my lap, baby

lol. well, when you put it that way. my former employer was not a place that encouraged my imagination in that direction, more's the pity...
Re: Re: Re: Tung says

tungtied2u said:
plug your ears ee.....

I love you to Ange.....:kiss:

(great what a little editing can do)

mmmm, how's your uvula, handsome?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Tung says

Angeline said:
mmmm, how's your uvula, handsome?

Hanging in there....the swellings gone down....

should we be talking about this in public?.... :eek:
I duuno man
anytime i've talked about " swelling going down" in public it's taken a turn for the worse
Tathagata said:
I duuno man
anytime i've talked about " swelling going down" in public it's taken a turn for the worse

it turns for the worse?????
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tung says

tungtied2u said:
Hanging in there....the swellings gone down....

should we be talking about this in public?.... :eek:

I'd think if we said we were discussing it in private, that would be well--taking a turn for the worse. lol.

Aren't you going to ask me how I know what a uvula is? :D