SSC and The Law - A Chance to Participate In Advocating Change

jon.hayworth said:

Thank you for publicising this site - the work Spanner are doing is really important for all of us in the UK.
It would appear that those of us into S&M are to be denied the rights of practicing our own sexuality that have been granted to every other group.
We are, and if we do not campain will remain, an oppressed and all too often silent minority.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:

Thank you, and nice to see you here again. It does seem a bitter pill to swallow in the supposedly so enlightened 21st century when people are not free to make their own decisions for themselves, especially when it need not affect anyone who does not want to participate. I hope to live long enough to see things change for the better, and if I can do anything to help bring about that change, I will.

Catalina :rose:

What appears to be forgotten is that the "Spanner Case" has implications for S&M ers across the whole of Europe as the European Court of Human Rights upheld the decision of the English Courts.

In other words a green light was given for simular cases to be prosecuted anywhere in Europe.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
jon.hayworth said:

What appears to be forgotten is that the "Spanner Case" has implications for S&M ers across the whole of Europe as the European Court of Human Rights upheld the decision of the English Courts.

In other words a green light was given for simular cases to be prosecuted anywhere in Europe.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:

Yes, sometimes feels we are peddaling backwards, but the fight must go on otherwise we get forced to live the hypocritical existance of those who fear to tread where others dare. Sad thing is, many who oppose changes are those who do as they do, not as they say. All I can conclude is they fear being seen to do anything other than conservative, or fear being caught on the losing side. Sad.

Catalina :rose: