Behave??? No Way!!!

Oh, no no no no no!! We most definately do NOT want him to behave. We could go to church if we wanted a man to behave. I, for one, would very much like him to be BAAAAAAAD ;)
Kitten, don't hog him all to yourself on The Trip :) get that new thread going, pretty please?

With you beautifully delicious women writing these notes, I am somehow supposed to behave???? I'm not a statue!! LOL Besides, I do think I'm a LOT more fun when I don't behave. So did you enjoy the start of 'The Trip' Kitty?? :) I do wonder what will happen there.. or with a certain 'Tami' :). Hehehe.. What do you think Merelan??

I think the daughter might have to have a friend over for the night....
Sounds Interesting...

Merelan... I like the way you think. :) Do you think you might know a volunteer for Jennifer's best friend?? What do you think would happen?? Or better.. what do you hope will happen??

I bet I know someone who could help them discover their sexuality. Someone kind, handsome, yet man enough to take on two young sweethearts.
You may be correct

I do know a certain tall, kind, gentle, yet somewhat demanding man that would enjoy teaching those two women. I wonder if they would be as innocent as they want him to believe? Perhaps they will have a few surprises for the very experienced man. I am intrigued by your thought patterns Merelan. Sounds like it will be a very interesting tale indeed.


p.s. Merelan, why no picture for your profile??
He would have to discover just how innoccent they really are. We will just have to wait and see, won't we?
No picture yet. To be truthful, this was the very first place I ever posted, and was way to shy. It took a couple months and a lost bet to post anything under my profile. So, unless I lose another bet, or get braver, you will have to keep wondering.
A Bet??

Wonder what kind of bet we could make for that??

I am looking forward to this thread if it works out.. I am also very interested in Kitten's western theme.. I am sure I will end up being a drifter-type.. perhaps even a 'Gentleman Rogue'. :) What do you think Kitten?? Got room in your story for me? Well Merelan, I will keep an open mind for a 'bet'. :)

Yikes... what did I start? Better watch out Darling Dartagnan, Kitty Eyes has a wicked imagination.
I Hope So

Oh I hope so Merelan... I certainly think Kitten has a wonderful imagination. I am beginning to think all three of your women will help out these stories VERY much. I would have to disagree with the shy part about you though. :)

Ok, ok, the Western thread is up, but not running. ;)

I expect a schoolmarm, Gentleman Rouge, unnamed cowgirl, and other assorted cowpokes to get their heinies down yonder pronto! Hee-yah!