Stories from the Cove ~Asa's private desk in the Cove~


Comes bearing gifts err make that bearing "gifs".

(Cue bad comedian's rimshot at my terrible pun)
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That first one definitely reminds me of Fistful a d the second perhaps Rayna and one of the boys
Sherlock thread

1. Queen knows of her existence Mycroft will not have clearance to know till Queen let's her grant it.

2. One more victim and she will be wounded enough for Mrs Hudson to find her. to build the attraction between shifter who trust few and Sherlock.

His orders we simple stay silent and enjoy his torment watching her while she was on the phone with that insufferable thing she had to call a husband. The marriage was simply for show and it was abundantly clear that they each had very intimate lives very separate from each other as well as very extravagant and sensual lives at least for her.

She might punish him later but damn was his timing exquisite.

Well guess your latest little barbie leaving you incredibly lonely and unsatisfied if you have the time to call me darling. Cant say that I have any such problem... but fine let's talk business for a bit. Send the paperwork to London. Get the prototype to Belgium and go find some back alley bimbo and leave me alone. I am on vacation. Oh like you actually care who I am with... really... now you find curiosity. Well we will leave it at younger and bigger and so very very hungry.... the conversation ended after a few more business comments and usual jobs as her occupied hand tossed the phone onto the bed and moved to grip his hair.

Naughty.... not following orders...
Stories to attempt once more

Mob connected Madame/sister to Daniel. Cheriss had been the gift that Daniel would sell her to his friends from the time she hit puberty. Then she was taken in and rescued by the local Madame and Mob Princess in their town who groomed her to take over for her in the coming years. Now Cheriss is the Mobs most trusted and beloved Madame and her brother is a Corrupt detective for the local police department who now uses the girls that she helps to go after her and has also sent others to go after his sister but Cheriss is a survivor thanks to her mentor and the life she was forced to live. Long raven hair and well graced and toned form.

Ethan is Daniel's Ia secretly assigned partner who can't stand him or his methods but has no choice but to be assigned to him for now. Though he is learning more about his partners past now that he is seeing Cheriss. He was originally told to act like he was "cut from the same cloth" as Daniel to learn all he can about him and that’s how he met Cheriss. He was told to go after her and do whatever he wanted to her short of killing her and he went but instead of being able to follow to some extent to not blow his cover he ended up falling in love with her and now works even harder to help IA get whatever they can on Detective Katarra to put him away for good.


They have been seeing each other for months now. Ethan using a secret entrance to come and go as he pleases without raising suspicion with her brother his partner Daniel. Cheriss found it strangely comforting to have him around it was a very strange union but still it was perfect in her mind. She woke up looking over at him still sleeping there beside her with a smile faintly gracing his face made her smile. Curling up against his chest and shoulder she closed her eyes again as fingertips faintly trail along his chest.


Glancing briefly at the clock beside the bed she sighed a little knowing he would have to leave soon to go to work, ignoring that unfortunate necessity she snuggled her still naked form closer to him and nipped softly at his earlobe.
Idea that came to mind watching one of my few favorite Westerns. The daughter and son/granddaughter and grandson of a couple of the characters. The western that spawned the idea is titled outlaw justice. Dalton However survives the gunfight in Cordoba and ends up having a daughter who when he dies gets sent back to the US and first finds the two old men who she is named after and they teach her to be the noble outlaw... lady gunslinger just as lethal with a smile as a knife rifle or gun. Taught by the best she becomes the best and finds herself the target of none other than the son of her mentors and adopted grandfather former youngest outlaw protégé, Bryce. Bryce's son however became a sheriff in Hard Edge just like Dalton had been. Then his path crossed hers this beautiful lady gunslinger... what is a sheriff to do...




Torrance Lee Dalton. Lady Gunslinger

Draw... Torrance barked outstanding before her. She stared down at her namesake and went for her gun. The expected thrown hunting knife found its mark pinning her arm by the shirt sleeve to the porch support behind her. Then the glass bottle on the fence behind him shattered as she had popped a derringer out of her sleeve and fired.

Good aim Lee called out. Glad we ain't on your bad side young lady and proof we have taught you all we can to survive here in the west.

Lee's wife looked over from her chair. You can not return to Cordoba... promise us you will not return there.

She nodded to them and smiled a reverent smile to them. I will not go back to Cordoba... any time soon. I want to see the town my father called home... and enjoy... my freedom here in America.

Lee and Torrance just looked at each other and shared a knowing nod. They had trained her well and be it bank train or stagecoach she would be victorious.

After weeks of wandering and knocking over a bank here and there, she had found her way days after she wanted a poster to Hard Edge. Riding in she made her way to the saloon and nodded to the bartender who fixed her a whiskey. She saw some drovers hassling other patrons and looked to the bartender. Need some help with that pest problem friend? She lifted her head a little and gave the bartender a better look at her face his expression quickly changed and an almost frightening nod was all he offered. She smiled slammed her shot of whiskey and turned to face the trouble makers.

Well, now gentlemen... looks like you all need a lesson in manners. So here it is... you can leave or... you can leave.

Seeing it was just a woman a couple of them stood up the third guy went to grab for his associates but it was too late. The largest of the three went for his gun only to end up with a bullet in his hand.

Don't be stupid boys I asked you nicely to leave so let's try this again.

The situation ended the expected way the three drovers with bullets in their hands and then in their chests and the mystery woman long gone except for her hat with a bullet hole in it and a soft linger of perfume on it too by the time the Sheriff arrived.




Walker Dalton Naylor... Sheriff

The latest wanted poster landed on his desk as the rotund mayor glared at him. His dad had told him what had happened in Hard Edge when he rode with Lee and Torrence. The mayor seemed to know the tales too since he lived them. Walker just nodded and smiled till the man left. He glanced at the rebuilt wall where Dalton had blasted his way to retirement and back into the fray. Sounded like they knew how to live. Shame he never got to meet Lee Torrence or Dalton. Maybe one day when this town gets too boring or pompous he might let them relive Dalton's retirement performance. He even had a little three-stick roll of dynamite waiting for that day in the gun safe.

When he finally looked at the poster and saw a woman staring back at him he was stunned. If her picture was that beautiful just how much more stunning was she in the flesh. Reading the name almost gave him a chill. Her last name was Dalton... no way... couldn't be any kin to... then again her name was Torrance Lee Dalton. Could dad have been wrong... No had to be a coincidence. He sat staring at the picture on the poster wanting her to come to Hard Edge but hoping he would never have to meet her.... even the law is only human after all.

Several days later there was a disturbance at the Two Bit Saloon but by the time the Sheriff walked in some drovers who had always been trouble lay dead the bartender and everyone else had nary a scratch on them and the gunman that "took out the trash" as the bartender said was long gone except for a dusty brown hat with a bullet hole in the brim and the soft scent of... perfume?
Stories to attempt once more part 2 (2 versions similar story)

Dr. Selena Legacy
Raven hair
Deep intense dark eyes
Well curved and very toned body
Very clearly at least part Native American

Professor of Ancient Studies at one of the most prestigious mens academy in the nation. One of the only female professors there as the students tended to try to run off or get female professors fired. She had one thing in her side which was 10 years in the military and several years guest teaching in military academies around the world.

She stood staring out the window of her classroom her hair pulled back in a single braid Her near uniform looking business pants suit she looked almost lethal appearance. Written across dry erase board was Dr Legacy and the first topic of discussion. ~The Psychological affect of Sex causing Warfare~

As the bell rang she turned looking out over her class. Deep intense blue eyes looking to each student in turn. She silently noted the ones that seemed to wince at the weight of her glance and the ones who seemed to "puff up" and those who did a good job hiding any reaction.

I am Dr Legacy. I have been told about your attempts to run off female professors... Read your syllabus and my introduction and judge for yourself if you really wish to make that attempt with me. However if death and combat can't scare me... Trust fund gentlemen will probably not stand a chance... But... if you are up for the challenge... Bring it Gentlemen. If you are squeamish about the topic on the board leave my class now and transfer out I will not have you wasting my time or your own.


Dr. Annika Jacobs reclined propped up against a couple of pillows on the lavish king sized bed. Feeling the warmth of the body resting against her brought a soft smile to her lips. A messy divorce driving her half way across the country just to get away from the petty garbage her ex was so deft at creating. Taking on a job and residence in a town that skirted the base of a mountain. It was beautiful land and the cabin she was able to get was nothing less than a dream. Isolated... Stunning views from any of the massive windows.

Sinking deep into her thought she reminisced over Her old friend getting her the job at this prestigious school... The first year dragging by with little to distract her beyond teaching class attending functions that her old friend would drag her to so that everyone could get to know her. Now her second year however has brought with it risk... danger... and desire with a pair of soulful eyes strong arms chiseled body and a desire to love and please...

There was risk there and yet she didn't care... there were somethings... some people worth the risk.


Sitting there on the bed she could not help but reminisce fingertips caressing the sleeping form next to her...

Dr. Annika Jacobs

Moving half way across the country had almost been enough to get away from the crap her ex loved causing. An old friend Jack Briggs had talked her into taking on a teaching job in a standard University instead of the military academies she had been used to teaching in before. She had been a soldier... but not even war could match the horror of the hell of divorcing her ex so getting a break from everything military was just what the "Dr" ordered. She could get away with that since Jack was a Psychology Professor and Dean of the department.

She taught ancient and Military studies... not a favorite class for many of the students but many were surprised that the new Professor for this boring class was younger than 40 and female. One year teaching was out of the way and now she prepared for her second year and yet another bunch of students that she knew half of them didn't want to be there so her intro topic on the board was always used to thin the herd as it were.

"The Ultimate manipulation... Sex as a cause or cure for war throughout history.*

She stood there in a fairly conservative black pants suit with a dusty purple blouse her eyes scanning the classroom watching all the either intrigue shock or disgust at the topic on the board and the very hard edged Military appearing yet very female professor standing by the desk in the lecture hall.
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Stories to attempt once more part 3


They looked to the painting before them each of them in turn placing broom or dagger before the full length painting. Their next circle around the painting they began to place the items from the painting. The skirt the vase the flowers preparing the items in their proper place mirroring the painting near the dressing screen.

Is everything else in place?

A voice called from the shadows as an woman stepped forward seeming guided by a leopard.

Yes... He has returned... the dreams have led him home and the moon nears to her reawakening. It stands at 2 nights out.

The old woman nodded you have all done well. I will go now... it will take time to find her on the other side and guide her back.

With that the old woman walked forward vanishing before she neared the mirrored arrangement and the feline passed through the material and they were both gone.

The old woman was neither dead nor alive but she could pass between the veil to the edge of the realm of death. Mortals at times would call something like this purgatory but it was far from that. A place of emptiness and banishment a place that darkness seeks to seal those that can do it harm. She had to find her. Had to guide her back the full moon finally fell in the anniversary of her banishment into this death and now she could be guided back. The full moon carrying too much light for the forces that banished her at the point of death to walk the realms.

He had been reborn... at long last. Perhaps the soul had been too lost without her or maybe the creatures of death had not seen fit to let him loose till now. They could have simply not run across him before. She would look into that at a later time it was time to find her and wake her. Guiding her back to the resting place of her body was top priority.

The leopard walked the mist sniffing the air till it growled low stopping near what appeared to be a cave till it closed its yawning maw. The old woman simply dismissed it and continued walking till she found the shimmering image and reached a hand to it as it reached a hand back to her.

Child it is my time he will guide you back follow only the leopard and speak to no one till you find your body and awaken. The time has come. There is much you have to do still within the world of mortals. Go now... I... I must rest.


Everything was prepared in the house now to make sure that he saw the house now that he was transferring to a new city and a new job. The Realtor was one of the sisterhood and ready to make sure that he continued remembering and that the house was the only one that was an option for his mind. Including calling him at just the right moment by his name when he was there before so long long ago.



True first born of Zeus with one thing that none of the other illegitimate offspring had... Hera's approval. She viewed the young woman as an idea of what daughters born of she and Zeus could be. The strength of heart and determined will. Felana dwell in the lands that bordered the lands of her mother in Egypt and her father's chosen people in Greece. Reclusive she was well protected by the nomads that roamed the area as well.

Rumors myths and legends abound surrounding the land she calls home and especially the ruins she lives in. Animals that even Artemis herself has never encountered before protect these lands and all she tells them to protect. She commands the elements wiping out anyone who harms those in her lands and the legends go on and on.

Her mother was a Priestess in the ancient desert lands who had caught many eyes both that of mortal and the Gods. Zeus had honored a favor owed to who no one knows and had protected as best he could an ancient temple from a band of monstrous warriors who were a mix of many races including his own Greek people. Honor-less swine bent on destruction of everything in their path, suddenly a new commander claimed their ranks, Zeus in disguise as he saw to it that in their attack they ended up wiping themselves out as well as those few he could not protect.

Felana sat staring out over the setting sun. The early tribes scattered about the landscape and the sound of cattle grazing and calling out filled the air. The occasional snort of the massive feline by her feet broke the silence around her as she absently stretched her hand down scratching her companion behind the ear.

Father had another of his cryptic visits old friend... some muttering about change and honor and more rambling about the children.

She lovingly referred to her siblings Aries Aphrodite and the others as the children because their petty squabbles reminded her of a small herd of children each trying to get their way and command over the others.

One of the children will no doubt be around in time to ask for help or try to win me over or see if I will help calm Hera or whatever.
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Stories to attempt once more part 4



Tikara daughter of the Ancient Egyptian God Khonsu. Her mother a mystery though the Gods have their suspicions. Even Thoth does not hold the answer to this riddle.

She stood with the Lunar Gods and Goddesses as well as those that dealt with death the afterlife. Her father Khonsu known as the devourer of hearts. His payment for guiding the pharaohs through the underworld to slay lesser "gods" and gain the power to be reborn.

Osiris had spoken it was time that she spend time away from the darkness and shadows and live among the other Gods and her father agreed. Ra stood watching a sly smile on his face curious who would seek the young goddess eye or heart.

As he called each the great voice of Osiris boomed out as he made his way along the list of the young Gods and Goddesses now to dwell in the sacred temple.


Tikara took a step forward to Osiris and offered a bow before looking warily to those gathered around. The depths of the underworld were her home and all the bright light and life unnerved her. It was a far different energy from the thoughts hopes and dreams of those in the underworld



Talia Wolfsong
Dancer Theater performance major
Greek Native American decent

Alright team Each of you have to report to room 288 West in the Art and Architecture building for your individual photos for the posters and the calendars for the sale New costumes and National competitions... You have till Noon Wednesday so don't wait too late.

Madame Helena spoke as she stood before her dancers. She herself had been a Prima ballerina and Broadway dancer in her younger years and now had been teaching in some of the most prestigious universities around the world. She could be tough on her dancers but she loved each of them as if they were her own children.

Talia listened wondering which one of the Digital arts/Photography instructors got cast to take all their pictures. She was in and out of the A&A building with her design electives and loved making her own costumes for solo performances and designing ones for the team as well for group and solo dances but the school still gave them budget for professional costumes. Daughter of Greek Native American decent she knew how to highlight her exotic features even when she wasn't trying.

This was her last class so she took her leave and wandered in the crisp afternoon air towards the A&A building from the theater department. Walking in she quickly found her way to the little coffee shop and then made her way to the classroom expecting to see Dr Roberts or Dr Jacobs. Walking in she looked around not seeing anyone right away but lots of photos of the last performance for the Anniversary of the International house becoming a permanent part of the campus. Several of her in her Greek Turkish Bellydancing routine.

Hello Madame Helena said we were to report here for the photoshoot for the calendar and posters?
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Campus yr 3

They had been having their affair for 2 yrs now. Talia and Ben her professor. It wasn't a such of an affair anymore since his fiancée seemed to be turning her attentions more toward someone her own speed as it were. Another young professor who seemed to have eyes for no one but his work but also entertained her due to who her father was. This often gave Talia and Ben more time together. He had been given a better office and classroom this year as well with a secret few who ever had it realized. The closet in the classroom and office were connected giving him a way to get between the two undetected when he wanted and a place for them to play when on top of his desk or the couch got too predictable. That fact that it was technically soundproof was a bonus.
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Story idea Johnothan Rhys Myers Dracula/Van Hellsing

Sir... a perhaps expected guest has arrived and is resting peacefully on the sofa in your private study.

Renfield nodded to His employer and friend Alexander Greyson knowing that placing a guest in there meant they needed protection or were of a more unique variety of guest. He knew that the person across the table from them had no need to know who had arrived. He was one of the people to protect their guest from. Renfield knew why they needed protecting from Abraham perhaps better than even Alexander knew.

Thank you Renfield I will speak with them when they wake. Abraham as always your research is welcomed but I must attend to our guest. I will speak with you at the lab on our next visit.

If your guest requires medical attention I can check on them.

Abraham VanHelsing quickly stood his medical nature and curiosity of who this mystery guest could be getting the better of his normally composed demeanor. Renfield quickly spoke up.

That will Not be necessary they have just been traveling for a few days and said that it was nice to be sitting on something that wasn't moving.
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Another call... Another Hunter contacted Dean unable to reach Lyria. This time it was Jodi and she sounded frazzled in the voicemail.

Dean... It's bad here... We need Lyria... I know she took off for a while but we can't fight her pops alone. Hell, I'm not sure he is alone. With everything going on here in Myers Canyon this could be a damn family reunion. Get here find her something. Sam is helping the best he can but none of us can take them out as solidly as she can.

Cas sat staring at nothing trying to reach out for any kind of lead or blip on the radar that would give any clue where she was but even he wasn't getting anything. Not dead not live just vanished... It should be impossible.
((After a couple of run-ins with her))

Mick Davies knew he was not going to be a welcome sight but he had information that they needed. Sitting at the table when Dean and Cas walked in he held his hands up.

I have information you need. The one you call Lyria... The half-breed we promised your parents no harm would come to by our hands. May very well be in the hands of a church that weaponized her as a child.

Cas was in front of him in a heartbeat.

Your organization was commanded with placing a priest from your organization there to prevent what happened to her from ever happening to anyone else.

I am well aware and we did... The agent appears to have gone rogue and with our technology and his corruption and all of the history of Lyrias past with the church he has gone on his own crusade. Needless to say, he clearly can not make her kill you or...

The phone rings as Sam is frantic on the other end.

Dean I saw her... She said something about making the hunters pay... Then she said something in Greek or Latin or a mix of the two about not harming the connected... Dean she was about to kill me when she growled it out and ran off. What the hell is going on?

Yinra... The last surviving Jaffa tasked with guarding the Sarcophagus of the dark one. She has tried to study the warning around the golden tomb but does not understand how one so young if the tales are true could be so evil as to scare the Gods themselves.

Orders are simple... Destroy anyone who tries to open the sarcophagus


They had found her as a child on earth long before humans really got going with any real technology. They had never seen a being like the child nor had the Goauld and they would soon learn to regret not destroying her. Inanna had her locked away centuries ago for her own good They never got to see the side that was kind and almost innocent all they saw was the psychotic break from the total absorption of the symbiote into the system. She was human but unlike any human they had ever encountered before.
Nanaya (Symbiote "name") Arina (Mortal birth name). Due to complete absorption believes innocently that her name is Nanaya Arina.



Adam Logan had trained and studied to become the SG program's next "Jackson or Carter" he was far more like the nervous McKay who he had spent much of his training with. He was good at the strange scientific of the other worlds they had access to and enjoyed learning about them. His sister Daria, however was the "super" soldier of the family. IQ was the only thing they had in common in all honesty she was fearless and had managed to maneuver herself into the SG military ranks when the Marines had begun to bore her, and they were tired of trying to reign her in.

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Dr. Robert Jeckyll The grandson of Dr. Jeckyl
1000001430.jpg and the daughter of Gabriel Vanhelsing

Isabella VanHelsing was far less human than she appeared. Disowned by her uncle Abraham and having made it clear from a very early age she would not be controlled by the church once of age she spent some time with the vampire Alexander Greyson or as the older age would have called Dracula. From there she traveled the world for a time till she had found her way to London and to the grandson of another mortal myth and Nightmare... Dr. Jeckyl.
Little known to the humans London was a hotbed for creature activity and residence. Just like his father and grandfather before him this new Dr Jeckyl had Hyde lurking within his blood. How better to keep an eye on the infamous monster and have a powerful associate and he was wonderful on the eyes as well in either form. In all truth the "transformation" wasn't into some monstrosity but just a more cut wilder-looking man. They were in their own right perfect for each other and the primal attractions of their hidden sides would not be denied by them for long not that they ever denied each other anything either.

Here kitty kitty

Hyde said with a smirk walking into the house.

I grow weary of you leaving as one and returning as the other...

Isabella sighed looking up from her research in their lab.

Oh but I brought you a chew toy my stunning little feline. He is in the study sleeping off the fight. Go let your feral side out and play but you can't break him. I might have promised that Jeckyl would return him in one piece.

Return him who? To whom?

Poetry boy I remember how much he amuses you. As for whom...Our headache in that little shadow MI crew.

I see I get prey till you get the mysterious file? That's my devious monster

She purred walking up to Hyde and grabbing his neck as they locked into what would have been a painfully brutal kiss to anyone else. Nipping at his lips she winked.

I will go play you finish up the blood research. Garson took blood when I was enraged and then in human and feline form calm.

With that she bounded up the stairs and out into the study with a smile. Once she got to the sitting room she saw Garson checking on the boy pointing to a surprise guest.
Why Alexander what a pleasant surprise?

My presence here with you and your partner is never a surprise my dear.
Alexander responded kissing her hand.

How in the world did she get so lucky with Alexander and Robert? The thought brought a purr to her lips and Alexander drawing her into a tight but gentle grip around her waist pressed firm against him.
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In a bit of a reverse Harem/trio mood

1. Isabella VanHellsing/Jeckyll and Hyde/Alexander Grayson
((Mingling of movies and TV Isabella I'd Gabriel's daughter Jeckyll and Hyde from 2015 TV show grandson of the original old NBC dracula))

2. Writer/two old classmates reunited (( She knew the two guys were lovers back in High-school but she was always somewhat of an outsider not knowing they both wanted her class reunion reveals alm sorts of things between the three of them))

3. Woman inherits a mansion hidden deep in the woods only to find a supernatural harem of men. ((Thinking two shifters one wold one feline, a vampire, and an angel demon hybrid very human in appearance but can reveal wings etc))
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