soreness - help!

bunny bondage said:
umm.....i think i'll save the yogurt for a last-resort kind of thing! lol! thanks though, and if it gets bad enough, i guess i'll be willing to try anything! as long as it's not that fruit-on-the-bottom kind, i hate that stuff! :p

Well, you don't have to eat it!!!!

Ebonyfire said:
Adding acidophilus to water and douching works too.

Of course I am please to announce ot you young ladies that when you are an old bird like Me (post-menopausal) you can kiss yeast infection goodbye!

I am looking forward to that. Using birth control pills can increase that propensisty too. But once post- menopausal......:nana: :nana: :nana:
I wear out a women on the first night. The curse of being thick.
kayte said:
I am looking forward to that. Using birth control pills can increase that propensisty too. But once post- menopausal......:nana: :nana: :nana:

I have been doing the dance of joy for 8 years now!
bunny bondage said:
well that's strange....but no, it's not His semen. i never get sore after we have sex once or twice in a day, it's only after He's been after me five times in an afternoon or such (He's VERY virile)

He must be young. LOL
Ebonyfire said:
He must be young. LOL

He's 30, but i tell Him that He has the cock of a sixteen year old. He tells me that no, when He was sixteen, He would masturbate as much as six times a day, continuing on even after His foreskin was sore and tender. He even gave me a little impression saying "argh! it hurts....but it feels so good!" i doubt He'll ever suffer from lack of virility, even in His old age!
bunny bondage said:
He's 30, but i tell Him that He has the cock of a sixteen year old. He tells me that no, when He was sixteen, He would masturbate as much as six times a day, continuing on even after His foreskin was sore and tender. He even gave me a little impression saying "argh! it hurts....but it feels so good!" i doubt He'll ever suffer from lack of virility, even in His old age!

Yep, that was the age I was thinking of. It seems that at 30 they are like the Energizer Bunny...they keep going, and going, and going.
