
anniebug's man said:
What's with the navel gazing? It amazes me. With the exception of Senna's review of anna's pink gown poem this entire thread is just an exercise in the most indescribable babble. Do we really all need to be stroked all the time?

I have never thought Senna rude, just whitty, harsh, and yes arrogant at times and of course most generally right on point.

Let's cut the crap and get down to business.

LOLOLOL!!! its indescribable babble, that YOU just contributed to!!! I think thats an absolute hoot!!

this exact thing is whats wrong with LIt. People jump in to criticize others for being pulled in to one thing or another and then do the same damned thing. Its funny after a while. Be nice, peeps,

or peep less:p
TheRainMan said:

Not because I cast judgement on what you or Senna or anyone else did or didn't do -- but because you want it ended.

So do I.

I am here for poetry.

And I am sick of this shit.

I think it is evident for all to see, I was bang out of line. The most Senna deserved from me was a curt reply and no more.

I can see how my initial question was badly worded and could easily be misunderstood as aggressive.
bogusbrig said:
I think it is evident for all to see, I was bang out of line. The most Senna deserved from me was a curt reply and no more.

I can see how my initial question was badly worded and could easily be misunderstood as aggressive.
You're a big man, BB. But don't tell that to Mojo Cat.
Senna Jawa said:

OK, best regards to all of you, my cultural, polite, diplomatic, socially skilled, decorum knowing people, who diagnosed me as a rude sociopath, jerk and asshole and many similar things, and who decided so many times that I should "fuck off",

your impolite, unskillful socially, undiplomatic, a rude, the rudest sociopath

Senna Jawa​

PS. But at least, in a contrast to you, I know what poetry is :)
funny, I had you diagnosed as a guy with a limited tolerance of bullshit.
"fuck off"
"fuck on" ~ I saw that in a movie, I think

Wake Up people, everyone Senna Jawa attacked, lived. Unlike the truth that is murdered here everyday for the sake of EGO.

I saw this pathetic behaviour from the accolade crowd directed against YDD. Against TaraBlackwood22. Get real, you become better writers, if you pay attention. Keeps you on your toes.

Senna, I thank you your comments are of more interest than half of the so-called poetry around here.