subs: Positive reinforcement?

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Of course, every one of will misbehave on the occasion, and need correction. BUT, I don't see negative reinforcement working as a training tool on anything more than a case by case basis. It wouldn't work with me. If I am trained with negative reinforcement I am afraid of fucking up with every move. I am constantly second-guessing myself and worried that I'm going to get punished for screwing up.

OTOH, I live for positive reinforcement. I love nothing better than to hear Him tell me how proud He is of me, or what a good slut I've been, or how well I've served Him. Why wouldn't I want to do a better job? Constantly improve? Push harder and farther next time?

Ok, grant you, negative reinforcement has its place. And He does use it. As I've shared in other threads, He ignores me, while I'm in the same room. It's awful. He lectures me in that voice and ignores me. I'll do just about ANYTHING to avoid that discipline.

I'd muuuuchhhhh rather have the positive stuff.

Interesting how training works isn't it?

Great response, Anelize! It was the misbehavior I was referring to, though - that when a sub makes a mistake, they should be made aware of it. Oftentimes this means negative reinforcement...I don't see that "honey, please don't do x" would be as effective as "you did x, that is why you are going to receive punishment y." (Then again, sometimes I like being that could be clouding my perception!)
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I've always just gone with "Well done"

Not every sub is built the same. For some positive reinforcement works wonderfully. For others punishments are need. I prefer the former, it's easier. I'd rather save my time for more pleasurable pursuits.