Speak now or forever hold your peace

Re: Judo

Star At Sunrise said:
Damn! I am SO glad I wrote before reading any of the poems in this thread. Judo's blows me away completely! (actually all of them have been really good!) Thanks for this thread!

Thanks, SAS. I'm never one to pass up a compliment! You're a doll.

- Judo
WickedEve said:
We haven't played taboo in a while, have we?
Ok, I am game.


    the chairs on the beach
    both families and guests
    the breeze the morning sun
    the young priest in his element
    the two of them about to kiss
    while suddenly something is amiss
    a woman gets up and claims
    the hard sand under your feet is fine
    but this here she points to her impressive belly
    is his
    he contradicts her it's not mine
    but she insists:
    I swear to God!

    at night
    in a Beach Motel room
    the woman unbuttons her dress
    and asks her lover
    you recognize YOUR pillow on my belly don't you?
    it has your monogram

                    Senna Jawa
Re: I Do (Not) Haiku

Lauren.Hynde said:

I just saw this thread and now I really NEED to post something, but since it's 2.30am, I'll just post a little haiku inspired in something I just heard from karmadog (thank you, my friend, hope you don't mind)... It goes something like this:

I Do (not) Haiku*

Get Your Tongue Of My Mouth,
The New Wife Said.
I Am Kissing You Goodbye!

Nice, pleasing (while not haiku :)

*(hope it's OK to use "I do" on the title)

Teaser :)

    Senna Jawa:)
So much talent!

You poets certainly have come up with some excellent poems!
Re: I Do (Not) Haiku

Lauren.Hynde said:
I Do (not) Haiku

Get Your Tongue Of My Mouth,
The New Wife Said.
I Am Kissing You Goodbye!
The first and last lines are actually a book title:
Get your tongue out of my mouth, I'm kissing you goodbye! by Cynthia Heimel, who used to write the "Women" column for Playboy.

Since *my* brain is full of useless information, I figured I oughtta share. And now y'all have more trivia...just in case you ever need some.

Bow-tied bouquets
begin to droop
as ribbon edges fray
but no one looks
that closely anyway.

Guilty girls wear
celebrated gowns
and artificial hair
but mean to keep down
secrets they share.

A small murmur trips
like dappled light
across his trembling lips,
suggesting he might
confess secret slips.

The enlightened one
pales beneath lace
mourning all that's now gone;
betrayed betrothal
a dream's come undone.
Thankx, Risia

I was actually curious about that myself. All karmadog had told was that it was the name of a song, twenty years ago, so I hadn't enough info to do research on it...

Glad to see I'm not the only one who clogs the brain with useless trivia! ;)
I agree with wicked about all the talent displayed in these forums..never ceases to amze me and not to even mention
the beauty of the women who writ as well..although i prefer
to be romanced by a certain "dark stranger' ..
clinging to my dreams...Angel