Spotlight on. . . TypicalDeviant

What question do you want to be asked?

What question would you refuse to answer?
What question do you want to be asked?

What question would you refuse to answer?

Oooh, good one...

Anything genuine is a good question to ask.

I won't answer any questions about personal information (name, location, etc)

Also, as this threads seems to be dying down, I'll be contacting the next person for their Spotlight. Get your questions in before this closes down!
Ohhhhhhh ?? Why is this thread closing down ? Is there a time limit to this whole spotlight thing ? :confused:

I could keep asking ya questions. Like, what's your favorite food(s) ?
What food(s) do you hate ?

What job/career do you really wish you were doing or could do ?

What job/career are you glad you don't have to do ?

I can't BELIEVE nobody else is interested in asking a cool person like yourself more questions.... what the....?
Ohhhhhhh ?? Why is this thread closing down ? Is there a time limit to this whole spotlight thing ? :confused:

I could keep asking ya questions. Like, what's your favorite food(s) ?
What food(s) do you hate ?

What job/career do you really wish you were doing or could do ?

What job/career are you glad you don't have to do ?

I can't BELIEVE nobody else is interested in asking a cool person like yourself more questions.... what the....?

Meh, he's boring.
Seriously though the HT has its slow times, I'd give it a few more days yet TD, we're a fluctuating bunch.
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Ohhhhhhh ?? Why is this thread closing down ? Is there a time limit to this whole spotlight thing ? :confused:

I could keep asking ya questions. Like, what's your favorite food(s) ?
What food(s) do you hate ?

What job/career do you really wish you were doing or could do ?

What job/career are you glad you don't have to do ?

I can't BELIEVE nobody else is interested in asking a cool person like yourself more questions.... what the....?

I love Mexican and Thai food, particularly enchiladas, (real, not TB) gorditas, tortas, pad thai, and a variety of Thai curries.

I would like to have a career in photography or some form of art, but I prefer a steady, predictable paycheck, to something a little more volatile.

I'm glad I don't have to work in a factory or similar hard labor type job. There's nothing wrong with them, and I've done my share of it, but it's not for me.
Meh, he's boring.
Seriously though the HT has its slow times, I'd give it a few more days yet TD, we're a fluctuating bunch.

Guilty as charged.

The thread's momentum seemed to be dying, so I figured it was time for the next victim. I already contacted him/her, and if s/he accepts, I'll create the next one this weekend.
sorry i haven't been around for a bit: RL kinda took precedence for a spell there.

TD, it's always nice to meet another geek--apropos of which, i'm a member of a forum you might find of interest. i'll PM you about it. but hey, the way i see it, let your geek flag fly, dude. google's a veritable blue chip, and if that doesn't say it re: geekdom, nothing does. :>

TD quoth:
i've found the most important parts of enjoying your roleplaying experience is to play with a group of people you really like, focus on the story, and say "yes" a lot.

we've gone entire sessions without rolling a die and it's been just as much fun as the hack 'n' slash sessions.
amen to that, sir. :> in the aftermath of session 1 of my game, the players were up for 2+ hours afterwards, continuing to have an extended, in character conversation. i was so proud to hear about it afterwards (was dead tired and zonked). :D

a few more questions:

1. for the sake of argument, let's say you could substantially change one major literary (meaning: non-religious) work. once your change goes into effect, it's as if the change had always been there. what would you change, and how?

2. as a fellow geek, i'm betting you've got some specific faves in genre lit. what/who are they? :D

3. thoughts on the respective D&D editions? feel free to be as verbose or laconic as you like. :>

4. professional sports: preferences/team loyalties/they're all way overpaid to play a darned game?

If you could play any rpg or board game of your choice what would it be and with whom would you wish to game?
sorry i haven't been around for a bit: RL kinda took precedence for a spell there.

TD, it's always nice to meet another geek--apropos of which, i'm a member of a forum you might find of interest. i'll PM you about it. but hey, the way i see it, let your geek flag fly, dude. google's a veritable blue chip, and if that doesn't say it re: geekdom, nothing does. :>

amen to that, sir. :> in the aftermath of session 1 of my game, the players were up for 2+ hours afterwards, continuing to have an extended, in character conversation. i was so proud to hear about it afterwards (was dead tired and zonked). :D

a few more questions:

1. for the sake of argument, let's say you could substantially change one major literary (meaning: non-religious) work. once your change goes into effect, it's as if the change had always been there. what would you change, and how?

2. as a fellow geek, i'm betting you've got some specific faves in genre lit. what/who are they? :D

3. thoughts on the respective D&D editions? feel free to be as verbose or laconic as you like. :>

4. professional sports: preferences/team loyalties/they're all way overpaid to play a darned game?


1. Atlas Shrugged. I haven't read it, but too many people refer to that book as some sort of bible, and I think its message needs to be tempered a bit.

2. Dan Abnett - 40k and WHFB novels, but I've tossed a few to friends who don't play and they've come back in a day or two asking for the next one...

The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons

The John Carter of Mars books by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to read in the past few years. A condition I hope to change soon.

3. Hm... D&D was a good start. AD&D was inevitable. 3.5 killed itself with too many supplments. 4e, while it initially put me off, I've grown to like it. At first I was miffed that it was pretty much just combat rules and no rules for social interactions. Then I realized that all that stuff should be left up to the players/DM, so maybe change is good. Maybe.

4. I root for all of my local professional teams. For college sports, I root for my alma mater first, and then the other universities in my state in no particular order. Athletes are paid a lot, but they bring in a TON of revenue, so don't they deserve a share of it?
If you could play any rpg or board game of your choice what would it be and with whom would you wish to game?

As a game master, I'd like to run some Rogue Trader with my usual group pls Barack Obama. Look, the guy reads Spiderman and Conan, clearly he's up for some gaming.

As a player, I'd like to play some old World of Darkness games with Stephen King as the Game Master. It'd be perfect because the stories would be great and they'd never end.

Unfortunately, if there were an ending, it would suck. :D