subtle flashing

That makes sense. Sounds like you two have some fun times :)
I like the guy to think he has seen me and I don't know he saw. Hubby likes for the panties to come off and me show all, it really turns him on to say the least.
I like the guy to think he has seen me and I don't know he saw. Hubby likes for the panties to come off and me show all, it really turns him on to say the least.

Where was the last time you and your hubby showed off?
I was shopping at the famous W-W the other day with no plans to be flashing, but I bent over to look at some frozen foods and just happen to notice a gentleman shopping with his wife looking my way, the I realized he was looking down my tank top while I was bent over. So of course being a good girl , I looked a little longer. I'm sure he enjoyed looking at my breast even if I had a bra on. So remember guys pay attentions.

I was shopping at the famous W-W the other day with no plans to be flashing, but I bent over to look at some frozen foods and just happen to notice a gentleman shopping with his wife looking my way, the I realized he was looking down my tank top while I was bent over. So of course being a good girl , I looked a little longer. I'm sure he enjoyed looking at my breast even if I had a bra on. So remember guys pay attentions.

All I ever get to see at W-W are very large women in very tight spandex................ I bet the chilly air from coolers had your nipples drawn up tight?
If I see a nice looking woman bend over I will look myself

If I see a nice looking woman bend over I will look myself

There is just something very erotic about getting to gaze upon something sexy that "you aren't supposed to". Those times have often become fodder for masturbation fantasies......
I would be willing to.........

Honesty is so erotic..... Need a hand? :)

Caress, kiss, lick and suck those erect nipples. I might even bite them playfully if you whimper just right. I'd slide my right hand down between your silky thighs and cup your steamy sex, allowing my middle finger to slip slowly between your moist meaty lips.

I'd even spread those lips gently with the first and third fingers on my right hand, pulling back your dainty hood so that I could strum your swollen nubbin' like a guitar string with my middle finger.

But only if you wanted me too.

Just being neighbor like........ ;)
I do "subtle flashing" quite frequently. But it's never overt, and the guys never know I'm doing it on purpose. There are lots of ways you can do it, and it's not just the naughty parts that you can show to get a reaction. Basically, any part of the body works, even parts that are already exposed. Like I'll be wearing shorts, and nonchalantly reach down to scratch or rub my thigh. If there's a man nearby, I can almost guarantee that will attract his attention.

Another little trick I've done a few times goes like this ... in the car before I go into a coffee shop or whatever, I'll slide one bra cup up a bit, so that it exposes the bottom fourth or so of my breast, below the nipple. Then I go in and sit down. At some point, I "realize" that my bra isn't situated right, and I'll lift up my shirt just enough to pull it down. Whoever was looking got to see part of my breast. I do this while I'm reading, so that it appears perfectly innocent.

After I do this, the men who saw me will keep glancing my way until I leave ... thinking they might see more, I guess.

The trick is to make them think they're seeing something they weren't supposed to see. It's the "forbidden" aspect that gets their attention.

I love doing this sort of thing. Some childish craving for attention, no doubt .. :eek:
I do "subtle flashing" quite frequently. But it's never overt, and the guys never know I'm doing it on purpose. There are lots of ways you can do it, and it's not just the naughty parts that you can show to get a reaction. Basically, any part of the body works, even parts that are already exposed. Like I'll be wearing shorts, and nonchalantly reach down to scratch or rub my thigh. If there's a man nearby, I can almost guarantee that will attract his attention.

Another little trick I've done a few times goes like this ... in the car before I go into a coffee shop or whatever, I'll slide one bra cup up a bit, so that it exposes the bottom fourth or so of my breast, below the nipple. Then I go in and sit down. At some point, I "realize" that my bra isn't situated right, and I'll lift up my shirt just enough to pull it down. Whoever was looking got to see part of my breast. I do this while I'm reading, so that it appears perfectly innocent.

After I do this, the men who saw me will keep glancing my way until I leave ... thinking they might see more, I guess.

The trick is to make them think they're seeing something they weren't supposed to see. It's the "forbidden" aspect that gets their attention.

I love doing this sort of thing. Some childish craving for attention, no doubt .. :eek:

I agree completely, it's not always how much you show, it's even better if your with someone is there with you
I think it's interesting that Holley and Dreamscape have similar AVs, even to the level of exposure. What can I say, I like both.
I agree completely, it's not always how much you show

Exactly. A full-on flash of boobs or crotch just isn't my style to begin with, and besides it doesn't take much to attract male attention.

Here's another one I like ... I'll wear a nice sundress with buttons all the way down the front. I'll unbutton the bottom two or three before I go inside. I'll get my coffee and pick a seat where a couple of men can see me.

I'll cross my legs and sort of wiggle my knee just enough until the unbuttoned bottom of the dress falls off my leg, suddenly exposing plenty of thigh. I guarantee that gets lots of attention.

I've experimented with unbuttoning more buttons and flashing panties, but being a bit more subtle seems to work best. If you're too blatant, I think men will catch on that you're doing it on purpose.
I like Holley's statement, "So remember guys pay attention."

While not too subtle, my swing bud used to enjoy being nude at motel windows [2nd floor and higher] (half sitting on the window sill etc.) and over the course of about 3 years of doing this, was NEVER seen. On more than one occasion, there were folks directly below our room getting into or out of their cars and no one ever looked up.

One time, I got dressed and went outside to make sure she was visible, and sure enough she was.
I do "subtle flashing" quite frequently. But it's never overt, and the guys never know I'm doing it on purpose. There are lots of ways you can do it, and it's not just the naughty parts that you can show to get a reaction. Basically, any part of the body works, even parts that are already exposed. Like I'll be wearing shorts, and nonchalantly reach down to scratch or rub my thigh. If there's a man nearby, I can almost guarantee that will attract his do this while I'm reading, so that it appears perfectly innocent.

After I do this, the men who saw me will keep glancing my way until I leave ... attention.

Another little trick I've done a few times goes like this ... in the car before I go into a coffee shop or whatever, I'll slide one bra cup up a bit, so that it exposes the bottom fourth or so of my breast, below the nipple. Then I go in and sit down. At some point, I "realize" that my bra isn't situated right, and I'll lift up my shirt just enough to pull it down. Whoever was looking got to see part of my breast. I thinking they might see more, I guess.

The trick is to make them think they're seeing something they weren't supposed to see. It's the "forbidden" aspect that gets their attention.

I love doing this sort of thing. Some childish craving for attention, no doubt .. :eek:

All this time I thought I was attentive to details only to find we simple males are being toyed with....ohh well I don't actually mind. :D
Went to a "sexy lingerie Christmas party" last night. I had black stockind, heels, garter, panties and bra under my trench coat. When we got in the car to come home I took off my bra and panties, fool around a bit in the car. Going through the drivet through at McDonald's, I opened up my coat, fingering as we went through. The look on that young mans face was priceless!

A good way to dress is in scrubs, with a shirt under the top, unsexy to the max, but bent over the least amount, it drops wide open
All this time I thought I was attentive to details only to find we simple males are being toyed with....ohh well I don't actually mind. :D

I wouldn't say "toyed with", exactly. That implies we're taking advantage of you, somehow, or that we're offering something we don't intend to deliver. And for me, anyway, that's not how it is.

I prefer to think of it as a fun little game that we both enjoy. It is true that you're playing the game probably without even realizing it's a game, but that's beside the point. You like to look, I like being looked at. No harm in that, is there?

tbck1000 said:
I could read your posts all day.

LOL ... I don't know what that says about your life, but thanks for compliment :kiss:
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I wouldn't say "toyed with", exactly. That implies we're taking advantage of you, somehow, or that we're offering something we don't intend to deliver. And for me, anyway, that's not how it is.

I prefer to think of it as a fun little game that we both enjoy. It is true that you're playing the game probably without even realizing it's a game, but that's beside the point. You like to look, I like being looked at. No harm in that, is there?


It's wonderful game.....I had a nice look today while Christmas shopping. A well dressed woman wearing skirt and heels dropped something in the aisle I was in.... my head turned to see a fabulous cleavage both in her reaching down and coming back up. I smiled and told her you break it you bought it! Her great legs and shapely figure made the crowded store not so bad. Now I hope it was intentional.

It's not all that easy for us guys. Sorry to say. You lucky ladies can get away with sssooo much more than us guys. As you can probably guess by my user name, what I enjoy doing. As some who have already posted here. There is just something about having someone see some thing that should not be seen out in public. On the other side of that coin, there is we few people who get a rush?, get a good feeling? get a I don't know what to call it. All I know is for whatever it is if I can get a good "accidental" public makes me "feel good", thats not the right word either. But we that do this knows what it is. I have a couple of pix that Iwill get on here. they are what I think that "they" see when I'm walking down the street, or sitting on the bus across from some female. The only way I know that they seen, was by the looks, and/or their reactions. There has been those few times that I have been "caught" and been told that my shorts have been showing a little. I'm always "very" apologetic and pull my shorts down to cover everything.
A good way to dress is in scrubs, with a shirt under the top, unsexy to the max, but bent over the least amount, it drops wide open

That is the best…nothing better then girl in scrubs;)