Star Trek: The Silver Key OOC (Semi-closed;PM if Interested)

I am going to be major busy in the next week. My babies' daddy is coming home and we are going to go visit. As I only have a desk top, travelling is a bit of a problem, but maybe I can borrow Freddy's laptop for some quick postings.

Sorry. :) (Heck, I am happy as all get out as he is home from Afghanistan for good! YAY!)
That's great news! Congratulations!

I'll be getting some posts up and moving things along a bit but don't feel rushed. We and the thread will be here and happy to have you whenever you can post again.
YAY! I am going home on Sunday. The visit is fantastic. Freddy is being a GREAT Marine and fun daddy.
Hi everyone!

Emi, I'm glad to hear the visit went great.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've had a lot of sudden RL emergencies, such as a sudden backed up drain in the basement and poo flooding as a result, and a pretty wicked lingering illness that's kept me from doing so.

The good news is that I am finally feeling better and I hope to post again in a day or so. I'm very sorry for the delay and want to thank you all for being patient with me.
Just curious, Arm.....What happened to Hook?I haven't seen her post in the thread in..quite a while.
She's been pretty busy and there's been some roommate issues that have been taking up time and putting her off of posting. She does want to get back into it though, and we'll talk about it today.

But no fear, the thread will still be going ahead, even if it's at the somewhat slow pace it's adopted currently.
Hi guys! Just some links to the gear that was shown in my last post in case people wanted visuals for it or to know more about it.

I also figured that Dae would be seeing her duty roster updated to include her being on the Away Mission currently assembling. It wouldn't include many details and would be listed as Confidential, but she would know that she'd have to get to the shuttle bay after breakfast.
*salutes* Aye, aye Sir! *giggle* Ohhh! I get to go out and play! I get to go out and play! *dances about happily*

Sorry, I am just excited as all get out. :D
Well, the A/C died so we have issues with the computer overheating. I will post when I can until the A/C is fixed I can not guarentee having any time to post without it shutting down.

Sorry. Dratted complex rules... >.<
Weeeelll. They finally fixed the A/C. Some cappysitter or something went flooey. So tonight it'll be cool enough to finally write! YAY!

(hugs) to All!

Oh... I din't want to make a tiny little post, but Min Dae's name is Korean and I figured that on New Cho-Sen they'd retain some traditions... Her first name is Dae, so she'd be Mr Min rather than Mr Dae.

Take care All and have a wonderful day! -emi
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Glad that things are well chilly again. We'll be sure to be watchful of the name convention from here on out.
Gah! Hook has figured some things out and used her Seles' mental powers way before I thought she would. Nooo!

Just as a few notes, only Seles can hear the "voice" of the Planet Killer as it is speaking telepathically. Everyone can see and hear her, however.

Lt. Klonger would also note that the Planet Killer will have slightly changed its' orientation, as if to allow them better entry to it.
Just so I am clear about things. We heard what the Killer Device said like when Spock mind-melded with the horta?
No, only Seles heard it. However, if she repeats what it "says" to her, then everyone can hear it. She hasn't mind melded with it; just made telepathic contact.
Okay, Dae can go charging forward, hosing these critters... Heavy stun I think would be her first choice, a little more than Fleet protocols call for, but

One: if nothing happens (as I am assuming a stun setting would do) she is going set to kill tout suite.

Two: No one has given orders to shoot, but I am thinking this isn't the time and place to wait... exactly.

Three: I do not want to make a short one-line post, nor post without getting feedback.
I thought it was great! Action!

Emi, good points all around. Here is feedback so you can post.

One: Heavy Stun will make a rad mantis stagger but not knock it down, even with repeated zaps. The lower "Kill" settings will knock the beasties down/around and slow the charge considerably but it'll take a Setting 7 shot to put one down, and then one or two more to vaporize the bodies so the passage is clear.

Two: Security training would kick in here, so yes, feel free to start shooting.

Three: I will post something real short and quick here to get this little firefight going; feel free to include things from it in your post. :) But yes, one liners are not our friends!
Well, to clear the whole "stagger" effect, I wanted to get the impression that the bug adjusted reaction to a happening, sort of a implacable killing machine saying "Eh, what?".

I in no way intended to (and apologize for my fail) to convey any 'Hollywood' effect. But I will edit to correct. :D
I will be going on my 2 week AT with my unit this weekend, until the 22nd. I may or may not have net access during that time.
Thanks for keeping us posted! Good luck on it and I hope it goes well. We'll be here when you're back with plenty to do!

And maybe some more sexiness happening too!