Strange Dreams

duh, i'm not suggesting any hint of plagiarism. i think the sense of familiarity must come from the imagery/rhythm and sound all working together as neatly as they do, rendering the words secondary to the overall impact of the piece, so like a kind of déja vu effect of poetry... the impact registering moments before the slower-to-be-assimilated individual words and crafting.

this is a winner for me. srsly!
Poet Guy did not mean to imply that you had in any way implied that Poet Guy's poem here was in any way plagiarized. He was merely attempting to be, in his stiff way, "jocular"--apparently unsuccessfully.

As to the rhythm of the poem, Poet Guy himself finds it suspiciously similar to "Pop Goes the Weasel," though he swears he was not thinking of that when composing the poem.
the poem as a vent :D serves an important purpose to the wordsmith at times. sad situation for your partner to be caught in, too, V. :rose:

No one thanked Peter for giving her animating her
for animating her? for giving her animation/life?

To give life. It is a sad situation and Freud would have had a field day with this dream.
the cloying hands of the dead
sprout up through the sodden earth
strong as briars knotted about my ankles
pulling me down into the shitty clumps
of history

each year the ploughs root up
more bones and artefacts
undoing the work of earthworms
whose constant churning of the soil
deepens the past

the bitter ghosts whip my face
bite my ears and force open my winter coat
they refuse to let me pass unhindered
insisting on a confrontation
a dare to imagine

my feet sink as I rock forward
upping my heel and tugging it free
expecting to unearth some bony grin
the tear of the foliage might even be
a rip of muscle
the cloying hands of the dead
sprout up through the sodden earth...
Jayzus, Mary, and Joseph! What the hell time is it in Berlin, man? Don't you ever sleep?

Good to see you again, though. Especially contrary as ever.
the cloying hands of the dead
sprout up through the sodden earth
strong as briars knotted about my ankles
pulling me down into the shitty clumps
of history

each year the ploughs root up
more bones and artefacts
undoing the work of earthworms
whose constant churning of the soil
deepens the past

the bitter ghosts whip my face
bite my ears and force open my winter coat
they refuse to let me pass unhindered
insisting on a confrontation
a dare to imagine

my feet sink as I rock forward
upping my heel and tugging it free
expecting to unearth some bony grin
the tear of the foliage might even be
a rip of muscle
did you dream this?
good seeing you back

always good seeing you TZ
did you dream this?
good seeing you back

always good seeing you TZ

Yes. I took a trip round the WWI graves in France this summer with my brother, looking for the graves of dead relatives. Spooky place when you're in a senstive state. Long family story.
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