Start an Argument with the Poster Above

It was a better place, we've seen you stretching your lips at the telephone.. Gathering people to follow you?.....I rather follow a cucumber into a cheese sandwich
It was a better place, we've seen you stretching your lips at the telephone.. Gathering people to follow you?.....I rather follow a cucumber into a cheese sandwich
No, gathering people to hold others in this town down to bath their gross asses and to teach them why fucking goats is just wrong.
Not my fault this town sticks out like a turd in a punch bowl with all your debauchery
No, gathering people to hold others in this town down to bath their gross asses and to teach them why fucking goats is just wrong.
Not my fault this town sticks out like a turd in a punch bowl with all your debauchery
Stop your fancy words like debauchery...this was a better place until you rolled up in your foreign car and started smoking cigars. We don't need your rubbish and opinions... There's a bus leaving at half past seven with your name on it
Stop your fancy words like debauchery...this was a better place until you rolled up in your foreign car and started smoking cigars. We don't need your rubbish and opinions... There's a bus leaving at half past seven with your name on it
I’m driving the bus and am going to run your ass over with it 😎
I am so sick of you starting arguments, using argumentive words and argumentive phrases to get your point across in an argumentive way during an argument where argumentive words are applied upon the topic at hand.

Guys name looks like it says Gotpiss. At least he can count to 3...