Sub Sharing, Sub Swapping, and Sub Trading.

Has anybody heard of so-called permanent sharing? It's something I came across through Tammad Ramilia's Submissive BDSM Play Partner Checklist. Personally, I can't wrap my head around this idea. I require a personal connection with someone in order to love them and have a relationship with them, and I can't imagine my partner wanting to give up that relationship - for me it would be the equivalent of being dumped but then set up with a new date by my ex.
Etoile said:
Has anybody heard of so-called permanent sharing? It's something I came across through Tammad Ramilia's Submissive BDSM Play Partner Checklist. Personally, I can't wrap my head around this idea. I require a personal connection with someone in order to love them and have a relationship with them, and I can't imagine my partner wanting to give up that relationship - for me it would be the equivalent of being dumped but then set up with a new date by my ex.

Had a quick look and though I have seen the same checklist in several places in the last few years, couldn't find the permanent sharing you referred to. All I can think of which resembles such a term would be giving away on a temporary or permanent basis. From my experience, the permanent giving away in particular, usually is a part of some Master/slave relationships and can be giving away the slave forever to another of the D's choice (or selling), which as the slave is seen as property is seen as acceptable. Is always wise to discuss this before committing as I have met a few Masters who either have done this, or are supportive of it for their slaves. I guess some may see it as similar to arranged marriages, perhaps with a twist, but for me it is not where I want to go in reality, only fantasy.

Right, that's the section I meant - "given away" permanently. I just don't think it could ever happen for me. I guess this makes me a submissive and not a slave, maybe. I'm going to ask for ownedsubgal's input on this, as I believe she considers herself property more than I do.
Etoile said:
Right, that's the section I meant - "given away" permanently. I just don't think it could ever happen for me. I guess this makes me a submissive and not a slave, maybe. I'm going to ask for ownedsubgal's input on this, as I believe she considers herself property more than I do.

I also consider myself property and a slave and though I would see it my position to accept this decision if Master decided it was for us, I would not like it or find it easy. Is why I discussed it with him before committing and we both agreed this was a limit we shared and would not be challenging.

i have never heard of the term "permanent sharing", but i'm guessing they don't really mean sharing, but the giving away or selling of a slave. such things do indeed happen in this lifestyle.

of course, i am a slave, i am property, so Daddy has the right to give me away or sell me at any time, with or without explanation. i do know with certainty that he would never sell me....just knowing him as i do tells me this. but would he ever give me away, to be another's slave and no longer his? He might, if he felt we were having problems too overwhelming to overcome and he felt i would be better off with another. He knows what a vulnerable and dependent person i am, so if our D/s relationship were to ever end, he would place me in the care of another. but he would do that out of love.

it would be horrible for me to be given away or sold under any circumstances, simply because in my heart i know i could never FEEL that i am the property of anyone other than my Master. i would be heartbroken and i am not certain that i could survive such a situation. but i would have no choice in the matter.
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