Originally posted by MADDOG:
Hey Lasher, not sure I get your point? My question (Not statement) was whether or not anyone felt that it was possible for someone completely straight to sleep with someone of the same sex for someone elses enjoyment and not be considered bi.
To "completely" ansewer your question Maddog, hon, no. I don't think a "straight" person could do anything sexual with another person of the same sex. They would in fact be gay or bi if they engaged in same-sex activities. Also, I think it is wrong if a person is willing to have a one time "gay" encounter just to please their mate.
It seems the only reason this "fight" or what ever it is between me and that phantom is because she didn't like the way I stated my point of view. She doesn't seem to know how to separate being sarcastic, being facetious, or telling the honest to goodness truth about something. It seems many of you others here already know that I am a big smart ass who always speaks her mind!