-he keeps petting and looks back down into her eyes, his still blue and calming
(-got pulled away to eat- No! Eating is for quitters! T-T And hungry people!)
I shudder and wince, a small muffled groan as I press my face into the pillow... Swallowing the pain pill with a sigh... Shifting hand a bit, gripping torn collar still, her collar...
"Thank you... Chachamaru... Can you repair this...? I still wish to keep it... Torn or not."
*a glance to Master Ryan, who nods back to her. She turns and faces Miss Tala* Hai. *She takes the offered collar when Tala does give it and goes to work on mending it*
-winces as she groans in pain- Am I doing it too roughly?
I try. -pets her head and ears softly- ...if not a bit smelly, according to my other RL friends... -said half jokingly, giving her a smile and hoping she'll be able to laugh again soon-
"That doesn't help for you either... And it's so hard being around people that smoke now, gives me a nasty headache... So it's very safe to say I have completely stopped."