Stolen Story...

Two thoughts come to mind:

1) Cookie, are you in the U.S. - if so, and these guys are registered through the U.S., you have a lot of power already available to you for their infringement without your written permission. - and BB's and Couture's advise is good.

2) I want to hear what Laurel says too.

I like Alfred Hitchcock's approach - they take all rights and only let people reprint if they mention the AH name as the original publisher - but they allow all reprints that the author OK's. If Lit wants to hold a copyright on any story that the author does not post a copyright notice for, and requires a link to the story at Lit or at least a credit for Lit and let's the author do what they want with reprints, I would be happy.

Money and Credits

Couture said:
... Now if I were charging money for my stories and they were putting food on the table; it would be another matter.
Yes, but I would want credit for my work. When one of my novels is ripped off my publisher does the suing for me.