Sorry bout this..

Don't need film, but I do need a photographer.... ;)
Well, damn, Svenska.... We're made for each other!
Svenskaflicka said:
...said the exhibitionist to the voyeur...

*grins evilly* .. So when do I expect you and your camera, Oh Flick-esque one? ;) :devil:
As soon as I can scrape up enough money for the airplane ticket. You can expect me at 16th of November...

Gosh, you scared me then, I thought you were interrupting NaNo!!!!!

If I give up NaNo, it will be because the lack of inspiration is unbeatable, not because I get sidetracked by a hot bod.

Oh, shit! That reminds me, Hubby's coming over by the end of November. Hmmmmm... I just might have to take back what I just said.
Wow, this is only my first post ever. Guess I have a way to go, yay me. :( Am I doing this right? haha
ChromeCollar said:
Wow, this is only my first post ever. Guess I have a way to go, yay me. :( Am I doing this right? haha
Dear ChCo,
Woo woo woo. Yay you.
Hey, ChromeCollar, welcome to Lit! A few words of advice for you, newbie:

  • Don't call me Sven.
  • Don't ever ask MG what is called "The Question".
  • Don't call me Sven.
  • Don't sign up for the NaNoWriMon-contest unless you want to go insane in one month.
  • Don't call me Sven.
  • Don't mention sheep, garderobes or Welsh.

    and, finally:
  • Don't call me Sven.
1000 posts? I registered in March 2001, and I'm not even at 200 yet.

Tersely yours, Vincent
Aaah, Vincenzo, I'm just an over-opinionated egotistical loudmouth. Ask anyone...

Raph, loquaciously.
Okay, sorry for the double post, and the noob attitude, but how do I lose the virgin title, and how can I put a picture on the left like everyone else? :(
ChromeCollar said:
Okay, sorry for the double post, and the noob attitude, but how do I lose the virgin title, and how can I put a picture on the left like everyone else? :(

Virgin is less think 25 posts, and the cool pic is available after 100 posts if you bribe the correct people.

*warms up her bribe*

Whisper :rose:

I'm new also, and will take this advice to heart as well. But doesn't being refered to as "Svenska" for short also seem odd?

I suspect I would be tired quickly of people refering to me as "American" all day. :D
ChromeCollar..Keep posting is my advice*L* if you really want to get rid of your virginity quick pop over to the playground forum and play on the word games..soon you'll be experienced and have a little pic and everything! :)

(how else do you think I got tweleve and a half thousand posts in just over a year?)
Svenska or Flicka are both OK. The majority around here go for Svenska, but raphy and a few others have chosen Flicka.

I leave it up to you if you want to associate me with a vegetable or a horse.
Svenskaflicka said:
Svenska or Flicka are both OK.
Dear Svenska,
Seems like I started the "Svenska" thing, way back when. It was shortly after you chewed my butt for calling you the S-word.