Subspace: The Physical Effects

I appeal to an author from the golden age of science fiction -- E. E. "Doc" Smith. :p

Actually, I will concede lots of things, include Star Trek usage of sub-space for messaging. Any and all conbinations of real, virutal, and non-space seem to have surfaced in the literature.

However, IF I ever bring you a beer, it will be as a host for his guest. :cool:
Johnny Mayberry said:
Sounds like possible hyperventilating?

I've done this once to myself in scene too. It must have been about my breathing because my hands and lips started going numb, and I was having trouble even opening my hands and controlling my fingers. It truly freaked me out - I thought I might be having a stroke or something but I got up and was able to walk fine. The next day I talked to a friend and she said she experienced a very similiar sensation once a long time ago when she experimented with coke and sex. There were no drugs involved in my case, except for heady D/s and nerves, but she thought it had to with hyperventilating. It wasn't pleasant! lol
lark sparrow said:
I've done this once to myself in scene too. It must have been about my breathing because my hands and lips started going numb, and I was having trouble even opening my hands and controlling my fingers. It truly freaked me out - I thought I might be having a stroke or something but I got up and was able to walk fine. The next day I talked to a friend and she said she experienced a very similiar sensation once a long time ago when she experimented with coke and sex. There were no drugs involved in my case, except for heady D/s and nerves, but she thought it had to with hyperventilating. It wasn't pleasant! lol

*putting on her Nurse hat*

Those symptoms that you describe, Lark Sparrow, are the exact symptoms of hyperventilation. Numbness and tingling in the hands, lips, often the feet and toes as well. People will often have chest pain as well, and feel as though they are having a heart attack, if the hyperventilation continues.

It can be remedied by re-breathing (breathing into a paper bag or one's cupped hands) and talking the person down into breathing more slowly and evenly. You're right, it can be unpleasant as hell, especially the chest pain part...that usually just makes people breathe even faster, and it ends up in a viscious cycle...

*off with the Nurse hat*

Public service announcement for the day over :), Have Fun!

I didn't experience the chest pains, thank goodness - the numbness was weird enough. I'd never hyperventilated before, so was clueless - it's great to have trained professionals about. Thank you, anelize! :)
MissTaken said:
Subspace is more akin with an altered conciousness.

However, it doesnt' take extreme pain to go into subspace. In fact a tone of voice does it for me. But, in a situation where a sadistic sub is being exposed to excessive pain, I could see a risk of hyperventilating amidst tears and screaming.

Is that where you were going with that?

If the "stoned" / "high" of subspace has any physical cause surely it is the release of Endorphines caused by pain. for those who do not know these are Morphine like chemicals manufactured within the brain in response to pain. The breathing problems etc., Lark Sparrow and others report, all arise when someone abuses Opiates

Might I suggest that the reason why this can occur without Pain for MissT is because there is also a psychological aspect - something happens that triggers a memory of something that in the past has caused an endorphin release, and this happens again.

My SO and I are into "fisting" - sometimes she only has to look at my hand, or if I am not there conjure up a mental image of my hand and she will go into both subspace and orgasm. Now I guess she will not be able to look at chains without the same thing happening. :rolleyes:

Then again as I have never personally experienced the sensation maybe I have it all wrong. What does a DOM know about Subspace :confused:

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
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There are two slightly different versions I believe, at least for me. One is largely physical/chemical. which you have outlined through pain, and one is largely psychological/headspace which can be brought on without touch all together, through voice and command alone (mine is more focused on the Dominant themselves and not toys) - though of course there is a mix of both in each (chemical/headspace). There wasn't heavy pain involved when I hyperventilated. I was simply breathing too quickly/shallowly and not in the most ideal mindset as far as relaxation goes.
lark sparrow said:
There are two slightly different versions I believe, at least for me. One is largely physical/chemical. which you have outlined through pain, and one is largely psychological/headspace which can be brought on without touch all together, through voice and command alone (mine is more focused on the Dominant themselves and not toys) - though of course there is a mix of both in each (chemical/headspace). There wasn't heavy pain involved when I hyperventilated. I was simply breathing too quickly/shallowly and not in the most ideal mindset as far as relaxation goes.

After reading jon.hayworth's post, and then yours, LS, i have to put in my two cents as well. Yes, there is a component of subspace that is endorphin-rush related, that comes after the scene (for want of a better all around word) has commenced, and is sensation-related. I am going to use the word sensation here, because for me, it doesn't necessarily have to be "pain." Intense sensation, be it a mind-fuck, or whatever, can also trigger an endorphin rush, just the same as pain would. That component of subspace, for me, lasts well after the scene has ended, and into aftercare....i'm wobbly, and spacey, and generally not good for much of anything for quite some time.

The psychological component is harder to put my finger on. It's a connection with Him, and a connection with myself and my submission. It feels like falling, like dropping out of gear. Everything just stops and i'm instantly compliant and attentive and open...and powerless. It's scary and exhilerating and overpowering and...right. I just don't want to be anywhere else at that particular time but exactly right there.

MissTaken said:
Do you moan?

Can you think coherently? If so, what are your thoughts when there?

I don't really moan much... except when it really hurts. And once I'm in that space, it has to really hurt to hurt. (Kknow what I mean? ;) ) But for the most part I'm just quiet... like I'm caught up in my own head with a vague awareness of what he's doing and the energy flow between us.

I think I think coherently. Lol, I probably don't, but I think I do.
Here is some stuff from a thread about Edge Play and Endorphins

The poster is wilfulbrat and I was talking about my reaction to a serious MVA. The description still stands up Ok from my perspective.
visit the thread here

It deals with this in some places and has some good stuff by RS about endorphins, subspace etceteras.

"Re: Endorphins

Originally posted by pierced_boy
The feeling was euphoria, floating sensations, confusion, warmth and safety, tremors & mild shaking of hands, no fear, bliss ,painlessness (does that make sense), lightness of being (nothing mattered, everything was alright even though it was not). I could easily have fallen asleep at that time. Just curled up on the road and gone. It wasn't an imperitive but it was attractive.


That's the best description of subspace I've ever read, Harry"

I've been to subspace once, and that was quite a while ago, but, from what I can remember, it was VERY, VERY intense.

I remember "floating" outside of my body and just kinda looking down upon myself, and as he was flogging my body, as I was trussed up like a turkey. *Good Times*

He had bound my breasts, and unbeknown to either of us, the rope he'd used to do the binding had cut into my skin, leaving a raw, open sore just under one of my breasts. I must have been deep into subspace. I can't remember what exactly I was feeling but hearing him tell me what I looked like musta been pure heaven to him. I felt safe, and serene but wasn't aware of my immediate physical surroundings. When he'd noticed the sore under my breast, he quit, cold turkey and I more or less crashed. I remember crying almost uncontrollably and going into a hyperventilation reaction. I was scared, like I was falling out of the sky.

I'm not sure if this was the information you wanted, but here's the story. :)