Stuff (formerly known as 'any hot for their sisters?')

WickedEve said:
Shame on you. You have forced us all to write sister, possibly cousin, poetry. :p
Actually, I have a darn funny incest poem that my Master wrote. (There's not many opportunities to say that in everyday life.) I'll see if I can find it.

but you know.....if i was ever going to hear someone say it...
I knew it would be you
Boy, I go out for a while and all hell breaks loose. And is Tath's new nick Kitten Ass? Lauren, Eve I somehow doubt what's-his-face will be back, Carrie, awesome poem.

And Liar? Your post made me do a coffee spew. I hope you're happy.

A Seuss for Kitten Ass (ooops and PoeTess)

All the rest of that day
in that wild screaming bedroom
neither sister cared to be bridegroom
Fight again, yell Who borrowed my blouse?
Kiss you, you cretin? I'd sooner kiss grouse!
You be the masochist! No you! No you!
I'm telling mom and what's more I'll do
what I promised I'd never. Kiss you, you scamp?
I'm gonna tell her that *you* broke the lamp!
Give me your allowance, for one week--no two
or I'll sit on you--no, not that way. I'll just hold
you down till you're blue, then argue till neither
mother nor father will know what is true
about who took whose clothes
or which one hit who.

...well, that's how it went at *my* house.
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Angeline said:
Boy, I go out for a while and all hell breaks loose. And is Tath's new nick Kitten Ass? Lauren, Eve I somehow doubt what's-his-face will be back, Carrie, awesome poem.

And Liar? Your post made me do a coffee spew. I hope you're happy.

A Seuss for Kitten Ass

All the rest of that day
in that wild screaming bedroom
neither sister cared to be bridegroom
Fight again, yell Who borrowed my blouse?
Kiss you, you cretin? I'd sooner kiss grouse!
You be the masochist! No you! No you!
I'm telling mom and what's more I'll do
what I promised I'd never. Kiss you, you scamp?
I'm gonna tell her that *you* broke the lamp!
Give me your allowance, for one week--no two
or I'll sit on you--no, not that way. I'll just hold
you down till you're blue, then argue till neither
mother nor father will know what is true
about who took whose clothes
or which one hit who.

...well, that's how it went at *my* house.

first everyone thinks I'm a chick
if you're not a chick
then lets see your dick

your dick
your prick
your penis they cried
( the zoom lens wouldn't work
though I tried and tried)

Ok I know what I can do
a picture from summer
with my fabulous do

A flowered shirt
looks like a skirt
you could be a lady thats bearded
( no one found that as wierd as I did)

I'll show the tattoos
or me drinking booze
thats a plan that cannot lose

a new names they coined
I was horrified to loin
what they dubbed the man from Mass
( how the christ did they get Kitten Ass?)
Tathagata said:
first everyone thinks I'm a chick
if you're not a chick
then lets see your dick

your dick
your prick
your penis they cried
( the zoom lens wouldn't work
though I tried and tried)

Ok I know what I can do
a picture from summer
with my fabulous do

A flowered shirt
looks like a skirt
you could be a lady thats bearded
( no one found that as wierd as I did)

I'll show the tattoos
or me drinking booze
thats a plan that cannot lose

a new names they coined
I was horrified to loin
what they dubbed the man from Mass
( how the christ did they get Kitten Ass?)

Stick around my friend. Ask OT sometime what happened to him when Eve first saw his little wooden guy AV. We adore him, you know, but it wasn't pretty, lol.

And hey...abuse around here means we love you. Or something. Anyway, you're from a tough neighborhood. You can handle it.

:D :heart:
Angeline said:
Stick around my friend. Ask OT sometime what happened to him when Eve first saw his little wooden guy AV. We adore him, you know, but it wasn't pretty, lol.

And hey...abuse around here means we love you. Or something. Anyway, you're from a tough neighborhood. You can handle it.

:D :heart:

oh I'm all for abuse babe
; )
Just because I can't help myself... spontaneous ideas and prose just takes over sometime!! One pro and con, just for grins.

Green Eyes and Sis

You ask me "Am I hot for sis?
Do I want some incest bliss?
Do I think she's really cute?
Lust about her birthday suit?

Oh yes, my sister makes me drool
When she's swimming in our pool
I want to kiss her and to lick
I want to screw her with my prick

But would you screw her o'er a chair?
Would you spank her derrierre?
Would you use the ties to bind?
Would you seduce her with your mind?

Yes, I would screw her o'er a chaise
Yes, I would spank her wearing lace
Yes, I'd tie her nice and tight
And I'd convince her it was right

I'd even suck my sister's quim
No matter what room that we're in
I'd lick and suck and tease her clitty
And then I'd fuck that prettty kitty

And her breasts I truly crave
(Even if they're double A)
I'd tease and stroke and gently rub
Each swollen mound and hardened nub

So yes I think I'm hot for sis
I want some nasty incest bliss
I want my sister, yes I do
I want my sis, so how bout you?


You ask me "Am I hot for sis?
Do I want some incest bliss?
Do I think she's really cute?
Lust about her birthday suit?

Oh yuck, I think that's truly sick
To think of my sis with my dick
Even if I think she's cute
Lusty thoughts I will refute!

But what if you would see her nude?
Would you think that really rude?
Would you gasp and close your eyes?
Or gaze upon that naked prize?

I'd never want to see her nude
That would really be too lewd
I'd turn my head, avert my sight
Cause oogling her would not be right

Not even if she lay in bed
And told me that she'd give me head
Cause she's my sister, not my whore
(I'd rather fuck the girl next door)

So no I am not hot for sis
I do not want some incest bliss
I think the thought's just truly sick
Find someplace else to dip my wick
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that nun I kissed
back in high school, she
mewled and puled and said
Holy Shit I'm in
for it now, I hope
you'll never tell anyone I
liked it
champagne1982 said:
There once was a bowl of alphabet soup
That hung out and posted in a poetry group
Their words were at once both meaningful and punny
They even were quipish and sometimes, quite funny.

The creatures that were close to the alphabet soup
Lived far from crass realities of the durty storeez group
Their weather was always warmish and sunny
A haven from sub-poems and thoughts about money.

A citizen of the darker side the forum,
Made a visit to the high-minded quorum,
And said, "Now look here!"
His mouth tied in a sneer,
"Literary codswollop.
"I'll be rude to you and call you a trollop.
"If I so wish,
"I'll even jump in this dish.
"This hot, yummy scoop,
"of alphabet soup."

The poets leapt high.
They jumped through the hoop
Held high aloft
By the alphabet soup
And said, "Hey now! That's not what we're about.
"Your message is garbled. Please, sir, Don't shout.

"We understand that you think we're as naughty
"As you, nasty boy, who thinks Sis is a hotty.
"We've got news for you, you silly brother,
"We're all even worse, 'cos we wanna fuck mother!"

Thus, did this battle of wits rage for days.
The poets were trapped in an incestuous haze.
And the bowl of alphabet soup, you inquire?
Well, the letters were all trampled, into the mire.

Alas! What was left to nourish the muse?
When her worshippers sought to demean and confuse
They'd forgot what it was that bound them tight
They were mistaken about what it was they should fight.

It's not your ideals and dogma we battle
Not even trite comment and idle prattle.
Our enemy has always been right over here
Our enemy is ignorance and yes, we should fear
The grip that it holds around our throats
Squishing our voice, turning men into goats.

Bleating our cries into the dark night,
Tear off the blinders and see the bright light
Of knowledge as it waits over there in the dish
Of alphabet soup. There's more, if you wish.

carrie, if I had spewed anything, it would have come out of my ears!! that is so funny, witty, intelligent, hell, its just friggin funny!! you go girl ;)
Maria2394 said:
carrie, if I had spewed anything, it would have come out of my ears!! that is so funny, witty, intelligent, hell, its just friggin funny!! you go girl ;)
Oh no no no! Not another puke thread! Oh Tess?

champagne1982 said:
Oh no no no! Not another puke thread! Oh Tess?


Moi? I'm The Spew Mistress?

Oooohhhh puke pome. :D


blowing pretty chunks with a technicolour yawn.
Back-up chip special and colouring the dawn
Recycled brown bag involuntary spill.
Organ recital, personally feeling ill
Do the Jersey yodel or the liquid laugh.
Heave, hawk, spew, honk, sprout or barf.
kiss the can or yawn for the hearing impaired
Get a refund on your lunch or a waste good beer
call the moose and spew snacks then make a visible burp
taste lunch twice , drive the porcelain bus with wyatt erp
make an offer to The Porcelain God or psychadelic spit
whistling beef projectile style or pop a gastric zit
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