Sounds, anyone?

Welcome to the board Netzach. Funny, I have handled sounds for a couple of years as an OR nurse. It wasn't until I started exploring this world of BDSM that I had any idea they were used for any other purpose than what they were designed for *grin*.

Boy, I sure do look at stuff at work in a whole new light. LOL.

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Welcome to the board Netzach. Funny, I have handled sounds for a couple of years as an OR nurse. It wasn't until I started exploring this world of BDSM that I had any idea they were used for any other purpose than what they were designed for *grin*.

Boy, I sure do look at stuff at work in a whole new light. LOL.


Yep it is interesting the amount of medical equipment that make great pervertibles.
NemoAlia said:
No personal experience with sounds here, but I did want to pop in and say:

Welcome to lit BDSM, Netzach! We've been wondering when we'd start hearing more from the gay male world. Please, make yourself at home -- I can't wait to hear more from you!

*LOL* Well howdy! Unfortunately you will not be able to consider this a dispatch from the gay male world, as I am not one. At best, I might be a gay man trapped in the cute squishy body of a 29 yo. Fem Top. Gender may be fluid, but it's not that fluid yet.

I'm bi, my boy is bi, and I spend a lot of my time in the GLBT Leather community. In my club we are the token boy/girl duo and we like it that way just fine.

Hope you are still interested. Nice to be here.
Netzach said:
*LOL* Well howdy! Unfortunately you will not be able to consider this a dispatch from the gay male world, as I am not one. At best, I might be a gay man trapped in the cute squishy body of a 29 yo. Fem Top. Gender may be fluid, but it's not that fluid yet.

I'm bi, my boy is bi, and I spend a lot of my time in the GLBT Leather community. In my club we are the token boy/girl duo and we like it that way just fine.

Hope you are still interested. Nice to be here.

We're still interested :D
Nice to hear from all sides & all folks :D

Whoops, pardon my faux pas. You said leatherman, plus male sub, I just equated that with your being a guy. But hey, you rock nevertheless.

Ebonyfire said:
Labor does NOT feel like a bladder infection. I have experienced both and I have a high threshold for pain, and I assure you a bladder infection does not make you want to grab your lower lip and pull it over your head. Labor does.

Holy crap.

I thought it was bad when I miscarried, but damn, that sounds like true pain to me.
lady-kat said:
Holy crap.

I thought it was bad when I miscarried, but damn, that sounds like true pain to me.

I have had one miscarriage, and that was close, but not quite as bad.
I can not begin to imagine what a miscarraige feels like. This is my second pregnancy and so far, so good. Except I can't quite do the things I've done prior.
WynEternal said:
I can not begin to imagine what a miscarraige feels like. This is my second pregnancy and so far, so good. Except I can't quite do the things I've done prior.

Take care of yourself! When are you due?
lady-kat said:
Holy crap.

I thought it was bad when I miscarried, but damn, that sounds like true pain to me.
Just to pop a couple of pennies in here: to me, miscarriages were not near as bad as labor. Then again, a ten and a half lb. firstborn coming out of a (normally) 98 lb. person is bound to be painful. It doesn't get any easier the second time, and i'm not expecting any breaks this time, either.


Sounding is very uncomfortable, to say the least. We've only done it two or three times, but that was enough. After a few long cussings and dicussions We decided that it was simple for the better not to deal with it, especially due to the fact that it actually desensitized me for long periods of time. Things would be really sore for a day or two, then almost completely numb for a week or more. It just wasn't healthy.
entitled said:
Just to pop a couple of pennies in here: to me, miscarriages were not near as bad as labor. Then again, a ten and a half lb. firstborn coming out of a (normally) 98 lb. person is bound to be painful. It doesn't get any easier the second time, and i'm not expecting any breaks this time, either.


Sounding is very uncomfortable, to say the least. We've only done it two or three times, but that was enough. After a few long cussings and dicussions We decided that it was simple for the better not to deal with it, especially due to the fact that it actually desensitized me for long periods of time. Things would be really sore for a day or two, then almost completely numb for a week or more. It just wasn't healthy.

Damn! MY daughter was 8 lbs. 10 oz, and had a big ole head (still does)! I cannot conceive (pun intended) of anything that big!
Ebonyfire said:
Damn! MY daughter was 8 lbs. 10 oz, and had a big ole head (still does)! I cannot conceive (pun intended) of anything that big!
Oh, it didn't bother me a bit (until the epidural wore off). They've been getting smaller and skinnier, though. my little boy was 10 lbs. 6 oz, my girl was 9 lbs. 3-1/2 oz, and they're thinking this one's going to be a little under 9 lbs. Of course, they said the boy was only going to be about 8 lbs.
It's about time I got back to you (before Eb decides I need a spanking for keeping her waiting!)

As I said, during some research, I came across a couple of sites on stretching the female urethra. They made it sound really hot. About a week ago now, I decided to go and do a little experimenting. One of the sites told how the Dom had used a cotton but to begin with (I think the Americans know these as Q-tips).

The site hadpointed out that, sometimes, the female urethra is a little difficult to locate ... and it certainly took me a couple of minutes to find mine! Finally, I located it and set to work very gingerly ... rubbing the cotton bud over and around the opening. Suddenly, pop! It was in.

The feeling was quite something. I rotated it about a little and began to get very aroused.

Then I decided ... lets take this a step further and I got a vibe going in my now sopping wet cunt and set to work with a new cotton bud. That was amazing. Within a couple of minutes, I orgasmed so strongly that the cotton bud was soaked and the vibe went flying out!
WillowPuss said:
It's about time I got back to you (before Eb decides I need a spanking for keeping her waiting!)

As I said, during some research, I came across a couple of sites on stretching the female urethra. They made it sound really hot. About a week ago now, I decided to go and do a little experimenting. One of the sites told how the Dom had used a cotton but to begin with (I think the Americans know these as Q-tips).

The site hadpointed out that, sometimes, the female urethra is a little difficult to locate ... and it certainly took me a couple of minutes to find mine! Finally, I located it and set to work very gingerly ... rubbing the cotton bud over and around the opening. Suddenly, pop! It was in.

The feeling was quite something. I rotated it about a little and began to get very aroused.

Then I decided ... lets take this a step further and I got a vibe going in my now sopping wet cunt and set to work with a new cotton bud. That was amazing. Within a couple of minutes, I orgasmed so strongly that the cotton bud was soaked and the vibe went flying out!

It didn't hurt? the cotton in your urethra?
Ebonyfire said:
Take care of yourself! When are you due?

I'm due sometime in August. With my first, my kidneys almost shut down and my gallbladder was overloaded (indigestion my foot). I have a different doctor now who's keeping close tabs on my bloodwork and we may take a sonogram of my kidneys if they start hurting again.
WillowPuss said:
not at all

it was quite amazing and really got my engine revved!

And to add to Eb's question: The swab wasn't too dry to go in? I'm trying to fathom this.
WynEternal said:
And to add to Eb's question: The swab wasn't too dry to go in? I'm trying to fathom this.


no ... I had rubbed it around and over the top ... and it was slightly ummmmm damp down there - with me thinking about it and all.
Some q tips come sterile. I hope you keep them that way. Touching them to surrounding areas (to the urethra) does raise the possibility of infection. Make sure you do a lot of peeing just after this kind of session and in the hours after. Things are spozed to be moving OUT. A UTI teaches lots of lessons. Generally boil any item that's to be inserted.
Pure said:
Some q tips come sterile. I hope you keep them that way. Touching them to surrounding areas (to the urethra) does raise the possibility of infection. Make sure you do a lot of peeing just after this kind of session and in the hours after. Things are spozed to be moving OUT. A UTI teaches lots of lessons. Generally boil any item that's to be inserted.

Ohhhh yes!
I keep them sterile!

I have had a couple of UTI's (after ops in hospital) and I certainly do NOT want one if I can avoid it.

It is on our list of very occasional play ideas.