Strange Sex Laws

Re: Re: Re: Strange Sex Laws

MathGirl said:
I'm reading a novel by an Englishman. It's set in East Anglia. What the hell are the "hundreds?"
Dictionary definition offers '(former) subdivision of an English county or shire, having its own court'.

Dear MG

Chiltern Hundreds is a ficticious 'seat' held in the British Houses of Parliament.

When an elected member of parliament seriously transgresses the rules of parliament, eg. lying, fraud, bankruptcy or buggery, then he takes up the seat of the Chilern Hundreds - thereby resigning.

Today's Strange Sex Laws

In Krakow, Poland it's not only a crime to have sex with animals, but three-time offenders are shot in the head.

Six thousand years ago, Egyptians, the first to punish sex crimes with castration, would completely castrate a male convicted of rape. A women found guilty of adultery would find herself without a nose, the thinking being that without a nose, it would be harder to find someone to share in her adulterous ways.

While not as extreme as the ancient Israelite punishment for adultery (stoning), Greek men still had their fair share of discomfort when their pubic hair was removed and a large radish was shoved up their rectum.

There are men in Guam whose full-time job it is to travel the countryside and deflower young virgins, who pay them for the privilege of having sex for the first time. Why? Under the law in Guam, it is forbidden for virgins to marry.

In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband, but may only do so with her bare hands. The husband's lover may be killed in any manner desired.

An 18th century French prostitute could be spared punishment if she were willing to join the opera.

In Mississippi, S & M is against the law. Specifically, "The depiction or description of flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is nude or in undergarments or in a bizarre or revealing costume for the purpose of sexual gratification."

During the Middle Ages, if you were guilty of bestiality you'd be burned at the stake, along with the other party to your crime.

Gives a whole new meaning to ‘Hog Roast’

Wills said:
"Female breasts," according to the Arizona Supreme Court, don't constitute "private parts" under state law.

Does that put them in the realm of "pubic property?"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Okay, it's a bad joke, but everyone of you was thinking it too.
Wills said:
... An 18th century French prostitute could be spared punishment if she were willing to join the opera...

No doubt this quaint French custom played some part in Italy's emergence as the world's leading source of operatic talent. :rolleyes:
Wills said:
During the Middle Ages, if you were guilty of bestiality you'd be burned at the stake, along with the other party to your crime.

Oh, sure! Punish the poor animal TWICE, will ya!:mad:
Svenskaflicka said:
Oh, sure! Punish the poor animal TWICE, will ya!:mad:

In one noted case the Donkey was spared when the local priest and two family members swore she was of good character and never would have participated willingly.

Believe it or don't ;)

That's outrageous! Outrageous, I tell ya!!!

What kind of society will we have if we let slutty donkeys run around and wiggle their asses and seduce poor easily-led men???:eek:
Svenskaflicka said:
That's outrageous! Outrageous, I tell ya!!!

What kind of society will we have if we let slutty donkeys run around and wiggle their asses and seduce poor easily-led men???:eek:

Well, MG hasn't chimed in about the injustice to sheep. That a donkey can get away with it and the poor sheep are persecuted will probably have her up in arms.

As Sam Kennison once remarked, men are pretty simple to understand, Just give em a place to stick it! Does give a new twist to the term piece of ass ;)

dr_mabeuse said:
I'm curious if anyone knows whether oral sex is now legal in all 50 states. As I recall, Georgia and one other state still had laws on the books against oral sex and classified it as sodomy.


This is true about Georgia. I member, not too long ago, on the news where a man was arrested and convicted (jailed) for having oral sex with his wife. Talk about an invasion of privacy. The wife was not convicted because she did not give him a blowjob in returen.
Colleen Thomas said:
... but in states whre the anti-sodomy laws cover everyone it is still held to be a reserve power of the state and the only way those laws will be removed is by the population in the states showing a general desire to see them removed.


This is not likely to happen in Georgia. In Cobb County Georgia, they go after strip joints, by attacking the fun. No alcohol, and no lap dances. What they did was force the dancers to do what customers wanted.

The dancers have to dance on the table, but in stripper shoes they are likely to fall, so they sit and kneel on the table spreading wide. The two clubs that servived the alcohol ban are doing much better for the strippers.
Alex De Kok said:
Dictionary definition offers '(former) subdivision of an English county or shire, having its own court'.


Former? Kent still considers its hundreds to be important. Nearby is the Hundred of St Cosmos and St Damien in the Blean. Few people know who St Cosmos and St Damien were but Blean = Forest.

Kent kept its own laws after the Norman Conquest. The Kentish levies met William the Conqueror after the Battle of Hastings and offered to fight him if they couldn't keep their own laws. He agreed. Kent's motto is "Invicta" = unconquered.


PS. King Harold wouldn't wait for the Kent levies to get to Hastings, nor the levies from other counties. If he had waited, he would have outnumbered William's army by about 3 to 1.
More... S.S.L's.

It is illegal for any member of the Nevada legislature to conduct official business wearing a penis costume while the legislature is in session.

As recently as 1990, these states had laws against the use of dildos: Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Washington D.C.

In Detroit, couples are not allowed to make love in an automobile unless the act takes place while the vehicle is parked on the couple's own property.

In Oxford, Ohio, it's illegal for a woman to strip off her clothing while standing in front of a man's picture.

Women can sell items and be topless in Liverpool, England—but only in tropical fish stores.

An excerpt from Kentucky state legislation: "No female shall appear in a bathing suit on any highway within this state unless she be escorted by at least two officers or unless she be armed with a club."

The only acceptable sexual position in Washington, D.C. is the missionary position. Any other sexual position is considered illegal.

In Michigan a woman isn't allowed to cut her own hair without her husband's permission.

In Ventura County, California cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit.

Under Lebanese law, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is expressly forbidden.

In Kingsville, Texas there is a law against two pigs having sex on the city's airport property.

In the quiet town of Connorsville, Wisconsin, it's illegal for a man to shoot off a gun when his female partner has an orgasm.

Re: Re: Re: Strange Sex Laws

MathGirl said:
What the hell are the "hundreds?"
A division of land, bigger than a parish but smaller than a county. The Chiltern Hundreds exist and are as described, but there are many parts of the UK divided into hundreds each of which had their own judicial court, though they have no administrative significance nowadays. Some of the courts still exist, like the Court Leet, the Tolzey Court, and related is the Stannary Court.

As you are a connoisseur of fancy words, you will already know that a 'wapentake' is a subdivision of certain northern and midland English counties, corresponding to the hundred of other counties. Also, the judicial court of such a subdivision.

MathGirl said:
According to Terry Pratchett, a hedgehog can't be buggered. Is that a law enforced over there?
Yes. The penalty is carried around by the hedgehog ready for instant use.
dr_mabeuse said:
I think I know where this comes from. The most current legal definition of 'pornography' in the USA mentions that it must violate "community standards" of decency, so whether something is pornographic or not depends on where you are.

I've always felt that "community standards" of porn should be judged by the market. Let someone open a brick-and-mortar porn shop and see whether it can stay in business.
*can't ... stop ... laughing*

A law in Fairbanks, Alaska, does not allow moose to have sex on city streets.

Enforcing this law is problematic, since no one knows who to serve with the citation.

I've actually seen this one enforced.....

Whisper :rose:
whispering_surrender said:
*can't ... stop ... laughing*
A law in Fairbanks, Alaska, does not allow moose to have sex on city streets.
Enforcing this law is problematic, since no one knows who to serve with the citation.
I've actually seen this one enforced.....
Whisper :rose:

Okay! When you stop laughing, will you whisper it in our ears :confused:

snooper said:
A division of land, bigger than a parish but smaller than a county. Yes. The penalty is carried around by the hedgehog ready for instant use.
Dear Snoops,
Thank you for the information. I'm still not sure what the "hundreds" in East Anglia are, though. Probably don't need to know.

Is the hedgehog the same as the American porcupine?
whispering_surrender said:
A law in Fairbanks, Alaska, does not allow moose to have sex on city streets.

How does a law "not allow" something? That means there must be a list of creatures than may have sex on city streets from which moose are excluded, doesn't it?


dr_mabeuse said:
I'm curious if anyone knows whether oral sex is now legal in all 50 states. As I recall, Georgia and one other state still had laws on the books against oral sex and classified it as sodomy.
My understanding is that the June SC decision on Lawrence and Garner v. Texas reversed the 1986 Bowers v. Hardwick decision on the grounds of privacy. So, if sodomy is protected, it follows that oral sex (a much less "offensive" practice) would also be protected on the same grounds -- any such consentual sex (in the privacy of one's own home) is now presumably legal. The various state laws have not been tested but the SC decision makes them (presumably) unconstitutional and unenforceable. We will know for sure if/when some idiot prosecutor decides to enforce one of them.
Wills said:
More... S.S.L's.

Under Lebanese law, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is expressly forbidden.

Well, of course! Wouldn't want to be queer, now, would we?:D
Re: Re: Strange Sex Laws

Kent's motto is "Invicta" = unconquered.

Good god. I was born and raised in Kent but I never knew this. Makes sense though - we had Invicta FM and Invicta buses . . . oh how I miss my homeland, still got the accent though.
Re: Hundreds

Is the hedgehog the same as the American porcupine?

Not at all. Porcupines have needles (spines, what you will) which protrude and so stop people even being able to touch them but hedgehogs are much smaller - more fragile (the most run over animal on our roads I believe) and the needles create almost a shell - you can pick hedgehogs up when they are in a ball and roll them round, if thats your sport.